Tancredo, Brownback, and Huckabee raise their hands to the question, "who doesn't believe in evolution?"
No more science-denying morons in the oval office, please.
Someone said to me:
"If you believe your ancestors were apes or fish or whatever....go ahead. But I believe God created man and woman, in our current form. "
Here is my response
No, I believe that god created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. I believe that god nodded and Adam appeared, along with all the animals. I believe that Adam took one of his ribs and made Eve. I also believe that Noah took two of every single species in the world and put them on one ship.
I attend church every Sunday morning. I do believe that some of the stories are to make a point or a life lesson. I accepted Jesus Christ as my savor, and that is what a Christian is. If you are a Christian you don't have to deny science.
God bless America and everyone else.
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Politics & Government
➔ Politics
Well, since i teach my sons Sunday school class I think I am awake. I teach in a Methodist church.
14:20:08 ·
update #1