I don't think people are assuming ALL teens are using drugs and having pre-marital sex, but a lot of them are. I'm sure it seems like you're hearing about "Don't do this, don't do that" a lot. My opinion is that drugs and pre-marital sex happen most during the teenage years, and people are trying to stop their children from "experimenting" because these two things (and alcohol and smoking) could end up with disasterous results. Obviously you're not going to get cancer from smoking one cigarette or lose all your brain cells from smoking pot once, but having unprotected sex ONE time could end up with you having an STD you'll carry around with you for the rest of your life (herpes, for example) or, worse yet, AIDS. With alcohol, you could *think* you're OK to drive home from a graduation party, but then you end up wrecking and killing yourself or a family on their way home from vacation. What if you lived? You'd have that resting on your conscience for the rest of your life. Or you try cocaine once and have a reaction and overdose. All these things (and more!) could have been avoided if you just said NO. Hah, now I'm sounding like a commercial. :)
Basically what it all boils down to is--one dumb mistake with drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. could ruin the rest of your life. People don't NEED any of these things (especially the drugs). It's best to wait to experiment with alcohol and sex (especially) when you're more mature and can handle the consequences of either of them. Most teenagers (and trust me--I was one once, a loooong time ago, hee hee) THINK they're adult and grown up, but they're really not--neither mentally nor physically.
It's funny--you spend your entire childhood (esp. the teen years) thinking your parents are old fuddy-duddies, what do they know, blah blah blah. Now, as a 31 year old woman with kids of my own, I look back on some of the dumb things I did as a teenager/young adult, and I think, "Why the heck didn't I just LISTEN to my mom for once???"
Trust me--all this "lecturing" (even from me, and I'm sorry!) is for your own good. You'll thank your parents, teachers, and the good people who make commercials one day--I promise! :)
Oh, and DON'T DO DRUGS!!
2007-05-14 14:31:15
answer #1
answered by brevejunkie 7
They are just trying to reach the teens that are. You just get some of it because they can't shut off the commercial when you are watching. I have 2 teenagers. I'm pretty sure they are not doing drugs, and for the most part, I think there are a lot who don't. I think the drug rate has gone down. So when you see the commercial there not directed at you.
2007-05-14 14:19:02
answer #2
answered by punch 7
Cause most teens really do do all that stuff. Though it all just depends on what environment you're in. I grew up in a suburb, where those sorta things aren't a problem. In the cities it's a large problem. In the country it's somewhat of a problem, though not typically cared about because country kids don't form gangs. They just get crunked and hang out...
2007-05-14 14:19:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ok, i think they think we do those things because of our atitude. My mom things i hang out with bad people, thats why i act like this. and she dosent want me to date or anything because she thinks all guys are pervs if there around my age. Well the people i hang out with are A students. and are really nice. and my BF is really cute, and funny and hes really smart. but i think from all the T.v shows and all the people at the mall. and how we dress. i think thats what they get there option on.
Also when they were younger. They all use to party a lot. and drink and smoke even tho they were 15 or 16 or w/e.
Ohh.. and they dont trust us. Even tho they should. they dont. they might say they do trust us. but really if there accusing anyone. they dont trust you :] .
Oh and Maybe the way we dress. ok
2007-05-14 15:01:33
answer #4
answered by xPrincess- 2
Young people are easily influenced by peer pressure and many ads are intended to help youth cope with the pressure. So many young are involved in drugs or alcohol which apparently is easily available to young people and the majority is what society sees. I don't think that anyone believes that all young people are involved in those activities. This is my point of view, I hope this helps.
2007-05-14 14:28:41
answer #5
answered by quikmix85 2
I don't understand why you thing there are accusations going on. Information is being put out to help teens. If you aren't abusing anything then the ads should not faze you. Chill out. If you are a good person...keep being one.
2007-05-14 14:40:42
answer #6
answered by db14 5
I know. Not all of us do drugs and things we are not supposed to be doing, but as always, it is the bad apples that ruin the whole barrel. Because so many do it, many believe that all teens do the things you were mentioning.
2007-05-14 14:17:18
answer #7
answered by miss pochacco 3
well, you're right - not ALL teens do drugs and alchohol, but a large majority do
maybe i just live in a ghetto town, but there are not many people at my high school that don't smoke something or get drunk for no reason
2007-05-14 14:16:27
answer #8
answered by lions_mc 2
well we're not "all" being accused...
but a large number of teens do drugs, drink, and have sex.
and people are doing those things younger and younger...
so it tends to get generalized as "teens doing drugs, sex, etc"
but most people know that not every single teen does that stuff
2007-05-14 14:16:15
answer #9
answered by wiccan_newyorker_333 3
They think that because they think we are immature and are all under peer presure forgetting that they were liek us at one point to most likely doing more since it was the 60's when tehre were our age.
2007-05-14 14:17:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous