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In reference to this question:
If atheism isn't a pathology,why are they devoid of any capacity for normal feelings?

They have no sense of fair play,no sense of humor,no sense of right and wrong - nothing,just a mix of nihilism and crypto-fascism. i read their rubbish and truly wonder if God could be responsible for these wretches.


My reply was:

That you can color your thoughts with fancy verbiage doesn't alter reality drastically (chaos theory aside). There is some truth to your statement, yet when stripped of its fancy coloring it is nothing more than to say that atheists are mentally unhealthy. Yes, they are - but not b/c of the reasons you state.. Rather, they label theists as irrational beings when they also harbor some form of irrational "belief" in a substitute "unicorn" (call it music, good sex, etc).

Please comment.

2007-05-11 03:27:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

10 answers

What are you talking about? If you're not an atheist, then please, refrain from presenting data that represents an atheists beliefs.
I am an atheist. I am successful, secure, generous, sensitive, caring, honest, intelligent, and curious. and loved. Your arrogance is brightly illuminated in your "question", and my experience with arrogant people is that they are very insecure.

2007-05-11 03:42:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I agree with Shady. Just because someone doesn't believe in a god doesn't mean they are incapable of feeling. I'm agnostic which isn't exactly atheist, but close enough for this conversation, so I'm going to lump myself in that category for the sake of argument. We have the same feelings as any other human being. I laugh, I cry, I feel joy, love, pain, hope, desire, compassion, and faith (though it may not be directed towards a god), just like more religious people do. Why judge people based on some stereotype that you may have been exposed to?

Who is anybody to say that their religion is the "right" one and any one who doesn't believe the same thing will be somehow punished in whatever afterlife? You can not be completely sure that your religion is exactly right until you're gone. Maybe there's nothing, maybe there's a god, maybe there are multiple gods, maybe there's reincarnation, maybe there's some kind of fantasy world with fairy dust and unicorns, who knows for sure?

I respect everyone's beliefs, whatever they may or may not be, and have only ever asked for that same respect in return. Some give it, others do not, but I don't classify ALL religious people as morons, bible thumpers, or "god warriors". Nor do I think that 'knowing god' makes you a better person than someone who doesn't. Just as you may think all atheists are wretched creatures incapable of feelings or morals, there are a LOT of religious people out there that exhibit similar behaviors.

It's a choice one person makes in life, that may or may not be the same choice as you. I don't think it makes it "wrong" in any way. I think the choice that some have made to call names or point fingers however, must mean that they are sadly misguided and have potentially lost faith in the goodness and quality of real human beings.. you and I. We are mostly the same. There is arguably one belief that sets us apart. Don't let that be the reason why you refuse to get to know a person beyond that difference.

2007-05-11 15:24:37 · answer #2 · answered by Kat 1 · 0 0

As a theist one need not advocate on behalf of God and as a atheist one need not criticize because both are human beings. Also if pathology provides a commonality for both kinds either by way of an invading disease or accident belief or disbelief in god may not provide any solace unless medical treatment within human means is immediately attended to.

2007-05-11 11:00:50 · answer #3 · answered by sastry m 3 · 0 0

Athiests are nothing more than people who have a highly scientific rational mind. Unfortunately, this works against them because you can not understand God with the human mind. He is way too far beyond that.

Athiests place the mind as God, without realizing there is so much more that goes beyond the mind, that they are missing out on.

Science and rational thought are great, but if it distracts you from the depths of spirituality, it has served no purpose except to elevate human thinking above anything else, and making it a God in itself.

2007-05-11 10:46:46 · answer #4 · answered by B 5 · 0 1

Christianity is a mythology. Just as any other belief. 'Myth is soms other people's religion'

Our society is myth based. People play games, christians too. As do atheists. In the old times we humans dressedup like animals and did masked dances. Well, christianity is kinda like that too.

Christians play the game that they are the most special people on the facr of the earth. The almighty creator created them to be the best. They will go to heaven, all atheists or occultic beleviers will die and burn in hell for eternity.

Christains play games. And atheists do too. But not the same one. Its like two people playing tennis and the third running up and down the teenis court, spoiling the game. Anyone who does not play is removed.

Removed from the christian society, from heaven, from the group that is chosen to live in the light of the almighty creator, the alpha and de gamma and stuff.

Christians don't like people spoiling their game! They're so special!

2007-05-11 10:41:22 · answer #5 · answered by Dutchthor 3 · 1 2

God does not give you a sense of humor, sense of fair play or a sense of what is right and wrong. God does not give you a rational mind. These are things you learn from your parents and role models.

2007-05-11 10:58:28 · answer #6 · answered by mable3691214 5 · 1 0

We're not f-ing irrational beings, we just people who dont believe in a god. Christians are irrational cos they possible cant prove god exsist but i respect any religion and wouldnt take it away cos it helps and guides people but its how you use it.

We're not mentally unstable, your just prejudice against us cos we choose not to believe in a bible.

why cant you people just have a better understanding of people and their beliefs and be more respectful towards that and a bit more tolerant cos the world today, would be a much better place if you could.

Its a sin to judge others in the bible so be careful in what you say, you may go to hell.

2007-05-11 11:40:46 · answer #7 · answered by shadyfridge4 3 · 0 1

Im sure they have normal feelings and many of them are actually nice people, too bad theyre going to spend an eternity in hell because blastphemy is the 1 unforgivable sin. Its dark and hell is hot!

2007-05-11 10:35:05 · answer #8 · answered by Heaven L 4 · 2 1

I think your observations are biased by the types of atheists who would express or impose their viewpoints publicly in an unhealthy imbalanced way; while those who are respectful and consistent with natural laws, ethics and morals do not go around posting inciteful remarks on forums.

The same can be said of Muslims or Christians or anyone. The ones who most visibly and verbally project onto others in conflict are not representative of others. The peaceful tolerant Christians, Muslims, Atheists and others, by their nature, would not express anger or hostility so as to create these negative stereotypes and perceptions. They are naturally respectful and thus may not be as outspoken or visible to you.

I have actually seen people justify proof of the opposite observation as you, similar based on the biased examples they have seen -- and make the assumption that atheists are more responsible and moral while Christian fundamentalists are intolerant of objective truth and reason. So again, it seems both perceptions are biased by stereotypes.

As counterexamples to what you observe, I can think of several atheists who do not match your description. One man I met at a Catholic Bible study where he and the other believers interacted in a healthy, respectful way to understand truth, regardless of how it was expressed or dervied at, just wanting to seek understanding. To seek the truth and wisdom is to seek the Kingdom of God, so these secular values align and it is just people's distrust and division that keeps us apart. Another atheist is the founding editor of a peace and justice newspaper, and works very compassionately and openly (with no hate or anger at all) with other activists and organizations, of all or no religious affiliations, to bring awareness and correction to issues of oppression, injustice and misinformation by the media worldwide. She showed more forgiveness than most Christians I know when her house burned, and she was more thankful no one got hurt, and had no negative thoughts or feelings at all for the person who caused it by negligence. Another atheist runs the Prison Show on Pacifica Radio, and explained how he forgave the man who killed a close friend because he could not bear the burden which would make him unable to function. So out of respect for his own sanity and reason, so he could continue moving forward in his life, which he uses to help people struggling who are rejected by society for their inmate status. He just supports people in caring about each other while correcting the problems with the justice system that aren't helping but hurting more people. With no direct faith in God, but just out of compassion for people and respect for truth and justice and peace. It was also mentioned that Bill Gates is an atheist, and he and his wife carefully delegate their funds to invest in charitable and educational programs they feel make a difference in changing the world. I believe God creates some people to be Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Buddhist, etc. so that we focus and operate in different ways to do all the work that needs to be done in the community and global society. Yes, there are angry misguided and hateful people in all groups who are in conflict with others, but there are also wise, tolerant and openminded souls willing to work toward understanding and cooperation on common goals, even if our thinking is designed differently. I think that is for a purpose. You cannot have a full orchestra with all the same instrument, each has a distinct voice and may not even read the same music in the same key. But all together the different melody lines harmonize to create the greater symphony. You don't have to believe in or call it God to focus on your part in the symphony. What matters is that you coordinate your purpose with those of others so that it works out, and not waste energy or resources fighting or competing, but discover and respect true purpose and goals and help others to do the same.

P.S. About having a sense of humor, Ray Hill of the Prison Show gets in trouble making fun of things, that normally are not funny. The other day I saw him at City Council asking "what does he have to do to get arrested so he can challenge the no-smoking laws in court" (joking that no police dare arrest him because they know he will sue if any procedures are violated in jail). I can't recall a single conversation with Ray that he DIDN'T make me laugh at the crazy experiences he has had trying to reform the corrupted prison system in Texas. And my friend who edits the Peace News has published more of my cartoons and songs making fun of serious political issues. Just these two people alone totally defy the image in your mind of humorless atheists with no sense of truth, justice, morals or compassion. They have faith in human nature, reason and conscience which is part of God's gift to us. And have a wonderful sense of life and humor, or else they could not take on the heavy social issues and burdens of working for justice. I hope you have the chance to meet people who challenge and change your thinking. When you really see the beauty and purpose of everyone and everything in creation, the more you can appreciate what it means for God to have a higher plan working through our lives that we can't always see or understand with our limited human knowledge.

2007-05-11 10:59:33 · answer #9 · answered by emilynghiem 5 · 0 0

Why do christians always resort to uncalled for and imaginary threat????

And your question has no point.

2007-05-11 10:45:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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