Ask him about it, maybe he's just havin issues with the guilt of being attracted to a prenant woman. Some guys think it's wrong to have sexual feelings towards pregnant women, personally I don't get it, but perhaps this is the case.
2007-05-09 16:21:59
answer #1
answered by whitexsaucer 4
Some men start acting strange when we are pregnant. Some
men are afraid of sex because they think they may hurt the
baby. If you had a good physical relationship before. This may
be temporary. Can you ask him what is going on? After all
his is in this with you. He got you pregnant. He needs to open up with you so you don't feel rejected because you are a different size now. Tell him how you feel, that you are hurt and need to talk. Tell him you are the same person with the same desires. Go out for a romantic dinner, dress up, listen to music. This a a very exciting event that is to be celebrated
by both of you. In and out of bed. Don't forget to keep your
faith. Women are beautiful in any shape!
2007-05-09 16:33:18
answer #2
answered by messenger 2
Some guys are turned on by pregnant women. Some guys don't mind that much. Some guys it makes them a little uncomfortable. He may just not feel comfortable with thrusting his penis that close to his child's head! I think maybe it bothers women less because the child is in them, they have a different comfort level, and have come to grips with the fact the child is going to pass through their vagina. Men ... we don't have that comfort level about our penis being near our babies. It seems like ... maybe something we should not be doing, you know? Don't think of it in terms of 'they are attractive and I am not'. I'm sure after the child is born, you'll be posting on here saying 'why can't my husband understand that i'm tired. he wants sex _all_ the time!!!!'
This may not be the case, but would he feel more comfortable with just both of you giving each other oral or manual stimulation? Or even masturbating while kissing? Worth finding out.
2007-05-09 16:20:12
answer #3
answered by kheserthorpe 7
Maybe your husband is afraid of hurting you or the baby. Have you had children togather before ? Some men just don't know what to do about sex when their wife is pregnant. Maybe you both need to sit down and have a talk about your concerns. Good Luck - have a healthy baby.
2007-05-09 16:21:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Some men are unable to equate their pregnant spouse/girlfriend w/ motherhood. 'Reminds them of their own Mom. Anyway, what he does isn't wrong, but the fact that u know about it and he seems to fluant it...that sounds not so good. What about after the baby is born? Will he see u as before? I think the two of u need some professional help, but more importantly, think ahead....what's it gonna be like when ur 64?
2007-05-09 16:24:46
answer #5
answered by libraten_16 1
sorry to hear that. It seems like he's very visually stimulated and you being pregnant has messed with his head.
From personal experience it didn't feel as good inside in the later weeks, but I still enjoyed it and wouldn't have dreamed of doing what your husband is doing. I'd ask him what the problem is. Good Luck
2007-05-09 16:22:03
answer #6
answered by Dan M 2
Apparently your husband has a problem with the look of a pregnant female. Or he's afraid of hurting the baby. Or hecan't figure out HOW to do you.
Sounds like you have a problem with the look of your body as well.
You shouldn't. Pregnant women have their own special beauty.
Ask him to stroke you if he won't mount you. (You DO know about the 'doggie position', don't you?)
2007-05-09 16:21:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
well if this is a serious question i suggest you tell him that he is lucky to have a woman that will tolerate that behaviour. if my hubby would have EVER done those things he would of been out the door. he shoud be there for you not looking at other women you are about to have his child. what kind of relationship are you bringing this poor baby into. i seriously suggest you look at your relationship and get out while you can if need be. good luck and give him a good kick in the balls....maybe that will help
2007-05-09 16:20:44
answer #8
answered by 2
if he loves you it should not matter .maybe you feel unattractive right now and you relate to him differently ,stop feeling bad about your body and accept the changes and just go for it. if you feel sexy and feel good about yourself then he will see that and maybe then he will come to you. you know what made him hot so get a little slutty and have fun. as for the porn or looking at other women, that is bull. you should be his number one concern not looking at other women. Rock his world and get what you need and want.
2007-05-09 16:30:07
answer #9
answered by tami j 2
You have a real problem. While what he is doing is not really infidelity, it is cheating. He is focusing on other women, and that cannot be good for your marriage. You must sit down with him and have a long discussion about this. If it continues after the baby, insist he see a marriage counsellor with you.
2007-05-09 16:19:51
answer #10
answered by Terri J 7