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I support the president and everything he does . Why do people and the college I work at spray graffiti and put scratches on my suv ?
My husband says I only should listen to Rush Limbaugh to understand but I don't know what he means.

2007-05-11 09:03:57 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

37 answers

The reason "people" hate the President is because he is a Republican, especially the college you work at. Most colleges are bastions of liberalism!!! Liberals don't want people to understand that most people can care for themselves better than the government can! Of course, most liberals probably need help caring for themselves, but just hate that most people don't need the government. A lot of uneducated people think as soon as someone dies for their country, especially in war, we should immediately quit fighting. I believe it is a good thing we didn't feel that way in World War 2, or of course, we would all be speaking German right now!!! Keep supporting your President and all that he does for us. And be prepared for the terrorist to attack us again as soon as we leave Iraq and declare that we have lost!!!!!
There are some other great conservative radio programs out there. Although a great program to watch on TV is Hannity and Colmes on Fox News Network. They talk about both sides of the issues and let you decide!!!!!

2007-05-11 09:21:43 · answer #1 · answered by sparkylump 3 · 3 0

If he is protecting us from terrorist how come we have not caught Bin Laden yet? Why did we invade a country that didn't have anything to do with 9/11? Do you realize that none of the terrorist hijackers were from Iraq. How come four years after Bush landed on the aircraft carrier and declared mission accomplished are we still in Iraq? . What is victory in Iraq mean? Does it mean we totally destroy their infrastructure and allow the country to fall into a civil war because that's what we have done by invading their country. Instead of following talking heads like Rush try reading the newspaper and watching the news and forming your own opinion. Rush Limbaugh is a fat gas bag that is distorts the truth. Google his name and see what you come up with

2007-05-11 09:24:02 · answer #2 · answered by THEMURPHSTER 3 · 0 1

I am British but live close to the USA.
You should not put 100% trust in your government when you do not know what goes on behind the scenes. Yes you would expect them to be honest and look after your country but politics is not like that.
Your way of thinking is exactly what Bush and his cronies want, they want you scared and feel like the terrorists will land on your doorstep any minute. Yes they are out there but there is alot more now since Bush came to power.
So let me ask you this. Why was Iraq invaded when there is now proof there was no WMD. ?
Was the patriot act brought in to protect you or was it brought in to help the government spy on and have better control over your country ??
What was the reason to invade , OIL maybe.
If Bush said we must invade Uzbechastan because they have been harbouring terrorists would you agree with him ??
Thousands of US and foreigner troops and civillians have been killed because of Bush.
Just be a little bit more open , just because this man got to power it does not mean he his honest and he means well. or maybe he does mean well but only his interests.
20 years from now you will realise that your current government has made many mistakes what with wars, global warming, natural disasteres like Katrina . Your children will be the ones that suffer.

2007-05-11 09:21:27 · answer #3 · answered by chrisnickjim 2 · 0 0

He's not protecting anyone - he's creating more enemies for the United States. There was no Iraq connection to 9/11. There were not terrorist training camps in Iraq prior to the US invasion and now the whole country is a terrorist breeding ground.

Why do you blindly support and follow Bush without learning more about what is going on in the world? Why should you only listen to Rush Limbaugh when there are so many other great conservatives out there that do not agree with Bush or the Iraq War.

I'm sorry that people destroyed your personal property. They had absolutely no right to do that what-so-ever. It is immature, ridiculous behavior that should be punished to the full extent of the law.

2007-05-11 09:16:23 · answer #4 · answered by Marcus 3 · 0 4

Good question. You would think the libs would love G.W. He spends like a lib and put in programs like "no child left behind" like a lib. He has a week stance on border control like a lib and he has had the same stance on Iraq that the libs hero Bill Clinton had when he was in office. Why do they hate him? The only thing he doesn't do like a lib is cut taxes. So I guess the reason why the Libs hate George is that he doesn't take enough of their money out of their pockets. I know that doesn't make sence but then again either does a lib

2007-05-11 09:11:20 · answer #5 · answered by great dane fanatic 3 · 3 1

I think what's worse than Bush is the people that voted for him.
That's the kind of people Bush wants in his dominion
Believers of anything that will come out of his mouth

-We have been attacked by alliens! They are hiding in Afghanistan and some in Iraq. Let's hurry and bomb them
And afterwards rebuild them. Because we care

Bush really cares for Iraq. It cost him a bit of casualties -err about 3500 american soldiers and approximately $315 billion dollars to the cause.

Wow, isn't that a caring kind of people?

Exactly how is he protecting from terrorism?
The people of Iraq are no terrorists they are RESISTING to the intrusion of the us forces. And quite heroic I'd say, sacrifising their own lifes and they are trying to achive lieberation from the us army.

Is it that the good president is trying to bring democracy for the good people of iraq? Well why doesn't he try that with the arabic countries as well? They are allies

Suppose that he is fighting terrorists in iraq. What's the plan
Kill all terrorists in iraq?and then their families?And friends?

All-over the world the news of each country reports terroristic attacks from local terroristic groups. But Mr Bush is kind of eclectic about terrorist groups. He will only go after the elite groups.

Bush Senior a shareholder of Carlyle group, which is one of the only companies that were benefited after 9/11 and keeps making rivers of money. Georgey will inherit

How long will it take for you to accept it?
Wars dont just happen for humanistic reasons
but for financial interest

People are dying. Iraq could be your country. Wake up!
Goverments are using you
Wake up!

2007-05-11 09:50:54 · answer #6 · answered by QUESTIONER 2 · 0 2

I think the key word is listen. If you limit your media sources, you will hear only the opinions that support what you think. You think he protects you from terrorists...many others think he has made far more terrorists than he has protected you from. Most of America, and the world, for that matter is disgusted with the incompetence of his administration. Do not take my word for it. Do some actual research and read some views contrary to your own. There are reasons why people feel the way they do. This runs deep in people's emotions. I feel that he has made the USA into the most hated nation or maybe moreso than Nazi Germany. Do not limit your sources.....read....listen to the news. Listen to BBC, not just Fox. People feel the way they do because he has given them a valid reason to. He has caused a river of blood to run thru Iraq. He lies to the American people. Bin Laden for that matter is still at large. Who exactly are you being protected from?
You need to open your eyes and pull your head out of the sand. You also need to tell your husband that you will watch what you want and when you want. That is censorship. Take my word for it, George Bush is not an honorable man. If you read the news in last couple days, and I am guessing that you didn't....you would read that even the Republicans are afraid he will totally decimate the GOP. They are asking for him to use common sense. He needs impeachment and fast.

2007-05-11 09:10:45 · answer #7 · answered by kolacat17 5 · 0 6

Well I think it's wrong for someone to damage your property. People don't like Bush because he has done some things that have made more and more people angry. If people continue to be angry at us and hate us they're more likely to do a terrorist attack.

2007-05-11 09:28:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Too many human rights activists screaming "they are miss understood, you should for give them. not kill them."

Bush is in the oil business? well, i have heard that before, could be one reason by both Bush´s went to war in Iraq. they are making money, gas prices going up. ( oh, well, such as life )

any way, its always the presidents fault, no mater what happens. Congress controls most of what happens, and if they mess up, its the presidents fault. Always has been, Always will be.

If you are still wondering why we are still over there, ask your congressman or woman. They are not representing you very well.

2007-05-11 09:16:27 · answer #9 · answered by FarmerCec 7 · 2 3

Chuck Norris says you should listen and read multiple sources of info and make your own opinion. I did and I personally support Bush, and I understand why people don't also. I just don't like people that think their right and others are wrong.

Chuck Norris also says guy 3 below is a moron. Even Osama admitted 9/11 was planed during Clintons term.

2007-05-11 09:06:06 · answer #10 · answered by Relax Guy 5 · 7 5

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