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and that's not cruel??

the only people have the right to say thou shall not kick animals are vegetarians

2007-05-13 16:08:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Other - Pets

so killing animals for food is not "cruel"?? what's the matter with you people?

2007-05-13 16:16:19 · update #1

8 answers

Because you raise the cows for food, they aren't pets and they die to be eaten. Kicking a cat wont kill it (unless you are really evil) and to create pain to a living animal and teach it to hate people isn't right. They should be shown care. where cows and chickens are killed without them having any pain or anything afterwards. That and cow and chicken taste better then cat... (I can't confirm the taste test yet)

2007-05-13 16:16:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The difference is in the want to inflict pain and suffering, so hitting, kicking or not caring for an animal properly is cruel.
To give an animal a quick death is not cruel, but whether it's morally right is a whole different answer.
Just as a thought, if we gave up eating meat tomorrow, how much cruelty would there be to all the meat animals? We have 100 cows who produce a calf each year for meat. We make sure that they have the happiest and healthiest life that they can have, because nit only is it humane, it makes us the most money. If there was suddenly no beef market do you think I'm going to keep them all as pets? They would have a choice between starving to death, or being shot, that sounds pretty cruel to me.
Also we try and run our farm along semi organic lines, and the cow muck is important to us, to provide nutrients for the crops, no cows would mean that we would have to use far more artificial fertilizer, and that's not good for the world.

2007-05-14 04:16:01 · answer #2 · answered by Cowgirl 4 · 0 0

Well - we don't kick chickens and cows? I think you'll find that would be termed animal abuse too, and something people would get into trouble with the law for.

Look. *sigh* It's a matter of opinion whether we should treat all animals, domesticated or not, equally. Basically the arguments are this:

+ cats are companion animals, cows and chickens are feed animals so they cannot be compared
+ eating animals like cows and chickens is part of a human's natural diet, eating cats (carnivores) is NOT
+ and basically, a lot of people love squishy cute cats, far less people find chickens and cows cute (although plenty do) which is where your basic problem lies.

This argument has been going on for yeeeaaars, and will go on for years more. Maybe one day we will make it illegal to eat any animals, and hurray for that day I say, but it isn't happening in our lifetime.

Would you care to guess, from my answer, whether I'm a vegetarian or not? Email me your answer if you like!


2007-05-14 12:09:40 · answer #3 · answered by Chalice 7 · 0 0

Killing animals the way we do it cruel-- we not only coax them into trusting us but then we make them suffer before we brutally kill them. Kicking a cat is the same thing as hurting chickens and cows etc.. but it just has a worse connotation because cats are "domesticated."

2007-05-14 10:36:19 · answer #4 · answered by Sarah C- Equine Help 101 5 · 0 0

Kicking a cat is cruel is because you are inflicting malicious harm to an animal. Killing cows and chickens for food is not.

2007-05-13 16:34:42 · answer #5 · answered by notsoswan 4 · 1 1

well first of all, when u kick an aniaml its giving them physical pain and they suffer with that pain from when u kicked them but when a cow is butchered its not like the butcher slowly cuts them up to make them suffer-they just kill the cow first.
and when u kill chickens, etc its not like uve been their best friend and now ur turning against them by eating them-cats are pets they rnt meant to be eaten.

however i do see where ur coming from. its a thousand times worse for someone to murder someone else rather than just throw a punch in the face. so woudlnt killing and then EATING a chicken be worse than just send one flying thru the air? its hard to understand. i dont understand at all......lifes hard.

2007-05-13 16:19:49 · answer #6 · answered by AM 3 · 5 0

its cruel because a cat is a pet your supposed to love it if u dont like animals dieing become a vegitarian its part of the food chain and a part of life we're the dominate spicies

2007-05-14 06:08:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

how is kicking a cat anything like killing an animal for food? unless you eat cats. but i dont think you do

2007-05-13 16:13:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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