I donot know why it was allowed to begin with
2007-05-14 12:17:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Alcohol can be banned from college campuses as soon as people 21 years and older are banned from living there.
They can do a better job of enforcing the laws about underage drinking, but banning all people who live on a college campus regardless of their age from drinking is creating a totalitarian state, and that’s wrong.
College students are young adults, and part of their journey to full adulthood, which college should provide, involves making decisions for themselves and living with the consequences of their actions. If you’re a 21 year old college student and you provide alcohol to some 19 and 20 year old students, you are making a decision to break the law, and you need to understand and accept the consequences – you could go to jail.
If you are a 19 year old college student, and you ask a 21 year old to buy you alcohol, and you drink it, you are making a decision as a legal adult to ask someone else to break the law for you, and to break the law yourself. In so doing, you need to understand and accept the consequences – you and your friend could both go to jail.
The problem resides with the enforcement of the law, not the law itself. If the law was enforced routinely and consistently, far fewer people would violate it because the fear of the consequences would be much more real and much more likely. The way it stands, the police normally look the other way as long as the party is on campus and kept inside. This is basically teaching the underage college students that it’s okay to drink on campus.
2007-05-14 19:25:31
answer #2
answered by Becka Gal 5
I don't think things like this are pragmatic. Smoking indoors creates an aroma that can easily be detected from a far away distance. Though there is a smell involved with alcohol it is much harder to detect and any policy banning it would be limited in effect. The better solution would be expanding alcohol education and possibly including it as a requirement in orientation so that teenagers/young adults understand the dangers.
2007-05-14 19:19:51
answer #3
answered by rapidtransit 1
Not any time soon.
Our society has been letting way to much slide by for far to long to make any changes like that... even if it is banned from campus, students will continue to drink and/ or smoke on or off campus.
Maybe in the future it will b so.
2007-05-14 19:20:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I used to smoke and it wasn't any problem for me to adhere to my college's no-smoking policy. I'm no longer a smoker and truly appreciate the fact that I'm not forced to inhale 2nd hand smoke. The students at our college actually voted to only have smoking in the parking lots. As for the no alcohol on campus, may unis don't allow it. I totally agree that alcohol and college students don't mix but either do cigs.
2007-05-14 19:19:40
answer #5
answered by Kquestion 2
There are schools that ban the consumption and sale of alcohol on campus. Many students just don't follow the rules.
2007-05-14 19:23:29
answer #6
answered by kgee 4
while thats a nice thought, I doubt it would really work. College students who are underage find a way to obtain alcohol, they wouldd also find a way to sneak it on campus. Or they simply would go somewhere else instead.
2007-05-14 19:18:55
answer #7
answered by Tit for Tat 6
why would you ever want to ban alcohol from college campus's thats like the purpose of college..to party..you live it up!
your messed up if you think booze should be banned...
2007-05-14 19:18:08
answer #8
answered by jmt4127 3
Considering that many students are 21 or over, I'd say never.
There should be harsher penalties for people who are under 21 and caught even possessing alcohol.
2007-05-14 19:17:43
answer #9
answered by Rachel 6
never, booze will never be banned and it shouldn't be. just enforce the laws for underage drinking. people need to stop acting like idiots and spoiling it for the rest of us.
2007-05-14 19:18:08
answer #10
answered by sandybottom1017 2
Good luck with that one. It isn't going to happen on a wide scale basis.
2007-05-14 19:17:45
answer #11
answered by FaerieWhings 7