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Do they have any hope? I need a heartening statistic so that I can sleep at night but please tell me the truth.

The recent case with Madeline McCann might be the last straw. If they don't find her alive, I'm afraid I might just kill myself. This ****ing world is not worth it.

2007-05-14 12:03:38 · 2 answers · asked by Zeek 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Millions of children are brutally butchered every year but they give some of them names and faces. Then the hopelessness of it all has that extra sting.

2007-05-14 12:07:43 · update #1

2 answers

Well, you're still here, so that's a good thing. Don't kill yourself, all that does is cause trouble for your family. You can't make since of everything in this world, some people are just crazy or have some mental problem and so they steal children, but there are children that are found alive. You might remember that there were two boys found in Missouri I think a few months ago. One of those boys had been held hostage for years, the other for about a week. That is one story of hope. Life in this place isn't hopeless. Instead of freaking out and handling the sadness of the world by killing yourself, you should try to help finding the lost children somehow. Maybe if you hear an Amber Alert you could try putting up flyers or something. Anyway, I've been reading your questions and answers, and you always say how hopeless you are. I don't believe that you are hopeless, because you at least sort of believe in God which is better than nothing, and you go to college, and you care about children, and you haven't killed yourself, and you like to seek for the truth. You care about people, and you don't want people to get hurt, but you focus on the people getting hurt part so much that you can't see the positive things in life. Just take a step back and stop watching the News or TV for that matter and try to focus on some of the positive things that people can do. Not everything humans do is bad, we do good things because God created us to worship him and help others. Unfortunately, Satan came into the picture and made us think good is bad and bad is good. Don't dwell on the bad, you are only allowing Satan to take you away from your true purpose. I hope that helps, I really do hope you take all that to heart. God bless.

2007-05-15 11:44:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, I looked for quite a while for the answer to this. I am sorry I came to you empty handed. I can try to keep looking if you like.
I would imagine the majority are murdered within the first 48 hours of being abducted, but more and more nowadays are being rescued.

2007-05-14 12:31:30 · answer #2 · answered by . 7 · 1 0

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