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My friends say is good but im not convinced. why is it good to breastfeed children what benefits can i get out of it? My friend said financially? that i do believe.

2007-05-11 18:13:11 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

22 answers

You get some serious bonding with your baby, and your baby gets the immunity benefits.

2007-05-11 18:16:29 · answer #1 · answered by ljc1410 2 · 4 0

Bonding it's better. Compared to formula breast milk has thousands of ingredients, formula, less than one hundred. Breast milk offers immunity to ward of sickness when your baby is vulnerable to many diseases. It's FREE. No preparation involved. It's always the right temp and taste. It's perfect for the digestive system. Breastfeeding your baby gives them a constant feeling of warmth and love. No one but you can breastfeed your baby. Women have been breastfeeding since humans have been on this earth. I could go on.

2007-05-12 04:42:50 · answer #2 · answered by Lisa I 3 · 0 0

It's what nature inteded. Your breasts serve a VERY valid purpose, not just for men to ogle over. What are you not convinved about? It's been proven over and over again that breast is best. Even the formula companies state it! If you don't want to breastfeed, that's fine by your standards, but to say you're not convinced because you don't know the common sense information that is even widespread in today's media, is ignorance. It's obvious you don't want to so don't bother asking this question. Go feed your kid a bunch of artificle crap that their weakly pathetic bodies have a hard time breaking down and using adequately. And yes I gave my first formula after we had many problems with breastfeeding, but I was never once ignorant about the damage I was bestowing on my child. DO YOUR RESEARCH

2007-05-11 18:57:36 · answer #3 · answered by Sunshine Swirl 5 · 2 1

First and foremost, human milk is made for human babies, cow's milk is made for cow babies/calves. Human milk has over 300 identified components and there are more, formula has 50. Human breastmilk has immunilogical agents (antibodies etc) for the baby based on what mom has been exposed to, this means that if mom and baby are both near someone with a cold, or other virus, mom's body will make antibodies that will be passed to baby keeping baby healthier and safer. Less than 2% off all humans born have an issue that prevents breastfeeding (lacotse intolerant, mom takes medication or has disease etc). For every other baby, breastmilk is best. Breastmilk improves brain development, and promotes a healthier response to the baby's body helping the baby learn to eat healthy. The flavor of mom's breastmilk changes as what mom eats changes so that baby is exposed to different flavors and foods in tiny doses before starting solid foods helping baby's body not overreact and cause allergies. Nursing mom's switch sides helping to develop baby's eyesight in both eyes and ears equally. Nursing mom's have to hold their babies and so don't have to resist the temptation to just prop the baby's bottle or hand a baby a bottle so that baby learns that meals are a social experience and is better ready for eating at the table with the family. Nursing is harder than sucking from a bottle so baby's jaw and neck muscles are stronger so that baby is better able to develop physical skills like sitting up, holding the head up and talking. That's just some of the reasons that nursing is better for baby, then there's mom.
Nursing uses tons of calories, helps mom lose weight after birth. Nursing releases hormones that help mom's body heal faster after delivery and cause mom to relax and de-stress more readily. Nursing forces mom to take a break and helps her rest so she is better able to care for her children. Nursing decreases the risk of breast cancer by a great deal (the longer a woman nurses and the more children she nurses, the healthier her breast tissue becomes). Nursing is easier than bottle feeding, there is nothing to wash (except taking a shower), nothing to sterilize, nothing to mix and nothing to buy (there are some things that are nice but all you really need is a place to sit and the baby.) Nursing moms don't wake up as completely during nighttime feedings and consequently don't suffer the effects of sleep deprivation as much as mothers who bottle-feed. There are also benefits to the family.
Babies who are breast-fed get sick less and cost the family less time, energy and money for healthcare (and lost work days). Formula is very expensive and then there is the cost of water. Tap water has been found to have too much flouride for babies and distilled water from the store doesn't have enough. If formula is mixed improperly it can cause serious health issues for the baby. Formula-fed babies have a higher instance of ear-infections, colds, flu and many other things.
Formula was intended to be a substitute for breastmilk for babies who could not be nursed, originally it was not intended for widespread use. Every year the recipe is changed and things are added because it isn't right and really not good enough.

2007-05-11 19:16:53 · answer #4 · answered by Momofthreeboys 7 · 4 0

because it is so much better for the baby your milk changes as the baby gets older and your body knows what the baby needs, as formula always stays the same. also your milk taste different all the time so it helps build there taste buds. it gives the baby immunities so they wont get sick as often as formula feed baby's plus it give a great bond. also in the middle of the night you don't have to fix a bottle and wait for it to heat up while your baby is crying you can just whip it out and feed. if you don't want to do it all the time you can also pump or formula feed to. but i will tell you this its hell the first week so just wait a week and if you still hate it then switch to formula, i was a very sick baby and the doctors told my mom its a good thing that she breast feed me or i would have died.also yes it is a lot cheaper i dried up and have to use formula but i try to still breast feed when i have a little its never enough to feed him all the way but the doc says every bit helps. but anyways i spend 40 dollars a week on formula hope this helped.

2007-05-11 18:30:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"Babies who are Breastfed have been shown to have lower rates of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and ear infections."


Is easily digested
Has growth factors and hormones to help normal growth and development
May help prevent or delay the start of allergies
Is always fresh and the right temperature
Changes to meet your baby's growing needs
Helps you feel close to your baby
Releases formones that help you relax
May help you loose weight
Helps decrease your risk of breast and ovarian cancer
Is free
Is enviromentally friendly
Human milk is perfectly designed for human babies
Gives passive immunity

Breastfed babies have lower rates of SIDS

Breastfed babies in northern regions need vitamin D supplement.

Formula Fed Babies:

Can get sick if formula not prepared properly
Require that ALL equipment be sterilized before a new bottle is made
Can choke on poorly maintained nipples
Have higher rate of gastrointestinal problems such as constipation
Are often more gassy
Have a higher risk of colic

This information is the "average", there are always exceptions. Just like "generally" men are physically stronger than women....

2007-05-11 21:48:43 · answer #6 · answered by Noota Oolah 6 · 2 0

Here are a few links I think would help you-


The question isn't just why it's so good to breastfeed, you seemed to get plenty of answers on why it's the best you can give your child, but it's also why NOT to formula feed. Formula is so much worse than people will admit, not to mention the expense. A friend of mine told me she spent $150 on formula a month, and that was the cheap stuff, so I'm not sure where people are getting the info that it's $25... I wouldn't know who's telling the truth- my 15 month old daughter has never had a drop of the junk in her life... good luck~

2007-05-11 20:11:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

It's a million times better for both you and your baby!

Breastfed babies are healthier - mom's milk gives baby immunities you can't add to formula

Breastfed babies grow up to have higher intelligence than formula fed babies.

Breastfed babies have fewer weight problems throughout their lives.

Breastfeeding is always available - no bottles to clean, formula to measure....

Lower risks of SIDS

There are so many! Go take a breastfeeding class or buy a book. It really is the very best thing you can do for your baby!

2007-05-11 18:24:53 · answer #8 · answered by Your mom 2 · 2 0

And here are my truly selfish reasons for breastfeeding my 4 year old daugther for 3 months and my newborn daughter who is 2 months old...

Quicker weight loss -- I am down to my pre-pregnancy weight and can fit into my clothes and have been able to for the past 3 weeks...

More rest -- you don't have to get up to make formula, heat it and wash bottles in the middle of the night or when you're tired.

Bountiful boobs -- you maintain those fuller boobs a little longer after birth

2007-05-11 19:05:57 · answer #9 · answered by PhillyFilly 3 · 1 0

Breastfeeding will make your child much much healthier, especially the the baby's immune system will be much stronger to fight those ugly colds that could turn into rsv and kill your baby. Also helps prevent allergies. Breastfeeding burns extra calories so it will be easier to lose baby fat. And personally I had just an irreplacable bonding experience when i nursed my daughter. It is just one of the best things you can do for your newborn.

2007-05-11 18:22:16 · answer #10 · answered by ali_marie1x1 1 · 2 0

http://www.promom.org/101/. Read this for 101 reasons to breastfeed. I bet there are even more reasons as I frequently see science news about breastfeeding (breastfed babies may have better vision, for example). Breastmilk is amazing!

2007-05-11 19:05:59 · answer #11 · answered by Rookie Sage 2 · 1 0

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