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If women have the right to decide whether or not to birth the fetus should the father have the right not to have to support the mother? Without something like this, she has the means to ruin his life, and blackmail/extortion may ensue.

2007-05-11 09:08:19 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

36 answers

The father doesn't support the mother.

He supports the baby.

2007-05-11 09:12:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 14 6

If a woman gets pregnant, the woman decides if whe wants to keep the baby and become a mother or destroy it.

Let us ignore, for the moment, pre-conception matters since that is not what is in question.

After impregnation, the mother still has the choice of whether she wants to be a mother.
Ther father has no such choices. His choice is forced on him by the mother. This is unfair.
It is entirely the woman's choice about the abortion. I do not contend this.

The father should still be given choice subsequent to impregnation, however, just like the mother is.
Early in the gestation stage, the father should be allowed to completely pull out of being a father and be unassociated to the child as the mother can.
The mother can still choose whether or not to have the child, but she can no longer force this decision onto the father just like he cannot force the decision onto the mother.

An arguement saying as such was prepared for court last year:
I do not know if the case is ongoing or not or what the outcome was.

If the mother is not ready to be a mother she can abort.
If the father is not ready to be a father he is financially crippled.

2007-05-12 02:46:23 · answer #2 · answered by Nidav llir 5 · 2 2

Yes the man shoud be involved in the choice.
More importantly the choice to have safe protective sex is the best way to prevent this from happening.

If you are old and mature enough to have sex, then you need to realize you might have a baby and you have to be up for that responsibity.

Abortion oftens leaves a life time of guilt and often missing the child who could of been.

As a nurse I have never met one person who, even after an abortion was glad they did it. More often they grieved for the life that was lost.

It is a big decisionl

If you don't want a woman to ruin your life, make sure you are having safe sex with a good woman. It sounds like you made a big mistake. Preventio is the best to avoid such situations

2007-05-12 11:16:15 · answer #3 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 1 1

Men do not have the right to insist on or prevent a woman from getting an abortion. The reason for this is pretty easy - if they get an equal say in the decision, and man and woman disagree, he basically is controlling her body and holding her hostage. It's unfortunate, because obviously many men do care about the potential child, and I think most women would take the father's desires into consideration.

Once a child is born, men do not have as many rights as a father if they are not married to the mother, but they do have some.

If men are interested in having a say over what happens to a fetus that they are related to, the simply have to start marrying women before impregnating them. If a woman is unmarried, there is no assumption of paternity, and a man can basically just walk away and leave her pregnant, perhaps without any ability to financially care for a child. Do you think this same man should be able to force her to have the baby and raise it- alone? The law can't force a boyfriend or a one-night-stand, for that matter, to be a father and provide properly for the infant and the infant's mother. (Who, after all, is financially incapacitated for a minimum of a few months after birth.)

The most the law can do, if paternity is established, is order the man to give a percent of his earnings to the child. If he decides to quit his job, or to stay off the radar by being "self-employed" or move to Mexico, there is very little the woman can do.

However, if a man is married, he is by law required to support any children his wife bears while they are married. Again, child support payments in case of divorce are tricky to actually get sometimes, but the legal presumption is that a married man must keep his wife and child from becoming homeless or starving, if it is in his power to do so. That is why he has more rights as a father, because his wife has the right to expect more of him as a father.

Additionally, I would guess that women would be far more interested in the man's opinion of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy if she felt she could count on him - i.e., he was her husband!

Women, once they give birth, do not have the right to refuse to support the child. Neither do you. Sorry it's finally caught up to the male gender. Don't have sex with pro-lifers - I certainly wouldn't if I were you.

So, in short, THAT'S why men don't have a say when it comes to a woman's reproductive rights. If that's an important issue to a specific man, he should get married so that he will be in a better position to argue the case for or against abortion.

You want to have the freedom to have sex with women, but not the risk of parenting a child. (So do many women, only to find themselves pregnant anyway.) Short of getting your tubes tied, no one can promise that a child won't result out of this. (And even then, it is slightly possible anyway.) If a woman gets pregnant, she is not "blackmailing" you by asking you to give the absolute minimum you could give to that child. She is simply asking you to follow through on that sex you so enjoyed. If you don't want to risk being linked to a particular woman for the rest of your life because she is the mother of your child, don't have sex with her. Women have been dealing with this problem for far, far longer than you have. Child support payments have only been around for 25 years or so. Women have been stuck providing everything for a child that they didn't intend to have for the last few million. Quit whining.

2007-05-11 10:01:16 · answer #4 · answered by Junie 6 · 6 3

Men are considered wallets with legs. Multiple cases of 2 or more men supporting 1 child are routinely upheld, as ridiculous as that seems. There is no pursuit of equality by women. It is pursuit of selfish privilege and getevenism.

Carrie you said:
"The father doesn't support the mother.
He supports the baby."

So if he buys the child cloths, food, etc etc etc then he can subtract what he paid from the CHECK WITH THE MOTHERS' NAME ON IT ! RIGHT ?

This brings up another issue. Men have no say how the money is spent either. They are just wallets with legs.

2007-05-12 22:27:55 · answer #5 · answered by dean g 3 · 1 1

I don't get those women who think it's entirely their call because they are carrying the baby. If it is truly that simple then keep your legs closed or use contraception.

A man who takes his responsibility seriously should have as much to do with the decision as the mother. He should not be subjected to sexual politics by a devious woman who wants to be spiteful. While there are plenty of arguments that I can agree with that would warrant an abortion, that is still not enough justification for one person to have the sole decision whether to murder an unborn life to be.

The only scenario that is acceptable in my mind is if the mother would die as a result of carrying a child. Otherwise it should be illegal to do so without the participation of the legal system and medical professions.

It just appalls me how some women can be so selfish as to vainly promote the idea that it is their body and therefore their right. If it is your body, then don't be so reckless with it. Be responsible and no one will try to tell you what to do with your body.

2007-05-11 11:30:27 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Owl 2 · 2 3

At the end of the day if you as a man have UNPROTECTED sex ,most men who have an average IQ know that when you have sex you risk conceiving a BABY, and the mother decides to keep said baby then you men have the moral right to pay CHILD not Mother BUT CHILD support. This money supports 50% of your genetic investment, and any reasonable man would not want his blood kin to kive in poverty so they would want to do the right thing. If you dont want to be financially responsible then take better care of your penis!!! I hear lots of bleating and crying about nasty feminists wanting to kill babies in regards to abortion and lots of bleating about how men dont get a say in whether to keep the baby or not and lots of bleating and crying about child support ruining a guys life but I never hear any responsible comments like " Yes guys should take responsibility for contraception", How many women have heard the age old question asked by a sweaty, eager excited little men "Are you on the pill, oh your not I will pull out" In my oppinion most men really dont care about the conception of a another person but the fact that they wnat to get their end in, its after the excitement they wnat to bleat "I dont want to pay child support", "I dont want you to have an abortion, adoption etc" Or "Its a mistake quick get an abortion". The fact is they should of thought about it prior after all it does take two people so stop bleating and blaming and next time you are in that certain situation have a cold shower and a coffee!!

2007-05-11 23:35:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

If a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy it is a situation that involves the father of the child. If he is against the abortion, he can get a court order that will prevent the woman from voluntarily ending the pregnancy in that state. However, if she produces the child, and doesn't want to nurture it, then it is the father who gets that honor. The father of a child conceived outside of marriage is not responsible to support the mother. The father is, however, responsible for the provision of support of the child. So, I suggest that if you do not want to be responsible for a conception that resulted from irresponsible sexual activity, you should make sure you don't deliver the product.

2007-05-11 09:56:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Personally if she does have the baby, he has to accept that he was a part of that and support his child- after all, the baby didn't make choices for the mother or the man himself.
Though it's obviously wrong to use a child like that...i think people need to be more respectful of what human life is.

2007-05-11 11:36:37 · answer #9 · answered by jess 4 · 3 3

You might want to look up the meanings of the words 'blackmail' and 'extortion' before you throw them around and misuse them as you have been. Once a child is born, BOTH parents are responsible for that child until he/she reaches 18. That's the law, and it applies equally to both mother and father.

BEFORE the child is born, the responsibility belongs solely to the mother. The fetus is inside HER body, and SHE will bear any and all physical consequences of any decision, therefore those decisions are hers.

I hope you see the distinction.

2007-05-11 09:32:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 9 4

He has the option of signing away his parental rights. he is therefore not responsible for the mother or the fetus. However, it also means he has no right to demand access to the child once it is born. This option does indeed exist, and has been used. say hello to the death of the "women can use babies to trap us!" myth.

2007-05-11 09:50:45 · answer #11 · answered by bluestareyed 5 · 2 3

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