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I'm watching "The Food Network" and they are making a giant popcorn Mickey Mouse for a Guinness record. Why are we still playing with food with all the starving children in this country and others around the world. I don't understand. The current record almost 17 feet high. Why do we have a current record???? They are trying to make a 20 ft Mickey.

When are we going to stop this BS? Are we so arrogant that we can waste food on this type of entertainment.

Its unexceptable when people are dying from starvation.

2007-05-13 08:36:35 · 2 answers · asked by Vindicatedfather 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

I understand we waste food everyday, food that could feed the world, its the arrogants that is upsetting about this show....... We are pigs and shows like this just show how much of pigs we are...

2007-05-13 08:54:10 · update #1

2 answers

No one is going hungry in third-world countries because people waste food in the industrialized countries.

We throw away enough food in the US in one day to feed many nations for a year. Waste is tragic, but reducing it would not feed other people. Packaging up a giant Mickey's head-worth of popcorn and shipping it to the hungry would not accomplish anything.

Our waste and their hunger are two separate issues that only superficially appear linked.

Sort of like the problem of inequal distribution of wealth would not be solved by just cutting the salaries of the wealthy.

2007-05-13 08:49:17 · answer #1 · answered by Madkins007 7 · 1 0

Yeah and people in the US are bulimic and anorexic on top of that.
It irks me too.
We have the food network and girls trying to be pretty by not eating.

2007-05-13 08:39:25 · answer #2 · answered by Tania La Güera 5 · 0 0

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