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Here is your disclaimer. Whatever you may call it. This should help YOU sleep easier at night, I recently asked a question concerning how far along I may be. Here is my life story, because apparently some of you need to know my every detail before you are willing to ACTUALLY be interested in helping me. I am 18. I left my home (emancipation) at 15 and have been living on my own 1,000 miles away from my hometown ever since. I had a steady job I was fired from shortly after telling my boss I was pregnant and I have no insurance. I have signed up for Medicaid and I am in the process of receiving that, however, I wasn't even aware of being pregnant until not too long ago. I did attempt to go to a clinic previously and my due date was estimated only apon my saying my last period was in Sept. Problem is I do not have an understanding of whether it was sept or august. That one visit alone left me with a 600+ bill to pay. I am unable to find a doctor willing to see me at this point

2007-05-11 14:11:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I have been trying now for over a month. Unfortunately the only doctor who even considered taking me had a $2,000 up-front fee. I have a steady boyfriend who just began his job a few months ago and has not received insurance yet. I have no family to ask the questions that keep me up at night. And for a moment I though I could ask a group of strangers for some help. Turns out, jumping to conclusions is all I got from any of you and now I am left feeling worse. So before you throw words like "unbelievable" "selfish" and "bullsh*t" why dont you make better use of the webspace and ASK me for more details. So my question for you all today is.... does it make you feel better to make me feel worse?

2007-05-11 14:15:13 · update #1

12 answers

This is the Baby's info for 37 weeks

this is the baby's info for 33 weeks

Ok first off I want to say I’m sorry for everybody’s rude remarks. I didn’t see your post before however I have read it and this is what I have for you…..

If your last period was August 25, 2006 then you would be about 37 weeks and due about June 1, 2007 and this is the information you will want to know I know some of it may seem hard to know if it is happening but if you have any of the visible signs go to the ER.

Six Signs that Labor is within a Few Weeks or Days:
1. Lightening: You can breathe again! This is an indication that the baby has dropped, settling deeper into your pelvis and relieving some of the pressure on your diaphragm, so you are not so short of breath. You may feel increased pressure on your bladder, which means more trips to the bathroom. Others may comment on your changed appearance, although you might not be aware of it at all.
2. Bloody show: Loss of mucus plug. During pregnancy, a thick plug of mucus protects your cervical opening from bacteria entering the uterus. When your cervix begins to thin and relax, this plug is expelled. Some women think the plug will look solid like a cork, but it is actually stringy mucus or discharge. It can be clear, pink or blood tinged and can appear minutes, hours or even days before labor begins. Not all women notice this sign.
3. Rupture of membranes: Your water breaks! Only 1 in 10 woman experience a dramatic gush of the amniotic fluid and even then it usually happens at home, often in bed. Sometimes the amniotic sac breaks or leaks before labor begins. Your uterus is sitting directly on top of your bladder, which can cause you to leak urine. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to distinguish urine from amniotic fluid.
If your membranes have ruptured and you are leaking amniotic fluid, it will be an odorless fluid. This can occur with a sudden gush or a constant trickle. If you notice fluid leaking, you need to try to determine if it smells like urine or if it is odorless. If it does not seem to be urine, you would want to contact your health care provider.
Until you see your physician or midwife do not use tampons, have sexual intercourse or do anything that would introduce bacteria to your vagina. Let your health care provider know if the fluid is anything other than clear and odorless, particularly if it's green or foul smelling, because this could be a sign of infection.
4. Nesting: Spurt of energy. For most of your pregnancy you have probably been fighting the urge to take a nap, so you'll know when you experience this. One day you will wake up feeling full of energy! You'll start making a long list of things to do, things to clean, things to buy and everything you've put off doing will become a high priority. In all your preparations, don't forget that “Labor Day” may be just around the corner so save some energy.
5. Effacement: Thinning of the cervix. Usually in the last month the cervix begins to stretch and thin. This process means the lower segment of the uterus is getting ready for delivery. A thin cervix will also allow the cervix to dilate more easily.
Your health care provider may check for effacement in the final 2 months of pregnancy. Effacement is measured in percentages. You may hear your helath care provider say,“You are 25% effaced, 50% effaced, 75%...” The Braxton Hicks contractions or “practice contractions” you have been experiencing may play a part in the effacement process. You will not be able to determine your effacement process, this can only be done by a health care provider. exam.
6. Dilation: Opening of the cervix. Dilation is the process of the cervix opening in preparation for childbirth. Dilation is measured in centimeters or, less accurately, in “fingers” during an internal (manual) pelvic exam. “Fully dilated” means you're at 10 centimeters and are ready to give birth. In the same way that your health care provider may be checking for effacement in the last 2 months, your health care provider may also tell you how many centimeters your cervix has dilated.
One SURE Sign Labor is Really Happening:
Consistent Contractions: When you begin to experience regular uterine contractions, this is the strongest indication that you are in labor. This is the time to get your notebook to record the exact time each one begins and how long it lasts. These contractions feel like menstrual cramps or a low backache that comes and goes at 20 to 30 minute intervals. Gradually, the aching or cramping becomes stronger and lasts longer. When your contractions are consistantly 5 minutes apart, it's time to call your health care provider.
Labor Contractions Have the Following Characteristics:
• They are regular
• They follow a predictable pattern (such as every eight minutes)
• They become progressively closer
• They last progressively longer
• They become progressively stronger
• Each contraction is felt first in the lower back and then radiates around to the front or visa versa
• A change in activity or position will not slow down or stop contractions
• There may be bloody show
• Membranes may rupture
• Your health care provider will notice cervical changes, such as effacement (thinning), or dilation
I would be willing to bet that you are close to the above calculations seeing as you just had light spotting in September

However If that was in fact a period then you would be about 33 weeks and due June 27, 2007 then you have a few weeks left however go on the guide above.

And again I’m so sorry that people are so rude. I too had my first at about your age. People will say things but you know that you will be a good mother. And I want to tell you Happy Mothers Day Sweetie, If you need anything email me

2007-05-11 14:36:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Well, if your question regards how far you are actually along you are, then in pregnancy it is measured in weeks-not in monthes anymore-usually doctors tell you this, but it seems that the one you saw was very vague on anything you actually needed to know!
If your question is about how to get help regarding your medical bills, unfortunatly, you will probably have to wait until your medicaid kicks in-but the plus on medicaid is that it usually goes back a little while (usually 3 monthes) and covers bills incurred within that time too. In the meantime, has your state already said whether or not you have been actually approved? If so, a lot of times they can give you a document saying that you have been approved with a number that the doctor can file for his charges until you get a card, which in some states can take up to a month or longer...
My best advice to you is to try to not worry because this is a sometimes very fragile part of a woman's life-even though it is the most beautiful as well. I commend you for working hard no matter what kind of family life you left and making a grand effort to make something in life for yourself!!
In regards to the people you are defending yourself from-nobody besides you has the right to judge how you live or your decisions, let it roll off your back Sister, it isn't worth you getting worked up over...a majority of them are just non-educated bored people who have nothing else better to do than make someone else feel like a piece of sh*t! You are doing the right thing trying to find a way to take care of you and your baby-it's the responsible thing to do!! I think it's GREAT-plain and simple!
Hope I have been of some help to you-take care!

2007-05-11 14:36:12 · answer #2 · answered by evansgirl78 2 · 1 0

First of all I'm sorry people have been so judgemental and mean to you. I got that a lot because I got pregnant right after I turned 17. But to answer your question now. I'm not sure what part of the country you are in but try to find a Planned Parenthood or even the county health department could help you. The health department has a lot of FREE services to offer, including prenatal care. Since you have the internet you can google or do a yahoo search for low cost or free prenatal services in your area. I wish you luck and if you ever want to talk my email is my screen name@yahoo.com. I wish the best of luck and I pray that you find a doctor soon, your little one needs to be under medical supervision as well as you. You're further along than I am so you are close to delivering and there are ultrasounds and bloodwork that need to be done to ensure you have a healthy, safe delivery.

2007-05-11 14:36:19 · answer #3 · answered by Brittany M 2 · 1 0

If you don't want people to comment on extraneous details, just leave them out. You could have simply asked "My last period was either last August or September, is there someway to figure out my due date without an ultrasound?"

Anyhow, as to the actual question contained in this post, I personally try to stay away from personal attacks and name calling. I'll admit to having done it a few times and honestly it does make me feel better to tell someone what I really think from time to time (as I'm sure its made you feel better to get your little rant out here for us all to read).

As far as not seeing a doctor, I'd suggest that at the very least you stop by a pharmacy to regularly check your blood pressure, and weigh yourself regularly to make sure your weight gain is within a normal range. I think there are even over the counter strips you can buy to make sure there are no proteins in your urine. Now that you've applied for Medicaid, hopefully you'll be able to get more regular prenatal care, but until then do your best to stay healthy for yourself and the baby.

2007-05-11 14:27:14 · answer #4 · answered by Heather Y 7 · 1 0

I don't really know what happened previously, but I try to not answer questions if I want to be rude about something. I have probably slipped a few times, no one is perfect, however, I don't think you should feel alone. People try to ask very serious questions on here alot and some people give only smart @ss answers. When you ask a thousand people, you'll get a thousand different personalties. Try not to take it personal. If it offends you, you can always click that button that says they are abusing Answers. Or, you can always give them a thumbs down. Don't feel like you have to explain yourself on here. I'm sure you'll get a few rude answers to this.....

2007-05-11 14:23:13 · answer #5 · answered by thezookeeper 4 · 1 0

I'm not quite sure what the question is here, but if your last period was in September, you would probably have a due date in June. I don't know what people said to you before but I know some people can be rude. Is the insurance issue part of the question? E-mail me and I will try to help you with whatever you need help with!

2007-05-11 14:21:23 · answer #6 · answered by Tracy 3 · 0 0

pregnancy is a very difficult time alone not to mention all of the costs that go along with. i had a baby on medicaid and they took care if some back bills once it kicked in. as messed up as our health care system is in this country i cant imagine them leaving you out in the cold. my daughter is still on medicare, and we are gratefull. there is a reason children are expensive they're worth it! just continue to take care of yourself, and enjoy ur last times alone with ur boyfriend. good luck

2007-05-11 14:24:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't know anything you are referring to about people giving you advice about any question you asked before.

But have you looked into Planned Parenthood? Find your nearest one....they should be able to take care of all your medical expenses FOR FREE after just filling out a questionaare. (Given that you don't make a huge salary).
Good Luck

2007-05-11 14:20:45 · answer #8 · answered by e2atkins 2 · 1 0


2016-04-01 07:26:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ill answer whatever i can..
but there is no really way of working out one month apart without a scan.. even the date of your last period is not a definate..
scan and est based on your cycle is the only way..

2007-05-11 14:53:10 · answer #10 · answered by J A 2 · 0 0

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