As a US citizen I have had the experiences of marrying a canadian citizen and visiting the poorest parts of mexico also. After seeing the conditions that the mexican people go through, I cannot in my heart blame them for wanting to run. The problem we are trying to solve here is not whether they should come over the border or not. It is all a matter of how. My husband has spent 6 years of his life and well over 5,000$ to come into this country legally. His residence interview and his citizenship interview have been pushed back from the normal wait times while the government tries to accomodate those who are here illegally. On top of that the fees have increased over 300% from before 9/11. That does not include the attorney's fees. On top of that My husband is a skilled laborer and could easily get a good construction job. But in the US he can't. Why? He is an immigrant (and an italian-looking one at that). Apparently, any person who is an immigrant is not worth what his skills and experience profess. He is an immigrant. Company's have over-looked him, passed him over, or blatantly offered him less money than his counter-parts. He is legal, but that does not matter. He is a hard worker with skills, but that does not matter. All they see is immigrant. Apparently Canada's labor force has no skill in the US Employers eyes. Can I blame the illegals for that? YES! Why hire a legal when there are illegals just across the train tracks who will do it for half the cost? But on the other hand 'half cost' to an illegal is sometimes big bucks in comparisan to where they came from. This debate has lobbyists in the fray for monetary gains only. Don't be fooled. At the same time, what does the legal process do for weeding out the good from the bad immigrants. If I am not mistaken, the terrorists were "legal". What is congress's answer to that? Higher fees and longer wait times? Give me a break. So how do we fix something that is not working on either side? Scrap it and start over. Illegals would be more inclined to cross over to the legal side if the fees were not so high, the wait times for being able to work and make a living were not so long. Illegals would be more inclined to cross over to the legal side if there were not any profit savy companies around to employ, abuse, and under-pay them. It is these companies that keep them coming. Punish them for starters. Force them to retro-pay for all the cheap labor they employ or employed. Use that retro-pay to fund tightening the border and building a system that keeps track of everyone who comes across our borders, whether by plane, train, boat, car, horseback, or foot. Document everyone without recourse. Then sort out the bad from good apples. You commit a crime, you get sent back to whatever spit of land you came from whether the crime is small or large. The legal immigrants have decent jobs. The higher wages give our economy a boost. Companies who make practice of abusing and under-paying illegals will be punished severly and should be put out of business. Those who want to enter the USA will have no choice but to get documented to get a job. Where there is no water, there is no fish. And Immigrants should not have to fear the government deporting them for any reason, but they should fear and respect the law.
2007-05-11 12:04:09
answer #2
answered by berriebush 1
Go to; and you might get your questions answered!To establish that he is your father, you need: FORM I-130 filled out with supporting documents and a FEE of ;$190.00. Go to your nearest Citizenship and Immigration Service Office and obtain an INFO-PASS. You can have complete answers from a uniformed Info Officer, at that location. They might direct to send the documents into another address depending, where you are!
2007-05-09 16:54:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous