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Why then aren't the moderate Muslims not speaking up to denounce the actions of the few radicals? Where is the outrage over the actions of a minority that is making the majority look really....really....really bad?

2007-05-14 12:32:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

After muslims attacked America in 2001, I read the koran, every page, every word. My educated conclusion is that islam has never been peaceful and never will be because the only peace that is allowed by islam is when every person on earth submits to the religion of the pagan moon god allah who muslims lie and say is the God of the Bible, and as practiced by muhammad who was a pedophile, rapist, thief, and murderer. Muhammad's sexual appetite was so out of control that in the koran (33:50) he said the allah told him he could have sex with his own cousins, aunts, and even every slave girl. The real God of the Bible defines that as adultery, and says His rules apply equally to all people, with no exception for anyone who wants to do the slaves. Muhammad was a pedophile fornicator, not a prophet, and he invented islam as a way to feed his lusts for sea and power.
Surah 4:34 even says muslims should beat their wives if they "fear disobedience" from their wives. So if muhammad comes home mad and scared the lady gets it.
Nothing peaceful about that.
And then there's the fact that islam divides the world into 2 "houses", the "house of islam", and the "house of war".
All non-muslims are defined as being in the "house of war", and the koran orders violence against them.
Peaceful islam? Not possible according to the koran.
Wake up and smell the jihad...

2007-05-15 09:18:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because there are moderates and extremists in every group. Look at the Christian Neo-Cons who are trying to make America a global power (no this is not a conspiracy, go to Project for New American Century and read their mission statement http://www.newamericancentury.org/statementofprinciples.htm ) Why aren't moderate Christians denouncing them as they plan to take over the world? It's unfair and unwise to assume that everyone agrees with the extreme beliefs of any group. Not only that, but where would these groups get their voice? The war on terror is fueled by fear of Islam extremists. If, every night on the news we could see the true minority of those extremists, the sentiments towards an unpopular war would likely become an all-out revolt.

2007-05-15 11:44:25 · answer #2 · answered by wyllow 6 · 0 1

I hear it said that they are, but rarely see it in the media.

When I do see someone from CAIR or the like making a statement on the news, it's usually something along the lines of "We denounce all forms of terrorism, whether perpetrated by individuals or by states occupying territory that doesn't belong to them." or "The people who do these things are not Muslims, terrorism is against Islam."

Now, those are denunciations of terrorism, but the first, lumps Israel's self-defense and the Iraq War with terrorism, while the second neatly absolves Islam from terrorism completely, but disowning anyone that uses that tactic. I think these 'denunciations' betray the true agenda of 'moderate' muslims. They wish thier religion to benefit from terrorism - they would welcome concessions from the US or Israel forced by the ongoing campaign of Islamist terrorism - but do not wish to bear any of the blame for terrorism - they declare Islam blameless /by definition/.

2007-05-15 16:15:24 · answer #3 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 0 0

Could it be because if you are a moderate in a country in which Islam is the offical religion, if you speak up against the establishment is off with your head? It is really amazing that we Christians, Catholics in particular (I am one), do not remember the period in which speaking against the principles of the Church made you the menu in a BBQ. It is easy to forget that history, since is 500 years removed, but made no mistake, Christianity was just as brutal. Didn't Pope Urban II authorized a little military expedition to the Holy Land to kill all the infidels? I seem to recall something like that while studying World History. What is the matter? They do not teach that anymore. Don't get me wrong, I am not in favor of the violence that fundamentalist Islam is doing right now, but as I said, very difficult to speak up when your life is on the line. At any rate, are we Klingons or something? Only in the fictional Klingon society do the sins of the father are passed down to the next generation. Generalizations such as yours are really dangerous. You are stereotyping a whole group of human beings for the deeds of the few. Would you like to be blamed for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs? I am sure that there are still Japanese that see all americans as evil, notwithstanding that they started the war and really the only way to end it was by dropping the atomic bomb. Is like us being judged for the excesses and violence of the KKK, which used to kill people and in the South during the 50's and 60's did pretty much whatever they want it. Didn't Byron De La Beckwith killed Medgar Evers in 1963 and was not convicted for his crime until 1994? Where were all the moderates in 1963 in Mississippi? Saying nothing because they knew that if they spoke about it and pointed the finger to De La Beckwith, they were next in line. Next time, think a little bit about what you are saying, because all of us (our society) has skeletons in the closet and making generalizations such as yours shows a lack of understanding on the dynamics of violent minorities within a society and how they can get away with murder for so long. I can go on and on with many other examples, but as you see, as a society, we too have a checkered past. Every society does.

2007-05-14 20:07:56 · answer #4 · answered by William Q 5 · 2 4

Sad to say but in Muslim countries its really not that big of a deal to blow yourself up, many of the people you see dancing in the street yelling "Death to America" are so used to practising religous fundamentalism

I was raised Muslim, and never once was taught anything of violence or hate, partially because my sect of Islam has a global wide leader named "Aga Khan" that has talked to all kinds of world leaders, and teaches a moderate version of the Qu'arn that preches tolerence of other faiths, a commitement to good deeds, and even has a global wide charity called the Aga Khan Foundation that increases quality of life in places like Afganistan, Pakistan etc. ..... and he has very vocally denounced any form of terrorism...

As for me, I was born in Canada and feel I've assimilated so well to North American society that I don't even associate with the radical ideology at all, and don't feel I have to personaly preach because I have never belived in that whatsoever. I personally want all fundamentalist terrorists of ANY RELIGON wiped off the face of the earth, even if those include people who may share the same ancestry as I. Those "Muslims" mean nothing to me or my people. We all don't believe the same thing.......

If anyone wishes to educate themselves more on Islam or particularly my Shia Ismaili sect of Islam, I suggest you do a simple google search for "Aga Khan" or "Aga Khan Foundation" and see that for millions of people, Islam is a religon of peace....

2007-05-14 19:48:47 · answer #5 · answered by Go Leafs Go 2 · 6 2

they are....

I don't know where you live, but I live in chicago. our paper ran the letter from one of the heads of the american islamic group where he yells at terrorists and explains that being anti-american means being against american muslims as well.

how about when islamic scholars explain how terrorists misinterpret the quran- accidently or for their own purposes.

or when other muslim groups go against terrorism. countries like iran said they were angry over 9/11, that it wasn't part of islam and there is no excuse for hurting civilians.
or the leaders who issued a fatwa against bin laden

do other states and cities news papers and television shows not broadcast this?

2007-05-14 20:25:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Maybe because they are sitting back gloating, waiting for something big to happen again, if these people don't start speaking up and denouncing the fanatics,,, Well, in my humble opinion on their own heads be it, ie: if you fly with the crow's you will get shot with the crow's, and thats the be all and end all, of the story.

2007-05-14 19:42:22 · answer #7 · answered by ~Celtic~Saltire~ 5 · 3 5

The problem in these Foreign countries that practice Islam and Muslim ism is the lack of a police force or corruption in the local governments.....You speak up you get killed.

That is why it is very IMPORTANT for New Iraq to establish a police force

Any country without a police force would be miserable to live in including the USA (Without a police force)


2007-05-14 19:39:57 · answer #8 · answered by Richard D 3 · 4 5

Even the moderates, by religious law and the Koran, have to approve of the actions of the militants. No member of Islam will EVER criticize any other member of Islam. The Koran teaches that all nonMuslims should be either converted or killed, and all members of Islam believe that, moderate or militant.

2007-05-14 19:41:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 6

I've been asking this question for the past 5 years and I've never heard an answer that makes sense to me.

2007-05-14 19:54:49 · answer #10 · answered by BOOM 7 · 3 3

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