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O'Reilly from Fox News, doesn't like illegal aliens, and doesn't believe that they should be given any special rights, or a free pass as a citizen of U.S. Now, he has labeled Democrats as Liberals, and goes on to tell us, Dems, that we are do gooders who want to give the illegals all rights and citizenship, how does this makes sense? Corporations, and businesses using illegal aliens to replace U.S. citizens and save themselves a bundle of money, are aligned with the Republican party. Why would a Democrat, who is losing his or her job, losing healthcare, and losing money, due to the influx of illegal aliens, support giving them citizenship and rights??? O'Reilly can't have his cake and eat it too. If he is against illegals in the U.S. he is going to have to face it that he, just like us Democrats, don't fit the label that he is stamping us with. Talk about twisting the facts to fit your argument? Does anyone eles have a problem with being labeled, cause it doesn't fit what you are?

2007-05-11 05:45:18 · 12 answers · asked by Coulterbasher01 4 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

12 answers

Dont look for anything logical or coherent in O'Reillys arguments.

He changes his positions on a day to day basis to support him in the heat of the moment. Almost nothing ever is consistent with him.

One day he'll have some anti-gun person on the show and he'll trot out a whole bunch of pro-gun bullsh*t, and the next day he'll have someone on defending rappers and he'll do a total about-face and use the fact that many rappers carry and own guns against them. The only thing hes consistent on is no matter what the issue, its always the fault of some vast "liberal" conspiracy out to get him.

2007-05-11 05:53:37 · answer #1 · answered by Jesus W. 6 · 3 0

"Why would a Democrat, who is losing his or her job, losing healthcare, and losing money, due to the influx of illegal aliens, support giving them citizenship and rights???"

Because the worthies who control the Democrat Party well and truly believe that after these illegals are turned into citizens they will vote for members of that same Democrat Party. And you know what? They're right!

So, the leaders of the Democrat Party who claim to care about the working man, the poor and the folks struggling to make a living are willing to toss them overboard to the sharks just so they can get some more votes.

They would tell you they need the votes to help the working man, the poor and the folks struggling to make a living but they would be lying to you.

Bottom line: Politicians will do almost ANYTHING in pursuit of a few more votes. And don't be mad with them for acting this way. It's a sad fact that they can't help it - it's just the way they are. It's our job to try and weed out the bums and vote responsible politicians into office - the only problem today, of course, is that there are so few of them worthy of the offices they wish to hold.

2007-05-11 05:52:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Partially true, but someone without a belief system is called a moderate, flairing in the wind, testing the currents, seeing what others believe before casting their lot with the majority. Without a strong set of core beliefs you have nothing to measure alternatives by, be they better or worse than your own, thus you fester and wring your hands. You can not change as you are a follower. You must find it interesting to balance conservative economics with liberal social issues which means fiscal restraint and work hard for your own rewards against spending someone else's money. To the other poster try this one. Liberals= we are all in this together = and the government shall set you free Conservative= every man for himself = self reliance and independence.

2016-05-20 22:20:27 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

He's not talking about everyday folks. Most people are against illegal immigration. He's talking about politicians. Not a leading Democrat is talking about closing the border. In fact, some Republicans are becoming hesitant to do so too. I understand your desire to not be labeled, but if you align and are active within a party, then you accept most of what that party represents. Democrats don't have the slightest intention of closing the border. Too many potential votes.

2007-05-11 06:03:50 · answer #4 · answered by Matt 5 · 1 0

In public dicourse, today, in the US, the Republican and Democratic parties prettymuch define conservatism and liberalism, respectively.

That de-facto definition doesn't always agree with historical or dictionary definitions, but, if you're Conservative, you'll still find that, even though some of thier positions infuriate you, you have more in common with what the Republicans stand for than with the Dems - and the reverse is also true.

On immigration, you have made the mistake of crediting the Democratic party with the same opinions as would be formed by a rational individual member of that party. Such is not the case. While individuals, and even interest groups with substantial power within the party, such as unions, do, indeed, like the vast majority of Americans, oppose illegal immigration, the fact is that the Democratic party, itself, is extremely sympathetic to illegals, and pushes Amnesty as a solution (if you make 'em all citizens, they're not illegals anymore).

The reasons for this betrayal of thier own membership are multifold, but one of the bigger and more obvious ones is that the Democratic leadership expect most illegals (who are mostly defined as 'minorities') to register and vote democratic (since that's what American minorities tend to do).

A similar thing is going on with Republicans - actual membership of the Republican party, and strong interest groups, such as nativists, within the party are unalterably opposed to illegal immigration, but, the party leadership is enamored of the cheap labor illegals provide (for a variety of fairly obvious reasons). Thus, the party offers the non-solution of a 'guest worker program,' that, like Amnesty, makes illegals legal by handwaving, rather than enforcing the actual law.

If you, like the vast majority of Americans, are opposed to illegal immigration, it is your party - not some talking head - that is lying to you.

2007-05-11 06:01:22 · answer #5 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 1 0

Well, Bill O'Rilly is the consummate donkey's rosette, and that's a fact.
See, the essence to the mindset of that ilk of "broadcaster" is to play upon the basest of human motivations. In O'Reilly's case, the base emotion to which he caters is "xenophobia" - fear of differences.
By slapping labels on people, even when they are inappropriate labels, he creates an atmosphere of "us and them," with "us" being the "good" side and "them" being the "bad" side.
It is simplistic, inaccurate, inappropriate and (again) catering to the worst in our human psyche.
But, hey, it's a living, right?

2007-05-11 05:52:09 · answer #6 · answered by Grendle 6 · 3 0

Why cant' Democrats and Rupublicans work TOGETHER ? It may sound crazy but all this Democrats -v- Republicans is one of the things ripping this country apart. It is not about wich party . It is about what is best for the citizens.
Aren't we all American and bleed red??

2007-05-11 05:54:02 · answer #7 · answered by Sweet Tea & Lemons 6 · 3 0

Cheap labels=high ratings.

2007-05-11 06:00:07 · answer #8 · answered by fake_cowboy 4 · 1 0

O'Reilly is an entertainer, he doesn't have to make sense or be consistent, he doesn't even try most of the time

he brays like a jackass in a crowded market and people turn to look at him

2007-05-11 05:50:03 · answer #9 · answered by anonacoup 7 · 5 1

O.K., name one elected Democrat that has actively spoken out against the influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico. The Dems (most/all of them liberals) have improperly twisted this into a race issue (of all things!) in order to score political points. ("You're against 'undocumented immigrants?' You're a racist!!!")

Don't get me wrong, the same insane liberalism has infected a disturbing portion of the Republican party, too. Republican voters need to roll their sleeves up and cull non-conservatives from the party ranks.

2007-05-11 05:50:24 · answer #10 · answered by not gh3y 3 · 2 4

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