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Peak Oil is not just a theory, it is a very real predicition and it will happen in the next few years. It will effect every part of your life, and yet very few people are talking about it, and the scientists and geologists researching it have hardly any attention at all. What they have concluded is earth shattering, so why don't more people know about it? Why is nothing being done to mitigate it's effects?

The Peak Oil study group at the University of Reading have concluded that the effects of oil depletion could be making themselves felt as early as 2012. Five years in planning terms is nothing, but I haven't heard of any plans to face the challenges that Peak Oil will have on every part of our lives.

What do you think we should do?

Visit www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net, and read the WHOLE thing before you submit an answer, please.

Don't forget, our whole economy depends on growth, anything that interferes with that will cause an economic meltdown.

2007-05-11 12:45:04 · 16 answers · asked by Heralda 5 in News & Events Current Events

16 answers

Why do you think our troops are in the middle east? Not just for fun. Ensuring that we, the western world, survive by having oil to do so.

Sad isn't it. We tread all over the people who actually own the oil, so that we can live our extravagant, wasteful lives, to the detriment of those people who it should be benefiting.

Nothing lasts forever, and we will all feel the effects sooner or later.

2007-05-11 12:52:57 · answer #1 · answered by wonkyfella 5 · 3 0

As you have stated, Civilistasion. Sadly those in power are not concerned with those below them. They have money and power to tap into other resources.

However, it will be the normal people who will suffer the consequences of this. Market forces will control and Oil will prevail. Although the natural oil resources will hit a crisis, the system is in place for its replacement. But this will be at a price. Its all about economics's and markets forces. The public have com eto rely on these resources, and they will pay for alternative resources, whatever the price.

The world is aware of peak oil. America has its reserves, and in is also aware of the resources under Greenland and the Artic Circle, but instead of using their resources and tapping into conservation area's they instead invade the middle east (Iraq). Control their resources, deplete their resources and then hold the world at ransom, for they have they resources that the world needs.

2007-05-11 13:07:06 · answer #2 · answered by essex_reject77 3 · 0 0

The Peak Oil Theory is just that. It assumes that the oil deposits that have been exploited so far are all that exist.
You and many others have fallen victim to the elitist academics who make up these things for government grant money and/or to further their radical "environmentalist" agenda.
This is not the first time "science" and "academia" have led their charges down the garden path to a not-so-pleasant screwing.
Have you not heard of the recent discovery of huge oil deposits all over the globe? Have you not heard that there is enough oil and natural gas under the feet of Americans to give them energy through the 21st century? Have you not heard that America has nearly doubled it's natural gas reserves by just drilling some of the old wells deeper? That's not to speak of known, untapped deposits beneath the Arctic Circle, Russia, China, Africa, Indonesia, India, Australia, Europe, Antarctica and beneath almost every gulf, sea and ocean on the planet.
It's the Arabs who are going to run out of oil...too bad. Those who are smart have started diversifying their economies already. Bringing Iraq and Afghanistan out of the darkness of the distant past is a small benefit of the "War on Terror." Many of the people in Islamic nations realize that if they don't get their act together and get into the 21st century they're doomed to economic destruction.
Check out past issues of some of the oil and gas industry periodicals. They should be in any good library. Open your mind. You're basing your paradigm on a very small sampling of the information available to you which is being spoon-fed to you.
The anarchist says, "Question authority." The wise person says, "Question everything."

2007-05-11 16:58:16 · answer #3 · answered by CJohn317 3 · 0 2

If this is a done deal and nothing will stop this in 5 years, then there is nothing that can be done. Now if your saying we could change this and put it off for another 2 extra years, then how do we do it?

That's the problem with " The sky is falling" if it IS going to happen, then there is nothing that can be done. God's about due to come back and give us a spanking soon anyhow.

2007-05-11 12:59:53 · answer #4 · answered by Ret. Sgt. 7 · 1 0

I tend to read the analysis of this depletion like it is happening tomorrow. Seriously. If people wish to go about their lives, unhinged by the prospect of this global catastrophe, then how else can we impinge on the local population?. When the beginning occurs, and locals start struggling to get to work, then it will be time to sound the bells. No one will change their lifestyles just because someone else does not like their attire. So to will people not accept the results until it affects their consumer patterns.

2007-05-11 12:58:26 · answer #5 · answered by Old Man of Coniston!. 5 · 0 0

Well if you think about it, we already have troops around a great deal of oil right now. We just need to use them as intended. No one cares about the people of Iraq or Iran, seize there oil, pump the countries dry. That would certainly give the US an upper hand in the economic war with China, and India.

2007-05-18 07:20:51 · answer #6 · answered by jawa12 2 · 0 1

To be honest - I'm not sure.

We can't afford a car, nor holidays abroad, can live without a computer and TV, and have lived an agrarian life in the past, so know I can do that.

Any way - not sure that what we have now is actually all the civilised!

2007-05-13 09:46:08 · answer #7 · answered by h s 2 · 0 0

Anyone with any sense would care. The problem is, there's technically nothing the common man can do about it, other than separate himself/ herself from the mainstream of society and live an agrarian lifestyle with horses or feet for transportation. That way, not much will be affected to them.

2007-05-11 12:49:39 · answer #8 · answered by stegokitty 2 · 1 0

12-23-2012 is it.

Forget about peak oil that won't matter when impact occurs. You'll be dead within a few minutes if your lucky.

2007-05-11 12:48:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! There is plenty of oil to last for longer than that. We just won't drill for it because it might upset someone's view, or displace a creature.

2007-05-16 01:29:03 · answer #10 · answered by TAT 7 · 0 1

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