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This is a serious question.
I mean.. everyone hates him... but he musta accomplished something right..
I think that security in the States has improved... at airports and stuff.

What other stuff has Bush accomplished?

2007-05-11 06:04:09 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

56 answers

Security is better, but dear, look at the price we paid for that better security.What other stuff did Bush accomplish.....................................................................................
That sums it up.

2007-05-17 08:34:46 · answer #1 · answered by Me 7 · 1 1

Bush has acomlished nothing good really, infact made things worsse around the world, for a person who did not know who the president of Indian was few years back its not really supirsing how Bush's foregin policy is (lol)., what ever Bush has done in the USA, any president can do really, but what makes ur a great leader is how u approach other people of different countries, and ur example is now at the present time in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and many more who dont like America for interfering & ruining their life, even if before America's involvement with countries the countries were corrupt its none of anyon'e business, interfering just makes it worse as we all can see now, let other people take care of their own, its much better that way, history has proved that, even if there r wars in other countries then let them sort it out, thats how u progress, not by another nation sorting it out for them, Gosh lol.

2007-05-11 17:44:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Iraq is a mess, but to rate him let's take Iraq out of the equation for a moment. Anti Iraq people will hate him blindly and not be able to see anything else. We do have a good economy and unemployment is low. Domestically there have been a lot worse President's. I'll be glad to see him go because I don't believe we can heal as a nation until then.
Even if we are still there the next President will not be blamed for Iraq. Without Iraq he was mediocre.

2007-05-17 09:31:02 · answer #3 · answered by craig v 1 · 1 1

History will prove that he did, or certainly tried to do, things that were best for our nation. The economy is at a all time high, with the lowest unemployment since post world war two. His position on Iraq will certainly be proven to be correct, and even more so, if the demos. force the troops home. Taxes haven't increased and our security although not close to being what it should be is better than before his taking office. If he gets his way on amnesty it will not make me happy, but the demos. want to give it too. It is a shame that we are losing our country to foreigners slowly but surely. In four generations the whites will be minorities, and the Mexican/Hispanic will be the majority. Even the black Americans will be hurt as they will lose some of what they have gained to the new order of Mexican dominance. Bush needs to send them back, build a fence and protect our boarders to ensure our country's strong future; especially our culture and language.

2007-05-17 09:34:31 · answer #4 · answered by H. A 4 · 1 3

contrary to the media popular belief not everyone hates G.W. the ones who hates G.W. are the democrat party, the news media, and those who don't pay attention to what is going on in politics. G.W. has done quite a bit for the country, lowered taxes, disrupted the terrorist attacks if not stopped them all together. think about we have not had and attack on us since 9/11. yet during the Clinton admin. there was three to five attacks (the 93 attack on the world trade center,the cobalt tower, the marine barracks, the USS Cole, and others.) instead of being of doing something about it Clinton ran away from it and had someone sweep it under the rug so he didn't have to deal with it. Reagan had two attacks one over Scotland and a high jacking. Reagan went after the ones who was behind the bombing of the plane that was blew up over Scotland; by bombing Omar Qaddafi . Carter had one with the taking of the embassy in Iran. Carter wanted to talk them to death. they were held for over two years. they weren't released until a matter of minuets before Reagan took office. is G.W. hated yes but only because; he is doing something that Clinton refused to do. Clinton handed him a recession when he left office. now there is more money that goes into the treasury due to the tax cuts yet the democrats want you to think other wise.

2007-05-11 07:20:35 · answer #5 · answered by DALE M 4 · 2 2

Upgraded airport security is hardly a good indicator of improved overall security for a country. Bush has "accomplished exactly what he set out to do in the very beginning. He invaded two countries and started a perpetual war without end with no distinct enemy, just a generic group of enemies known as "terrorists". He has usurped virtually all the power out of the hands of Congress and the Supreme court and consolidated it into the Executive Branch and the Pentagon. He has betrayed the citizens of the US with his Patriot Act which basically gives him free reign to eavesdrop on whomever he chooses with no prior notice or justification. He has lied to us all virtually every time he has opened his mouth in public.
The list goes on and on, but I don't want to. If you want a more extensive list of his "accomplishments" I suggest you go to www.Alternet.org and browse any number og articles written about him and his cronies and all the abuses of power they have gotten away with in the name of "democracy" and "secutity", both terms used very loosely by them...

2007-05-11 06:21:13 · answer #6 · answered by Jonathon M 2 · 2 2

i do no longer hate absolutely everyone. besides the undeniable fact that, Kevin Federline and Paris Hilton are ineffective, wastes of area. Bush could no longer be the wonderful president ever, yet a minimum of he's serving a purpose.

2016-11-27 03:07:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He hasn't died and let Cheney take over....

Seriously though, he undied most of Clinton's mistakes i.e. Before Clinton two fighter jets could be anywhere in the US in two minutes (How long did it take jets to get to 9/11? Why did Clinton shutdown air force bases? He said it was because they weren't cost effective) Bush brought back the air marshals (Clinton said that there hadn't been an airplane hijacking in so long that there weren't needed... To bad he didn't think that maybe people know there were air marshals on the planes...) Bush has allowed subs to retaliate when fired upon (Clinton required direct approve from him... meaning a sub would have to surface and send a msg while being shot at and then maybe fire back.) Bush scraped Clintons doctrine of accepting the first strike as a matter of peace (USS Cole).

The good he's done goes on and on. BUT I still don't like the guy.

2007-05-11 06:15:50 · answer #8 · answered by slice39 3 · 2 4

No good. He's creating more terrorists with his doctrine of hate. He's a pathological liar. He's robbed this country of true representation. He has his own secret agenda. He will certainly go down as the worst President in U.S. history.

2007-05-19 06:08:39 · answer #9 · answered by little timmie 3 · 0 0

That is like saying everyone hates their parents when they are teenagers. Most parents, like Bush, do all the hard things that teenagers, like most Americans, don't understand. Parents provide safety, food, a place to live, an education etc. for their kids. Teenagers don't get it until they are older how much their parents had to bust their butts to provide for them.
Bush is the same way...has America been attacked on US soil since 2001? NO
How is the current economy? Very Good!!!!especially after the slight recession at the end of Clinton's term. Except for gas prices, what other economic issue is there to complain about today?
How are taxes? Lower
How much is being spent on education? More than any time in our history...
Bush has had to make HARD decisions that most people don't get, so they complain about it. I guess people prefer to love a president that cheats on his wife, plays the saxaphone, accomplishes nothing and rides the wave of hard work of his predecessors. If that is the case, I choose to hate Bush, but I thank God he's here.

2007-05-11 06:30:07 · answer #10 · answered by StevieB 2 · 5 4

Some of you think your economy is hot, well you better take off your blinkers and refocus as things will only worsen in the United States. Your government under GW Bush is going in debt at the tune of 1.5 to 2 billion perday. If you think the economy is getting better in the United States then you are as delusional as George Walker Bush is and that is pretty sad.

2007-05-11 06:28:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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