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My sister's 19 year old boy friend is so angry. He is the total opposite of me and my sister and our ideas on life. We want world peace and for people to get along and not to be brainwashed.
I asked him if he would ever push the switch for a nuclear bomb to go off. He says yes, and says he would love to walk down the street in Pakistan and shoot anyone. He likes death and violence, and you can see it in everything he says. It bugs me and I don't think he's a good match for my sister. She says she likes have different views than the one she dates. I do too, I mean you don't want to agree with them on everything, that would be boring. But shouldn't they have a little closer of the same outlook and perception on life. They have opposite philosophies. But she doesn't see it. If she's happy, I guess that's all that counts. I mean I doubt she'll marry him, but for the time being, it just seems like a waste. And I want the best for her.

2007-05-11 10:16:46 · 11 answers · asked by smakale 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

11 answers

your being to sensitive. yes we all would like world peace but it does not happen . we dont live in utopia. so alot of people like to vent over the way the world is and to rid the world of problems by saying just nuke em. He might be a little tougher and brought up different thats life. If he is not violent toward her dont worry about it he might be trying to play with your weak mind.

2007-05-11 10:26:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sometimes people have to learn for themselves rather than be told how they should feel. The chemistry of attraction is a strange thing. I'm not sure how old your sister is, but hopefully marraige is far off in the future for her. I'm not one to talk.. when I was 19, I dated some crazies... I was sort of crazy (but not so much violent). I was not even close to being ready for marraige. If I had married back then, it would have ended badly.

The boyfriend sounds very immature and putting up some violent macho front because he is probably insecure and fearful. I'm not sure about your sister's level of maturity... but hopefully, after whatever initial enjoyment she gets from this relationship, she'll consider what she has observed: has she ever seen this guy use physical violence on anyone or anything?; would she want her children to be raised in the presence of such a person?; and other questions about the future.

As for you, all you can do is be honest. Let her know that you're concerned for her safety and uncomfortable being around her when she's with this person (assuming that is the case).
Best wishes.

2007-05-11 13:18:16 · answer #2 · answered by bedros 3 · 0 0

nicely you assert which you may not tell every physique and you will't save residing like this. Suicide is under no circumstances a fashion out. So i might say that the easy difficulty to do is to flow. seem at scholarships, greater effective jobs, social centers something to get out of the place you're. additionally there are issues that folk can do to make themselves safer. i might do even if you may. so some distance as honestly making a distinction...nicely you comprehend what you're able to desire to do then. talk up and take a stand. See what the police can do this can assist you, do not in basic terms anticipate that they won't or can not do something. Temporally locate somebody to flow to college with, selection the routes you employ to take living house, and sidestep the human beings and factors which you comprehend are undesirable even if in case you're able to desire to stroll or experience farther.

2016-12-11 06:48:50 · answer #3 · answered by kreitman 4 · 0 0

There are more factors at stake in attraction than logic. Logic is one of the last factors when it comes to any relationship. Females are hardwired to like protectors and someone who is assertive, which sometimes means they wind up being with the aggressive. This means that sometimes, I'd say 1 out of 3 times, they will end up with what one might classify as "a jerk". Nice kind individuals most often do not portray these personality traits and thus leads proves the kind individuals frustration when being perfect gentlemen to the one they admire. Despite his aggression, his assertive and protective behavior and confidence proves to satisfy your sisters need to feel as though she's with a leader type of an individual. At an instinctual level, this pleases her.

2007-05-11 10:39:42 · answer #4 · answered by Answerer 7 · 0 0

A willingness to commit violence is an obvious sign of mental illness...
Unless he's just trying to "shock" you into an "eye-brow raising" reaction for the sake of his rather "stupid redneck" sense of humor...
He's psycho...

By the way...
I don't like violent people, either...
They're probably living in hell inside their heads...
But I've seen people like that change for the better...and I've seen good people change for the worse...
Everybody has chances in life to redeem themselves...or make things worse...
But, unfortunately, some choose to make things worse, and don't see their own contribution to all the sadness in the world...
Remember this, however...
It's not your job to dictate to your sister her choice in men...
You can only try to set a good example, and hope they learn from your behavioral wisdom...

2007-05-11 12:12:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She will have to make up her own mind about the guys she is with. Trust that she will see that sometimes people that like violence in that way are not good matches for her to marry

2007-05-11 10:23:46 · answer #6 · answered by katlvr125 7 · 0 0

Too funny...
You want world peace and people to get along, yet you ask that they not be brainwashed.
How much brainwashing have you had to think that people on this planet will think of someone other than themselves or their own religion?
There have been more wars started in the name of religion than any other. So...You would have to eliminate ALL religions in order to have "world" peace.
I would say that as long as she's happy, all should be fine. She'll come around if he truly isn't the right one for her.

2007-05-11 10:31:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Poeople who talk violence frequently engage in it. Check him out. If he has a violet history, get your sister away from him - quick!

2007-05-11 10:23:21 · answer #8 · answered by Sophist 7 · 1 0

violent people at heart are just scared of life, and they protect themselves with that idea that violence will help them. get your sister away from him, violence is contagious!! trust me if she stays with him she will become less patient, more vicious. you should check her out if her attitude has changed even a bit tell her what you feel

2007-05-11 11:49:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Do a criminal background check on him. It is public information and may save you and your sister problems later. If he has multiple domestic assault charges or something I think she would want to know.

2007-05-11 10:43:34 · answer #10 · answered by Land of The Free 2 · 0 1

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