What moon are you talking about? The one sticking out of that car window, perhaps?
2007-05-13 07:44:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
NEVER take a roll of film in for developing if it contains pictures of the Moon !! Pictures of the Moon are classified as "Top Secret" for national security reasons ! If you were found to be in possession of Moonshots , you could be charged under the Outer Space Alien Act of 1979 , and sent to a penal colony on Mars !
2007-05-13 13:45:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No! That sounds like another crazy conspiracy theory to me.
I have photographed the Moon many times with my telescope. I have had some of them printed at the photo lab at my local supermarket and nobody ever said anything about them.
2007-05-13 09:39:27
answer #3
answered by campbelp2002 7
You will probably get sued by the ham company for using a likeness of their ham. They´ll probably somehow justify that the damages you caused them by photographing their ham are millions of dollars. And they will victimize themselves, saying that you did not include the logo for their ham, so people don´t know that it is THEIR luscious ham that is making the sandwich look so delicious. They want CREDIT for that deliciousness. That lost credit of deliciousness will be valued at millions of dollars. And since it´s America, and they are a corporation, they will probably win and you will have to pay them millions of dollars in a settlement over lost deliciousness credits. Once they set the precedent, the bread company will jump on the bandwagon and come after you next. Next thing you know, we will not be able to eat sandwiches and make them look delicious without obtaining licenses from both the bread and ham companies. Do you really want to set this precedent?
2016-03-19 04:33:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
no I've taking a picture of a full moon shown it to people
(it's as long as it's not some else picture and your selling it now that illegal)
2007-05-13 07:46:17
answer #5
answered by Lovergurl 5
Only if you still use regular pictures that have to be developed at the store.
The store's employees are required to report any such suspicious stuff like photos of the moon.
2007-05-13 07:45:53
answer #6
answered by bkc99xx 6
The moon, no. The moon could care less if you photograph it ... mooning, however, is sometimes chargable.
2007-05-13 07:46:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Earth's moon, no. You can take a photo from your backyard anytime. But that other kind of moon...you could if you wanted to.
2007-05-13 09:27:39
answer #8
answered by ZooTycoonMaster 6
Not in the United States. I can't say for sure some other country doesn't have a ridiculous law against it. But even if they did, it'd be damn near impossible to enforce it.
2007-05-13 07:45:43
answer #9
answered by P.I. Joe 6
I don't think the moon will press charges.
2007-05-13 07:44:38
answer #10
answered by pm 5