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Would they know what to think if Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage went off the air for a week?

2007-05-11 13:48:56 · 23 answers · asked by Stephanie is awesome!! 7 in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

Steph.... You are one of the few leftist I respect here.

What I will tell you is this about the points you bring up:

1. FOX is truly fair........ the news part of it is... At the same time, Hannity and O'Reilly are commentators.. not journalist. They "report" their opinions only and if you were to watch them consistently you would see that 90% of the far left (accent on far left.. not moderate left) ideas that they comment on are on point. O'Reilly I agree with 95 %, Hannity 90 %. Even though I am a Traditionalist Conservative, even these guys go over the top for me some times.

2. Limbaugh is an entertainer. Again, not a journalist in any way. He takes, again, far left talking points and puts his own political spin on them. Any argument has holes. And that is his job as a political commentator entertainer... to find those holes and to run with them. He is good at what he does and that is successful. I agree with probably 75 percent of his talking points.

3. Savage is a far right talking head. He and Mark Lavine are so far right that they make O'Reilly, Hannity and Limbaugh sound like liberals. Savage and Lavine have two goals... to pander to a select audience and to inflame. I listen to both, but just rarely, because I know that their points are just a spin on the facts to wind up the left.

Now, Steph, I have read many of your posts answers. You are a Moderate Liberal. You know how to examine the facts and come to your own conclusions. Such as I do.

I encourage you to heed what I have posted and then maybe spend some time listening and watching the aforementioned. I think you would find many a talking point you agree with.

The challenge for everyone is to be able to do this and pick out the fact, rationalize and make fact based opinions.

2007-05-11 15:33:13 · answer #1 · answered by Dog Lover 7 · 2 2

ALL media outlets are biased one way or the other. There is no such thing as fair and balanced reporting. The communist news network has such a liberal slant as to be sickening and fox is just the opposite. What is sad is the fact that you people have nothing better to do than stare down your noses at each other and act condescending while those elected leaders you love so much get rich off of kick backs from special interests groups. Chatting about it on yahoo answers won't solve anything, especially if the two groups don't find a common ground to stand on. Each side is so convinced that their views are the correct ones for the nation that they often forget to ask non-political working people what they actually think about the subject matter.

2007-05-11 13:55:56 · answer #2 · answered by Robert L 4 · 3 0

Sure they would know, the Republicans use a blackberry to e-mail the thought of the day. I don't know how they pick who gets to decide the topic of the day, they may take turns, or it may go by who's night before was the most interesting, who thought of a saying to respond to whatever a Democrat stated prior to the blackberry meeting. As for our Conservative friends, except for the ones who don't want to hear anything, and just want to insult, I'm sure they weigh the info. just like us, and decide for themselves what information to follow. We need to realize that being a Rep. or Dem. doesn't mean we or they follow the guidelines of Conservatives, or Liberals, that's just what the Media, Fox News wants us to believe so they have fuel for thier talk shows.

2007-05-11 14:28:33 · answer #3 · answered by Coulterbasher01 4 · 0 1

That's kind of funny considering I see more Liberals talk about Rush and Fox news on here than any Republican does.Liberals would be in MORE misery

2007-05-11 14:05:03 · answer #4 · answered by BAARAAACK 5 · 3 0

What would happen if Michael Moore quit making his propaganda films, If CNN ABC NBC and CBS started to tell the truth and if Liberal lemmings had to think for them self? The answer is they would turn into conservatives.
I hope you liberals open your eyes and see that everything is not about them and some times sacrifice is some times necessary

2007-05-12 07:55:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I dont need Fox news to Love America and democracy and i dont listen to Rush Limbaugh or Savage.

2007-05-11 13:52:25 · answer #6 · answered by Proud Michigander 3 · 2 3

or secretly have a Peyton Manning poster in the closet:))

Personally, I might get the shakes if Savage isn't on the air!

2007-05-11 13:57:20 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 3 0

Left Right.... it's all the same, look to the money kids and stop this foolish squabbling amongst your selves... like ants fighting over crumbs on the floor while the cake is divided up on the table...

2007-05-11 13:53:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

my conservative friends (i consider myself somewhere between liberal and moderate) that go to christian schools pretty much never know what's going on. whenever i ask them about things they have no idea what i'm talking about. and even when they do, they usually just say that they believe in this act or don't believe in this act because that's what their parents believe and that's what God wants them to believe.

i'm not trying to bash Christians or conservatives. but this has been my only experience with teenage christian conservatives. not with convservatives in general. not with christians in general. and not with teenagers in general.

generalizing is pretty silly and youre kind of doing that.

i'm tired of name-calling though that's for sure.

yeah there's pretty much no point to this answer i guess. i'm indecisive so all my answers sound like rubbish

2007-05-11 13:55:03 · answer #9 · answered by fcukriot 3 · 4 1

I'm conservative and I do not watch Fox News or Rush Limbaugh...and I would not consider you my friend. My "Friends" tend to be a little more free thinking and quite intelligent. They also would never stoop to the level you just did.

2007-05-11 13:54:25 · answer #10 · answered by Erinyes 6 · 3 5

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