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35 answers

OMG! You are so cool to quit!!! I am jealous and still a stinky smoker. I hope to be joining you in June!!! Hang tough!! Doesnt it just suck to be a slave to something?? Thats what makes me the maddest about them, they OWN ME!

Yeah for you!!! Go YOu!! You Rock!! Yippeeee yaaa, youre so cool today!!! =)

2007-05-14 18:13:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because it takes a whole lot longer than 48 hours to get all the nicotine out of your body... but as soon as that happens, the biological craving will end.

There are two types of cigarette cravings you are having- biological and psychological....

To fight the biological (the easier part)--
Drink lots of water, take about 1000mg of vitamin C daily... for about a week. This will flush the nicotine out of your body. It's only when the nicotine levels are low that you will have a biological craving. Getting that level to 0 as fast as possible is vital, and water and vitamin C will do that.

Psycological (Think Pavlov- you have conditioned yourself to want a cigarette in certain circumstances...)--
Mix up your routine- if you go outside at break to smoke, find something different to do for break- stay inside, find a really engrossing book to start reading... whatever works.

Drink grapefruit juice after every meal- this will help with the vitamin C intake as well as break any possible Pavlovian post-meal cravings.

After the grapefruit juice, brush your teeth with the nastiest-tasting toothpaste you can find. Again with the conditioned response. Sometimes a tiny bit of food will come out from between your teeth and hit a key taste bud... and you'll suddenly want a smoke.... so cleaning your teeth thouroughly will help prevent that.

Start every day with prayer. You've been like a slave to the cigarettes. God does not want you enslaved to anything. Ask His help, and He will help you.

Tell all your friends that you're quitting, ask their help... and do what you can to avoid being around smokers.

Find a quitting buddy- like an AA sponsor... someone you can call when you're really feeling the urge to light up.

Emergency actions--
Take a couple really deep breaths. Your brain is really fond of oxygen. Occasional reminders will help your brain desire oxygen over nicotine.

Remember- you had to learn to be a smoker, now you must learn to be a non-smoker... and there is a definite learning curve!!
Best of luck!!!!

2007-05-13 13:58:55 · answer #2 · answered by Yoda's Duck 6 · 0 0

Your body is still trying to get over it's nicotine addiction. Yes, it is hard. I know I quit smoking cold turkey too. But it gets easier hour by hour and day by day and I havn't had a cigarette since 1986. Just keep reminding yourself as to why you are quiting and think about all you will gain by getting these things out of your life.
The longer the time you spend as a smoker and how much you smoked each day will mean the longer it will take to get over this addiction. But here are some things that will help you alnog the road to recovery.

1) Get the smell of smoke out of your enviroment. Get some scented candles and light them as soon as you get home. If you don't smell the smoke your body will have less to crave. If you can also get some rug cleaner and use it on your rug to get rid of the smoke smell. If you can afford it, it would be a great time to have a rug and furnisher cleaner come in with a cleaning machine to really get it fresh. Wash all your cloths and bedding just remember what you are washing out of your life.
2) Take extra vitamines and drink extra water this will help your body wash out the toxins out of you and that will help you stop wanting the nicotine.
3) Stay away from coffee and alcohal both will make the nicotine cravings worse also alcohal will make your resolve to not smoke weaker. If you really need that morning cup of coffee that is ok but switch to something else after your day starts.

2007-05-13 14:03:20 · answer #3 · answered by Robin M 2 · 1 0

because it takes a lot longer than that to get over not smoking.
great job with the last 48 hours.
you will feel more and more like climbing the walls the longer you go without. Find a different outlet for energy like sports, running, etc. and learn a different way to relax.

2007-05-13 13:46:03 · answer #4 · answered by :) 4 · 1 0

Your going to be climbing the walls for 48 days....maybe even 48 weeks...maybe even longer. Me I gave up after 48 minutes! Good luck quitting...I wish I could!!

2007-05-13 13:45:18 · answer #5 · answered by pamomof4 5 · 1 0

Are you kidding? I haven't had a cigarette in months and I'm still climbing the walls. You've got a long row to hoe, Sparky.

2007-05-13 13:45:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Find something to replace the habit. I did crosswords and word seaches for something to do with my hands when I would normally be smoking. After dinner Sudoku, anyone? It eases up soon...don't give up, you will feel soooo much better in a few more days.

2007-05-13 13:46:31 · answer #7 · answered by JenJen 6 · 2 0

Nicotine cravings. Chew some gum

2007-05-13 14:03:09 · answer #8 · answered by Experto Credo 7 · 0 0

It's the "3-day Hump" I learned about in Super Size Me. If you can get pass the 3rd day, you should have better tolarence against nicotine.

2007-05-13 13:49:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because it hasnt been very long...I mean, it has, but youre gonna feel that for a few days. Good luck. Im trying to do the same thing. Youre doing better than me though.*

2007-05-13 13:45:13 · answer #10 · answered by Check this out! 7 · 1 0

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