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11 answers

You mean, if there was a petition to ask the government to do what it was already supposed to be doing?

I suppose if the SF city council can pass resolutions condeming the Iraq war, I can sign an equally meaningless petition.

2007-05-11 09:12:00 · answer #1 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 0 0

I would...but I honestly don't see how illegal immigration can be controlled anytime soon. Unless we build fences around our borders or very thoroughly examine households and their occupants, illegal immigrants will always find a way to leak through. Heavily stepping up security at the borders might work in the long run, but what guarantee will I have that my tax dollars won't go to employ some crooked border patrol agent who will let someone through for a bag of cocaine or a few hundred bucks?

2007-05-11 09:09:22 · answer #2 · answered by spunion 4 · 0 0

I sure would, for once I would agree with where my tax dollars are going and I would feel alot better about the future of my children, and the safety of the United States. Unlike the feeling I have about my tax dollars being shipped to Iraq, the war over there doesn't make me feel secure, what would make me feel secure is if our troops were in fact guarding our Country from the insurgents (Illegal aliens), over here.

2007-05-11 09:13:18 · answer #3 · answered by Coulterbasher01 4 · 0 0

Yes i would agree to use tax money.....

Your love ones came to America correctly why should be let people just walk in or in words..... swim in..lol

I agree this is a national problem we are allowing these people to get jobs for less money and take jobs away from america's by letting them stay we are helping the rich get richer because there the first to hire a truck load of $5.00 an hour employees.


2007-05-11 09:13:55 · answer #4 · answered by Thomas Smith 1 · 1 0

WE dont know trhe intent of ANY of the ILLEGAL aliens..some may want to "imigrate" yet chose to break the law rather than fillout the application and wait their turn...Others have other reasons /agendas for their illegal entry into the US.
The petition should demand that Congress enforce the immigration and Immediatly FUND all enforcement agencies, hire additional personnel/agents, and
allow/process Citizen verification requests from local law enforcement within 24 hrs.
In addition
.. A pettition to enforce the deportation of ALL persons without PROOF of their "citizenship status" would work
.as long as the pettition REQUIRES Congress to:

...WITHHOLD all Federal funds to ANY STATE that fails to enforce federal immigration laws. Should states fail to prosecute all sanctuary cities and organizations(including churches) that aid/assist/fund/illegals then the Feds should:
.....To CONFISCATE ALL assets (under RICO organized crime) and Federalize the LAND currently occupied by the "sanctuary cities" Citizens can be given 30 days to relocate to a state of their choice: The facilities in the town can then be used for tempory holding facilities to process/ sort the illegals prior to their deportation. *Churches can possibly buy back their buildings at public auction.Other organizations may be able to recover or not. Assets held by illegals can be sold (public auction) and fees collected can be used to offset transportation costs to send them "home".
... TO PRODUCE A LAW thatrequires that all birth/death records of ALL states be secured; Create a Fed task force to transfer all records into a computer data base and create a secure procedure that allows states to record and verify all death/birth cerificiates.
... TO PRODUCE A LAW that requires all states to verify citizenship of ALL individuals detained by law enforcement .
..TO PRODUCE A LAW that requires that ALL states verify citizenship of all registered voters and accept no new applications 45 days prior to a presidential election.
**The right to vote is SUBJECT TO the rules/procedures governing registration requirements. Young voters can submit their registration if their birthday falls before the date of the election ..
(Congresss could impose a small fine on citizens who dont bother to vote..like Australia..)
Given the current level of incompetence and dysfunction in Congress, ..To Be effective, ANY petition must specify and define the requests...

2007-05-11 10:21:15 · answer #5 · answered by cyansure 4 · 0 0

Both Immigration and Tax reform.

2007-05-11 09:10:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In a heartbeat! As long as it's not ALL of the tax money. I think when they come here illegally, we should not deport them back to their home country. Let's send them to Iraq!

2007-05-11 09:13:00 · answer #7 · answered by TexasDolly 4 · 1 1

I in basic terms have - and thank you for bringing the proposed closure of Yahoo! 360° to public be conscious. I had no intimation in any delight in till seeing your question, approximately Yahoo's pass.

2016-11-27 19:19:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As long as no new taxes were levied, and it provided a long-term fix and not just some stop-gap half-assed solution...yes

2007-05-11 09:00:35 · answer #9 · answered by wax 3 · 1 0

it would depend on the exact wording of the petition

2007-05-11 09:12:33 · answer #10 · answered by jj raider 4 · 0 0

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