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Truth seekers of 911 are asking us who understand critical thinking, to research on our own before blindly falling into line by simply accepting what the U.S. Government says about 911 just because we are Americans and must trust our government. Blind faith? Do they deserve it? If presented with two choices; the governments 911 Commission Report or the many Americans who have educated themselves and come armed with facts-- If you are truly a person who values critical thinking; then you would at least consider the possibility that the 911 Commission's report is not actually credible, but that means you would have to read it. Did you read it? Remember, not based on anything other than reading the 911 report, do you honestly think it's 100% accurate? Do you think there may be errors in it? Is it possible that our government made some huge errors that fateful day? After reading the 911 report, is it possible that the report is wrong? What's odds that it is 100% accurate?

2007-05-11 07:15:37 · 25 answers · asked by Mysteri O 3 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Have you read the report? Obviously most of you have not. Most of you don't know much about our government if you think they wouldn't do something like that. Just read your history books about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident. How can you trust our government? I know how, because you are too busy to bother with it. There are more scandals in our government than there are in the entertainment industry. I too lost family in 911, so don't tell me what to feel. Anyone who has half a brain could see that the question is simple, did our government fail us that day? YES !!! On every single front they failed us. Every single front. I'm not asking you to believe a conspiracy theory, I am asking you if you are basing your judgements on your own research or if you are complacent and going with whatever the government tells you? If there are errors in the 911 Commission Report, then could there also be lies?? YOU BET

2007-05-11 11:55:43 · update #1

Propaganda is designed to make people act and think just like most of you here. The tin foil hat answer is the ignorant answer. Can we debate that answer? No, because it merits no consideration. I was a kid during the Vietnam War, and I have seen a lot of things go down in history. If you are a young college or high school kid, then you have nothing on me. I have wisdom, and if you trust the government, then I hope you trust them to do the right thing regarding this country and our Constitution. I don't trust them...absolute power corrupts absolutely. I welcome differing points of view as long as they are based in arguable facts, not name calling and "nu-uh" let's hear the facts.
Most of the retorts I see posted here are not arguable, only immature, and not arguments at all.
We didn't fly the planes into the WTC Towers, but our government knew it was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. Norad failed us 100%. What are the odds of that happening?? Weak Weak arguments.

2007-05-11 12:04:32 · update #2

I am an American Indian, my people were here on this soil a long time before the white man, that makes me a true American. We have not always been free, but we are now. This is not going to last very long at the rate we're going. WE ELECT OUR GOVERMENT, WE NEED TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE TO ALL OF US WHO PAY TAXES! I want to know the truth because the report we got is hogwash. If you have read the report, then please speak up. Give me facts or assumptions grounded in logic, then we can talk about it. Be open minded enough to question what the government tells you. Power is the motivation in the government. Not whats best for the citizens of the U.S. You would be utterly shocked if you knew what was really going on behind the scenes in our government, Please be a critical thinker and ask yourself if it is possible that our government lies to us? I think we all know the answer to that one. Use your own mind and do your own research before jumping on a bandwagon of propaganda.

2007-05-11 12:12:40 · update #3

25 answers

Anyone who believes the official story is either doing it blindly. In other words, "They don't even really know what it is." or they are in emotional denial and live under fear.

If you don't buy the 9/11 stuff just ask me anything and I will help you to understand what is happening. We are being lied, deceived and mislead.

2007-05-11 18:10:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

I still have some questions that are not unreasonable. Why such a small hole in the Pentagon? This was a HUGE plane,a 757 or something? Yet the hole made in the building is so disproportionate to what a giant plane would have made. And I understand the secrecy of the video of the plane hitting at the time. I don't understand why we can't see it now though, it's been 8 years after all. Hell, a person does not want to be suspicious,but some things just make you wonder. Some things are just kind of screwy about it. So shoot me for wondering about discrepancies.

2016-05-20 22:46:25 · answer #2 · answered by charlotte 3 · 0 0

wait wait wait....you mean our Governement is NOT perfect....OMG, i think im going to pass out.....
notice the HEAVY sarcasm?

come on...aren't you a little late to be jumping on this train? Governments do what they think is right to protect the people. What if the truth was so bad, that you WOULDNT WANT to know about it? What if it was something much worse? What would happen? What would happen if we knew the true dnger that we are in.....there would be immediate panic and riots. Oh, and what truths are you talking about....the morons like Rosie that go around saying , "That was the first time EVER that fire had melted steel....." OR maybe the "fact" that there were no Jews in the buildings....which has been proven false.......OR maybe the "fact" that the planes shot some sort of missle into the building before they entered...yea....that one has to be true....(notice my sarcasm again? )
what an idiot.....come on, go run along and let the adults play.

2007-05-11 07:21:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

Its likely that the 9/11 report isn't 100% accurate and it is clear that mistakes were made on 9/11... we will probably never know exactly what happened in all four planes that day... but it's NOT because the Government is covering it up... there are too many people on Capitol Hill who want to burry Bush for this conspiracy to ever actually work...

2007-05-11 07:19:39 · answer #4 · answered by Ryan F 5 · 4 4

The fact that a conspiracy much different than the one giving to us is by our government is beyond elementary. You would have to refuse knowledge and education to keep from concluding the obvious.
The 11th of every month is truth day.

2007-05-11 18:17:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

For those of you that have not read the report the full report is 585 pages long. It can be downloaded for free from http://www.gpoaccess.gov/911/pdf/fullreport.pdf

It does not explain what happened to building #7


2007-05-11 07:30:44 · answer #6 · answered by NoahTall 4 · 5 1

**Mr Indian writes**-
Most of you don't know much about our government if you think they wouldn't do something like that. Just read your history books about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident. How can you trust our government? **

Cuban missile crisis was made up by our government????
( and the Soviets had no interest in this and there were no nukes? -c-mon get real )

Gulf of Tonkin "incident" was a aggressive move by our military to provoke an action by the Vietnamese The Vietnamese could of took the nice road but we had to see the intent of their military. An exercise of FACT. We see that Vietnam DID commit acts of high crime on the International waterways.

are you going to tell these people that they are wrong?
Do you think that all the German People fell for Hitlers Propaganda?
do you believe that 3 million people Believed in Marxism?
lets just say maybe there was an issue about putting food on the table. And to a Starving person, propaganda was just another hurdle, to get food.

You Hang that American Indian Title around your neck for whose benefit? You are embarrassing your tribe, go home little stinky britches.

We did go to the moon.
and the 911 report is just a small piece of a larger picture - so maybe you need to get "The Big picture"

For Gods sake get a life.


he brain washed us too -ha haha hahah ahahhahahhahahhaahh

2007-05-11 07:18:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 7

The only thing in this world that is 100% accurate is Life and Death.
Cut and Dried.
People will read and respond the way they want to
If the facts are 1+ 1 = 2 you will allways have the few who look at it and say that it is 11

2007-05-11 07:22:50 · answer #8 · answered by trawet 3 · 6 4

1. No report, on any subject, ever, has been 100% correct.

2. The most likely, obvious explaination is usually what happenned. Sure, there is a chance that aliens from the planet Zoomba (your home planet) caused 9/11. Not very probable.

3. It is posts like this, from people like you, that make me ashamed to be classified as the same species

4. Yes, I read it. Yes it looks credible. Am I 100% positive it is 100% correct? Of course not. It is reasonable.

2007-05-11 07:21:44 · answer #9 · answered by John Q Harris 3 · 7 5

Critical thinking?!?!?!?!? critical thinking means Examining all evidence and coming to a conclusion by rational means. Now that are terms are established care to try again. Every piece of evidence that the theorists have put out has been proven false but they still hang on to it because they came to their conclusion first then only look at that evidence that supports their delusion.

2007-05-11 07:20:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

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