You fine... for now. Your Ryukin will eventually need at least a 20 gallon tank and possibly as much as a 30 gallon tank before they are grown, so watch out for them outgrowing the tank. At that point you will need to place them in a larger tank or trade them in at a pet store for other fish.
As far as cleaning, use a gravel siphon to clean the gravel and remove about 25% of the water once a week and clean out the filter every 2 weeks and it should stay clean.
2007-05-13 14:29:43
answer #1
answered by magicman116 7
There's a lot of things that you probably should do, when it comes to taking care of fish, but there's also the category of what you can get away with. Get the largest filter, that will physically fit, along the back of the tank, and you'll find that you get a lot of lee-way. (I used to change the water weekly, and I now I change it quarterly, because that's real life.) You can't have too much filtration, and you can get the super big filters online for $50 at some of the online pet supply places.
Don't believe the hype on the filter boxes.
If you put a 10 gallon filter in a ten gallon tank, and look away, the fish die.
If you a put 100 gallon filter on a 20 gallon tank, the fish don't swirl around or come flying out. They stay alive. They stay alive because of the crazy filtration. They know you love 'em, and you can always change the water next week, or you could do something else.
2007-05-13 15:50:34
answer #2
answered by Mr. Steve 1
The one inch of fish per gallon only work on small tropical fish such as harlequin rasboras and neon tetras and other similar fish. While the size is ok while they're small, switch to a larger tank for they will grow larger. Like the 1st person said, you won't need a heater because ryukins are gold fish. What kind of filter is it? If it came with the tank, then it's probably inadequate. Being messy fish, goldfish will need good filtration and weekly partial water changes. As soon as the goldfish hit 2 inches, you should upgrade to a larger tank. To save a little more green, see if you can return your ten gallon and get the largest tank you can get (20-40 gallons.) The twenty will support both goldish until they're 4 inches. The 40 can hold them as adults. Just make sure you keep a hood on your tank. As I mentioned, generally, goldfish are messy fish and need good filtration. Water changes should be done about once a week removing 50% of the water replacing it with already acclimated and appropriately conditioned water (meaning right pH, hardness and dechlorinated.)
2007-05-13 14:34:20
answer #3
answered by Sam 2
Well goldfish are messy so your going to have to make sure you have a good filter. You can have gravel at the bottom of the tank but your going to have to get a gravel vac so you can clean the gravel. I would suggest that you clean the tank once a week. When I say clean I mean gravel vacing the tank and taking about 20% of the water out and adding freshwater to it. Make sure you use water conditioner to any water you add to your tank. Once a week cleaning should be enough. Feed your fish once a day and only as much as they will eat in a few minutes. Try not to overfeed them and leave the light on the tank for 10 to 12 hours. If you leave the light on all the time then you'll get a lot of algae in the tank. Over feeding will also contribute to algae as well. I wouldn't get anymore fish for your tank. Your goldfish can get anywhere from 6 to 12 inches. I'm guessing that your's will get about 6 inches but they could get bigger. I suggest you get a 30 gallon or bigger for the two goldfish when they get bigger. The sooner you can get a bigger tank the better off the goldfish will be.
2007-05-13 15:19:02
answer #4
answered by birdlover2004_1982 1
The smaller the tank the more frequently the water needs to be changed. An aquarium is a closed system meaning anyhting added has no where to go and builds up. Especially, organics. I would recommend a 30% water at least once since you are keeping fish known to produce copius amounts of waste in a short time. Service the filter at each water change too.
2007-05-18 18:55:18
answer #5
answered by ZenMonkey 1
Goldfish need 5 gallons per fish so you are doing fine. You should get a good filter one with a bio wheel is the best. Feed them every other day. 1 flake per fish or 1 pellet per fish. Water changes: 25% water change about every 2-3 weeks.
(worked in a fish store 2 years)
2007-05-21 08:18:35
answer #6
answered by Jennifer 1
The one inch per gallon rule is meant (if you are actually going to use it) for figuring out the size of tank for the size of the ADULT fish you are purchasing. If you buy a ryukin, keep in mind it is going to be a foot long, and even by this simplistic one inch rule, your 10 gallon is obviously too small. It is worth it to give them space so you can see them, not have to clean all the time, and have large beautiful long-term pets, trust me.
2007-05-13 19:50:29
answer #7
answered by boncarles 5
Do a water change of 25% every week. siphon the gravel once every month and when cleaning the gravel use a scrubber to clean the glass also. All the water conditioner and medicines are not harmful for your fish, infact they are made for them. So adding conditioner and salt with fish inside. Never do a complete waterchange, the maximum limit is between 25% to 50%.
2016-05-17 09:59:45
answer #8
answered by felecia 4
you need a ten gallon filter, flourescent light housing if you have live plants, and fish of course, lol! :) doing a partial water change (maybe 20-30 percent) every two weeks should be adequate. Never do a full change, because you destroy the good bacteria!
2007-05-18 04:31:02
answer #9
answered by duro 1
ryukin are gold fish , they are cold wtaer fish, and do not need heaters, they do need alot more filtration since they create alot of fish poop. a 10 gallon isnt big enough for 1 fish much less two , unless your goin to do daily vacumming, and have no gravel on the bottom of the tank .. go with tropical fish instead .
2007-05-13 14:01:05
answer #10
answered by mikey29_70 3