Might I guess you are in southern India? It was that hot and HUMID when I was there last year at this time. If I was not in an air conditioned or cool spot up in the Western Ghatts, I was almost dead of the heat! Even the monsoon rains were warm! But, oh I loved it anyhow. I actually BROKE three hand fans from over use within the first week. They usually last me forever.
Here, at home, today it is 18 Celsius, the sky is clear, the breezes are perfect, the sun is bright, and it is paradise. I am in the Pacific Northwest on an Island and can see the ocean and mountains from my windows. Beautiful. Come on by for a refreshing cuppa if you like.
2007-05-14 12:19:33
answer #1
answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6
About 80 degrees Fahrenheit...23 degrees Celsius today
2007-05-14 12:27:34
answer #2
answered by Mangomum 3
A high of 66 degrees & overcast all day. Tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 80 degrees then the rest of the week in the low to mid 60's.
2007-05-14 12:23:12
answer #3
answered by curiousgeorge 5
It got up to about 78 degrees today but it's very humid...
2007-05-14 12:26:17
answer #4
answered by DontPanic 7
It's 19C where I am, and it's breezy.
I don't like hot weather at all; I hope for your sake that it isn't humid on top of being over a hundred degrees!
2007-05-14 12:46:09
answer #5
answered by evamariehoople 4
R U from Vegas?....I'm moving there in 3-4 weeks.
2007-05-14 14:45:59
answer #6
answered by db14 5
Note to self: Where ever this person is...don't go there! It's a nice 75* here right now...perfect
2007-05-14 12:19:52
answer #7
answered by † H20andspirit 5