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What do you think.

And why all of a sudden technology comes

Shouldn't people have technology a long time ago.

Why all of a sudden technology comes.

How long have humans been on this earth?

And how do humans learn how to speak english?

I think humans been around for 2007 years, what do you think.

What year was America really discovered.

2007-05-11 04:22:59 · 13 answers · asked by D.J 5 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

13 answers

Human remains have been found in Africa that date back to about 200,000 years ago, so humans have been on Earth for much longer than 2007 years.

2007 is the year in relation to the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. In fact the year is 2007AD (Anno Domino), which means "In the Year of Our Lord". And the BC in dates is "Before Christ".

Technology has always been around. Technology is not just computers and planes. It's perceived as anything that is made by man to serve their purpose. Early humans had developed technology to serve the needs that they had, like: utensils, weapons, fire, the wheel, etc... And as human needs and wants evolved so did our technological endeavors to serve those needs and wants. Plus, as humans evolved into the species that we are today, our brains evolved as well, thus giving us the capability to wonder and discover more. Technology wasn't sudden, it was evolved.

As for the question about English; if in fact you mean the specific language of English, well humans learn English as any they would learn any other language. Babies hear sounds, see the shape of the parents’ mouth and see facial movements. Babies/children begin to try to imitate these sounds and movements thus learning how to speak. In essence, language is nothing more than sounds and gestures. Then the sounds and movements are associated with a specific word and meaning.

But if you mean how did humans learn to speak any of the 6,912 known living languages? Again the answer lies in evolution. English was not the first language, by any means. To sum it up in short: The first language was written language, and then humans associated audible grunts and groans to the writings. As humans evolved, the larynx’s capability evolved and 'words' were formed.

For further information on anything you can always use any published encyclopedia. =o)

2007-05-11 05:03:28 · answer #1 · answered by Dustin 1 · 0 0

The earliest form of human has been on Earth around 4 million years but the universe is billions of years old. If someone with long arms stretched them out to form a T one finger tip could represent the span of time when the universe began and the other finger tip could symbolize how long it took until we humans first appeared.

Life, including people, language, technology and knowledge slowly advanced and became more complicated over the passage of time. Many things that were first written down where human attempts at explaining the mysteries they sensed around them but did not have the science or knowledge to fully understand. Some people think all of this happened by sheer luck or randomly, but many other people think there was a divine or God-being masterminding the whole evolutionary process. What do you think?

2007-05-11 04:43:56 · answer #2 · answered by franknclare 1 · 0 0

A few hundred thousand years ago, the world was in such a state that man was almost extinct. Not more than a handful of humans existed, scattered over Africa’s most northwestern corner. An arid, sulfurous place, riddled with volcanoes and lava flows. Mountainous sand dunes that went on for miles and bitter salt plains that stretched to the horizon. This was not the first time the earth had come to this state, nor was it probably the last. But it was the most trying of man’s past.

But, somewhere in all that land of death was a determined woman, a female of the specie. She would not die, but struggled ever on. She outlived many mates and had a few children. While others struggled out of sight, her progeny continued on. Until another woman, her descendant, found a truly virile mate. They had many strong and violent children that dominated wherever they went until, at last, only they remained. The other families of man were gone. Then began the journey to what is now us.

The children spread far and wide. Encountering scattered remnants of others that were of the family of man. But, these could not withstand the onslaught of the children and were soon gone. Wave upon wave as the ocean’s tides, man spread across the land. From Asia’s high mountains to the fringes of all the oceans and the islands therein. From all the desert sands to frigid artic shores spread the creature, man.

Now we stand once more upon the brink. We have grown in our power and our might. Many questions assail us as we look out upon many paths. Have we fouled our nest and brought man once more to the brink of extinction? Will we unleash our anger and wipe man from the earth? Will we once more journey afar and go to the stars? Will we stay and hold our ground as we grow ever more numerous or the odds catch us and shatter our earth? These we must one day answer and thereby hangs the destiny of man.

2007-05-11 04:46:08 · answer #3 · answered by Sophist 7 · 0 1

Suddenly or gradually? By the time the Sun becomes a super giant humans will have evolved into something other than human even if we survive and prosper. IF you really get down to the details, we're not the same people we even were yesterday. if we do get wiped away suddenly by a plague, then there will be some other form of life that will incoporate the nearest thing to humaninty into it (may not be pretty, may not even be any more recognizable than rodents or something), but ti will continue. Even if a super Nova blows us al away, from the perspective of a foreign galaxy, we'll look like the same patterns of Carbon and Nitrogen and Oxygen before the explosion and then get thinner and more spread out after the explosion. We have all of space to work with here.

2016-05-20 04:53:31 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Then how do we explain the remnants of in AZ estimated to be over 300,000 years old when most scientists agree that North America has only had humans for around 30,000 years? What about the skeletons found in coal in VA that out date what scientists state? Or the societies found in mountains during the gold rush in the 1800's. Simply put I believe very little of what scientists claim, especially when some of them have been caught outright making fake discoveries to support what they want to believe or what is socially acceptable.

2014-07-14 23:43:49 · answer #5 · answered by Kelly 1 · 0 0

I'm not going to get into evolution, that's a whole different topic.

What's fact is that humans have been around longer than 2007 years. It was approximately 2007 years ago when Jesus Christ was born. That's the calendar we use, but other people use different calendars. I think the Jewish people are around year 6000 in their calendar? I'm not sure so don't yell at me if I'm wrong. We've been around a long time, maybe millions of years, maybe less than 10,000.

2007-05-11 04:32:17 · answer #6 · answered by Confused 1 · 0 0

Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. Humans are estimated to have evolved about 100,000 to 150,000 years ago.

As for technology- the advancement of science and knowledge created the new technologies that then provocked more science. It's a cycle.

2007-05-11 04:32:16 · answer #7 · answered by Mthr_Nature 2 · 0 0

You have many questions here and I will try to best answer them. The technolgy should of not happened over night for we did not know about that and it takes time to learn about it. It developed in society like we developed on this earth. We were discovered by the Indians and this was be Christopher Comlumbus was over here.

2007-05-11 05:07:22 · answer #8 · answered by Katie S 2 · 0 0

Grog of the Cave Bear Clan was dubbed "first human on earth" by the ape-like elders of the tribe in the Year 65,563 BC for his ability to walk standing up.....

2007-05-11 19:49:21 · answer #9 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0


2014-01-29 17:10:08 · answer #10 · answered by STAN 1 · 0 0

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