I agree, she broke the law she should pay the price the rest of us do. This woman has millions and she couldn't take a cab? Hire a driver, a limousine! Bull. Jail. I do not care who you are. You break the law you pay the price. No if ands or buts.
2007-05-13 07:38:05
answer #1
answered by punch 7
I think Paris Hilton, has since the shock of what true consequence is........has grown up in just a few days, realizing that she MUST pay attention to life even if it isn't at the bottom of a glass.
Let us hope she does not turn into another Anna Smith in future years, where she is watched, and unwarned as she falls into the deep hole of fame....not ever seeing what her life had to offer besides party time....she is a beautiful girl I hope she grows into a wonderful woman!
2007-05-13 07:38:56
answer #2
answered by Sand D 2
"I bring entertainment and value to their otherwise mundane lives"
When I first heard that, I thought is was a joke. But no, the idiot really did say that and really does believe it. One would think her parents would be embarrassed, but no.... they believe it, too. The whole bunch should be charged with Aggravated Stupidity.
2007-05-13 07:39:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I say Paris should do the time. She is a skinny person with seemingly low morals that happens to have money. She isn't better than us and needs to serve time.
2007-05-13 09:48:24
answer #4
answered by Sunshine 6
I don't think it would be a good idea for me to even talk to her...I might cut loose.
She needs a real job...shes going to jail...and this may be a lesson for other girls who are DYING to be like her...DONT be like her cuz you'll end up in jail. Dont try to be skinny....like her because you will end up doing things you never thought youo would....and you will end up in jail...and you will sound and LOOK just as stupid as paris hilton.
2007-05-13 07:36:46
answer #5
answered by Teenager 5
I would tell her that a little time in jail would be a good reality check for her. That girl has a really strange perception of what reality truly is.
2007-05-13 07:34:47
answer #6
answered by ♥ terry g ♥ 7
mundane lives? she crawled up someones camera and cant see the real people
mundane lives? she sure isn't a politician
2007-05-13 07:35:56
answer #7
answered by zee zee 6
Her in jail will be pretty darn entertaining. Appeal Denied!!
2007-05-13 07:36:07
answer #8
answered by Mimi 6
I'd tell her: Don't drop the soap, Big Paris!
2007-05-13 07:34:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
id laugh at her and tell her she better get a good lawyer oh and you did the crime you do the time just like everyone else
2007-05-13 07:34:29
answer #10
answered by helpfull2u 3