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I'm a very emotional teenager and i try not to care what people think but i cant help it. Words are hurtful and i just need to know how can i make my life easier and not care what people think?

2007-05-09 09:28:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

21 answers

tell yourself they are just jealous of your raving good looks and smokin hott bod! That's what I do. Or you can flip em the bird :3

2007-05-09 09:32:07 · answer #1 · answered by marina :3 2 · 1 1

The key is not to think about it that much. If you like how you look that's what matters. People are mean and judge mental don't show them that it bothers you. If people say hurtful things just ignore it, it's good practice because in the real world people are the same. Don't respond to there comments because they know it tick you off they will do it some more. Just stay focus on what really matters and you'll do fine. Adopt the attitude I don't care what mean people think. The nice people are the ones that you should focus your attention on since they are civilized. People who make rude obnoxious comments are ones that are jealous or dumb as a rock or have no future so they try to bring everyone down with them. Keep you Head high (Not Literally) and be proud of yourself for you are a truly unique person. You are a very compassionate person and will make it far in this world just don't get consumed about what overs think about you or it will hamper you ability to be productive.

2007-05-09 16:38:45 · answer #2 · answered by Timothy F 1 · 0 0

Consider the source of the opinions. If the people are not perfect...and no one is then don't let their opinions of you shake you too much. Of course opinions will hurt but because words do hurt no matter what anyone says...but learn to shake off the pain by considering the sources of the insults.
Everyone has faults and imperfections and things that they hide. And believe it or not many teenagers and adults have something that they don't like about themselves though they may not admit it to the general public. So when someone tells you something to hurt you just remember...Hurting people tend to do their best to hurt others in order to make themselves feel better.

2007-05-09 16:35:55 · answer #3 · answered by kristin747 3 · 0 0

This is easy ... well sorta.. If you can do this little suggestion you will not only be less effected by what other think or feel about you but you will also feel much better about yourself.

1st. Find something that makes you happy and feel usefull. Like volenterr work, lifeguard, counselor, etc - This will help you feeel more usefull and inportant.

2nd When someone tryies to badger me, I laugh at them. with a big grin. A funny thing happens, they don't know if you are laughing at them or you just think they are ignort/dumb, or they may even think maybe their zipper is down. LOL

These two things together make a world of difference. But always remembert there is alsways someone who has some dumb thing to say or do. Bottom line if they are like that they are lacking in self confidence or perhaps they maybe don't liekthemselves much? This is why people like that put others down to try and make them selfs look better. Only problem is they are dumb and only make themselves look more dumb.

another thing to remember is that another good way is to just laugh off their stupid remarks... its like taking the air out of a ballon. they are left there looking empty and dumb and you will look like the better person.

2007-05-09 16:41:21 · answer #4 · answered by kingdomoflights 2 · 2 0

Sometimes people just don't think what impact their words have on other people. Small critiques to some may be a big deal to others.
The next time you feel small when people try to belittle you just be reminded that they don't know better or else they might have chosen their words carefully. Ignorant people exist anywhere, and as you grow up you will realise this as well.
Try not to take things to heart. Take care.

2007-05-09 16:39:02 · answer #5 · answered by gotadvice? 1 · 0 0

I'm a 31 year old adult and I still have this problem on rare occasions. My best advice to you is to be comfortable with who you are. Once you are comfortable in your own skin, other people's opinion's will not matter as much. It's all about confidence and that only comes with time. Find one thing about yourself that you are really proud of and build on that, do your best to make that part of you more visible to people. Sorry, I know it's a long answer but it's a complicated question. Good luck to you sistah!

2007-05-09 16:35:25 · answer #6 · answered by supersandymama 2 · 0 0

Some people have to insult other people to feel better about themselves. It's unfortunate but true.

Keep this in mind... It only gets better :) The older you get the less you will care what other people think.

Also, anytime you need a lift come to the Y! Answers site and read some other people's questions/answers.

2007-05-09 16:39:12 · answer #7 · answered by BB 3 · 0 0

I was like you when younger and found it was important for me to ask myself a few questions;
Is this person important in my life, and if not, what does it matter what they think.
Do these people even know who you really are?
I was once told by someone that when someone had expressed an opinion about them that was hurtful she would tell them, "Well that may be your opinion of me, but your opinions are really none of my business." People don't expect that and it shuts them up pretty quick.
The people who know and love you are the ones that matter, if you have a loving family and good friends, who cares what others might say.

2007-05-09 16:40:24 · answer #8 · answered by Choqs 6 · 0 1

You've already got the right mindset. Unfortunately it's not possible for a teenager to not care. But with practice by the time your 19-20 you'll be a master.

2007-05-09 17:05:45 · answer #9 · answered by Tim 6 · 0 2

theres no such thing as not caring what anyone around you thinks...you'd be either a vegetable, mineral or animal if you didn't....to quote george carlin "people who say they dont care what others think are usually desperate to have others think that they don't care what others think"...may not be the exact correct words....but yeah...it's impossible to "not care what others think"....if it were, why would so many people be on here giving answers and asking questions?

2007-05-09 16:34:00 · answer #10 · answered by EskiMO 3 · 0 0

you just have to realize that if YOU dont care about that person then why the heck shud you care about anything that they think??? People like that just need to GET A LIFE.

Take it from there! Just be yourself and any1 who doesnt like it can just go to ****

2007-05-09 16:32:32 · answer #11 · answered by HahaLariXx 2 · 0 0

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