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I am not reall asking why or why not you oppose it but if you DO oppose gay marriage....do you oppose divorce? If so do you think that should be voted into the Constitution too? If you are not against divorce, but against gay marriage please explain why.

2007-05-11 03:02:08 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

thefilth> I did not say if I am against or for same-sex marriage. How did you come to the idea I am against it?

2007-05-14 00:19:04 · update #1

tcc_0067> you didn't come close to answering question

2007-05-14 00:20:28 · update #2

Diane A> more heterosexuals practice sodomy then homosexuals and since homosexuality is found throughout nature it can hardly be un-natural

2007-05-14 00:31:24 · update #3

SCARRED> Evidence shows that being homosexual, like being heterosexual, is genetic..it is not something someone chooses.
(b4 someone has a stroke...yes there are exceptions to rule..but the exception doesn't invalidate rule).

2007-05-14 00:34:19 · update #4

Alowishu> You say my question has a faulty premise? It is kinda of simple and you did not even come close to giving an answer. Try reading b4 you answer.

2007-05-14 00:36:19 · update #5

Moondog> Thanks for the honest answer. I agree with the idea thal ALL people hetero or homo need to take marriage more seriously

2007-05-14 00:39:45 · update #6

Jon V> Interesting points but i feel I should point out if you want to go by biology then marriage should not exist at all. Biologically speaking men should impregnante as many women as possible. Biologically speaking marriage is a cap on the genetic diversity of the species which is a negative effect. So the question cannot really be broken down that far. Also if we do want to use that reasoning then why are homosexuals allowed to live? They do not breed so they just use up resources, that logic could be used to dictate that we remove them from society. And once we start with that one group how long before we do it to another group, then another, etc.
As far as the company thing it has to do again with equal rights. A company has no right whatsoever to provide medical rights to your wife but not to "Steve's" husband. If it is providing benefits to their employee's partners it must provide to all or none. Again if we do to 1 group, people will do to others

2007-05-14 00:50:40 · update #7

Michael> I am interested. How is the marriage bad for kids? (I am not trying to start I am curious and want to know more)

2007-05-14 00:57:01 · update #8

26 answers

I don't know. The idea of same sex marriage seems wrong to me and I'm not a religious person. I don't care what two people do in private whatever their sex is. Somehow I fell like marriage by definition should be limited to oppoiste sexes. I can't defend that - it is jsut the way I feel.

Oppose divorce? Well - I don't like it but it beats the hell out of being stuck with someone you can't stand being with. Clearly it would be better if people (including me or maybe especially me - multiple divorces) were a lot more careful in deciding to get married - but I don't think that will ever happen.

2007-05-11 03:07:42 · answer #1 · answered by Moondog 7 · 2 1

The answer is almost as simple as can be, however I bet most people are going to lose thier wig and protest and call all kinds of names. In reality, this has nothing what so ever to do with rights and equality. This is a very corrosive problem in the USA when EVERYONE and thier brother wants to have thier own "rights" and be a special interest group, when in reality the problem doesn't go to that level they feel it does.

I would oppose gay marriage on a very simple matter of biology. I am sure some science oriented people would point out about how some animal exhibit homosexual behavior and I do not dispute that, however, the nature of homosexuality it's is unnatural. I don't say this in a manner to belittle or offend anyone who feels they are of this orientation either. It's a simple matter that if reproduction was meant to be of the same sex, then it would be made in that manner. However it is not. Yes I am positive someone can find some examples in nature where it does occur, or some species that are unisexual in nature. It doesn't apply to humans which we all are. This is not a matter so much of God, but in the matter of how we are made. If you had a true homosexual society, it would not last past one generation because the reproductive nature is not meant to happen this way. Please, for those who are homosexual, I am not saying this as an attack on you, just keeping things on thier simplest terms.

I do not feel in any way that this should become a constitutional issue. I don't see any law that is prohibiting people that want to live togeather and what people do behind thier closed doors is thier business. I respect it that far. I do not feel however we need to change up laws and make a special case because companies should provide something different they do not currently do simply based on your sexual prefrence. Point of example being health insurance. I am sure this is one of the big sticking points to why homosexual marriage needs to be legalized, however this is not true. You cannot go and force companies to provide services they otherwise wouldn't. If I own my own company, I can choose if I want to to provide a service specifically for same sex couples, but that is my discretion. I do not know of any legal situation where I would be forced to provide a service to any group of people I didn't feel were in my best interest to do so. Yes this is a form of discrimination, I will not dispute that either. I agree that people of certain races, religeons, and genders do still get discriminated against today and I think that is sad. If I had my own business I can honestly say that in terms of hiring someone, I would not exclude someone if they were a homosexual, I would judge them on thier work ability. And that is how I feel it should be also. If I was not hired at a certain job say becasue I was white, or a male, which I am btw, why would I want to go and bring a law suit against that place anyways? Why should I attempt to punish these people? To me that makes no sense. What your end result will be is people hiring people they truely do not want in thier organizations and find reasons that are not normally looked for, but justified to dismiss them shortly thereafter. This just creates a very sticky legal and political mess. As a person, why would I even want to work for a place that didn't really want me to be there anyways? How is that beneficial to me? I realize I may be missing or not even touching on some strong points here, but I do believe in keeping issues and problems on thier smallest and simplest levels.

2007-05-11 10:20:22 · answer #2 · answered by I am Legend 7 · 0 0

I am not against divorce, although I dont think i would get one. The reasons i am not against divorce is that there are several situations that merit one - an abusive relationship to the wife/husband, and abusive relationship for the children, and now a days, people are admitting that they are homosexual, but never came out in the past. How can you expect a husband/wife to stay married to a partner who has just admitted they are not straight?

Am i against same sex marriage? I use to be strongly, but the more that its accepted in society, i start to see that is not as bad as i previously though. However, i will not support same sex marriages with kids. I believe any child under the age of 18 should not have to deal with a situation like that because even though its good for the parents, it could be very harmful for the child.

2007-05-11 10:10:03 · answer #3 · answered by JiggaWhat?!JiggaWho?! 2 · 0 0

I oppose both. Which is why at 30 I have never been married. I will only do it once. If he messes up he will spend the rest of his life sleeping on the couch, unless he should happen to fall off the side of boat while we are out fishing, or off a mountain while we are camping...LOL, I find almost anything can be forgiven and worked through, I know some people have a hard time doing that, but I think that I can. I do understand the value of marriage, and have seen the hard work that goes into making one work. Until Death did them part.

2007-05-11 10:07:09 · answer #4 · answered by HappyGoLucky 4 · 0 0

I'm not opposed to either. I'm an American living in Canada where people have rights and it's not selective or based on religion.

If people south of the border don't like it being called marriage on the basis of religion, I don't see what is wrong with calling it something else, but still granting the same rights that marriage grants. Marriage may in fact be mentioned in the Bible as the union between a man and a woman but the US is supposed to have a separation of church and state. What happened with that?

If two people love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, then I don't see what is wrong with granting them the same rights as their neighbors.

2007-05-11 10:14:50 · answer #5 · answered by A.J. L 2 · 0 0

I am not against divorce. Sometimes it is better for the sake of sanity that people who once were in love, and grown apart for their own particulary reason, need to have the opportunity to disolve their marriage. I do not think it's necessary to vote that Divorce into the constitution. As we already have certain divorce laws in place. I am pro same-sex marriage. I feel we have the right to live our lifes together with whom we love. We want nothing more and nothing less. Than to be completley accepted. Does this answer your question?

2007-05-11 10:06:31 · answer #6 · answered by angelikabertrand64 5 · 0 0

I don't like divorce however in some instances it's needed. If a man/woman is beating their spouse then divorce/separation is needed. IF one spouse tries to hire hitmen to kill the other than they need to divorce like the women here in Ga locally who tried to hire a hitman to kill not only her husband but two other family relatives.People have free will so there's no need to say what ifs and what could be, and what should be voted on. The government doesn't have that control, at least not for a while thank God.

2007-05-11 10:11:16 · answer #7 · answered by Roger B 3 · 0 0

I am against both but when I say that I am against something that means that its not for me. If you decide to marry someone of the same sex I might not like it but to tell the truth I don't care what you do. I just wont do. I don't believe in divorce either and think that if someone wants to get divorced then you do what you feel is best but I live by example. I don't believe in same sex marriage. So I am not married to someone of the same sex. I don't believe in divorce so my husband and I are not going to get divorced. Plain and simple.

People don't be hypocritical of other people. God may not like the things we do but he gives us the freedom to choose. It is up to you to choose what he told us was right.

God Bless.

2007-05-11 10:08:33 · answer #8 · answered by bermuda0728 1 · 0 0

I think gay marriage is a complete waste of time, there are more important things that neeed to be addressed, like why american students are prehistoric retards, and how that can kiss their futures good bye, because apart from our consumerism, nothing else we have do other parts of the world covet.

2007-05-11 10:07:13 · answer #9 · answered by Bill D 2 · 1 1

Could you explain why you're against gay marriage?

I'm not trying to prove a point, I seriously would like to understand why.

2007-05-11 10:05:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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