met my wife when she was14, still married and together she is now 59 years old. sure you can do it
2007-05-09 07:07:29
answer #1
answered by helichomper 2
It is EXTREMELY rare for a couple to get together at that age and remain together even past 20, much less "forever." It might have been more common in the past because there was more pressure to get married and a lot more pressure not to get divorced, whereas today people are less likely to put up with an unhappy marriage, or 'do as they're told' when it comes to marrying.
That age range should be for making friends, kinda 'testing the waters' when it comes to dating, and that's it. To try and cement a "forever" relationship at FOURTEEN is insane--one loses a ton of valuable life experience in "settling down" so early in life (not to mention that even despite all attempts, WANTING to "settle down" has practically no effect on the fact that it is most likely that the relationship won't last).
At this age, people are still changing, maturing. A couple that gets together at this age may be perfect for each other at the time, but it's more than likely that as they grow older, they will not match up as well as they used to. This is why relationships formed at this age are pretty much destined to fail, within reasonable doubt (as certain as buying a multi-state lottery ticket and being able to safely assume that you will lose--you MAY win, but the odds are so astronomically low that...well, you get the idea).
It's not IMPOSSIBLE, but I'll put it this way--DON'T count on it.
2007-05-09 07:21:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes. But it would require either a miracle along the lines of the Parting of the Red Sea, or it would require a life of dramatically lowered expectations and tremendous unhappiness.
People change. Constantly. A teenager believes they are set to go to war with the entire universe and win on sheer courage and wits alone. Sadly, life isn't accommodating to this limited world view.
Not only will desires change over time, so will abilities and knowledge. A 14 year old is nowhere near fully formed. A 28 year old is only starting to be fully formed. To believe that life choices and unyielding love is available and full at 14 is not only fictional, it's deeply sad.
The richest parts of a person's life are still many years ahead of them. That richness isn't a reward, it's a time of growth and understanding. To think that they stopped learning about themselves in their early teens isn't so much depressing as it is unimaginable.
Ultimately, however the lesson will have to be learned first hand. When I was in my early teens, I thought I understood the entirety of human experience. No one would have been able to convince me that my world view was too limited to be a good judge of what lay ahead. The growth I experienced in finding out how wrong I was is one of the key building blocks of a happy life.
What a 14 year old views today as everlasting love and compatibility will change so quickly and so often that by college age, the only thing left will be fond memories of who she used to be.
2007-05-09 07:30:28
answer #3
answered by barefoot951 4
At 14, you are still growing up. There are a lot of changes that you will face in your lifetime... at 17 or 18 you start finding out who you really are. Then if you choose to go to college, that certainly changes a lot (maturity-wise). I've heard of people that have been together since they were young and are now married with 3 kids, but it's VERY difficult to do this successfully with all the changes you'll be facing.
I was dated the same guy for 5 years when I was 17... got engaged when I was 21 and ended up breaking up with him when I got a real life job after college halfway across the country. It just didn't work out and I truly grew up.
Believe me... things change over time.
2007-05-09 07:08:53
answer #4
answered by Cochy 6
Not usually. We do a lot of growing, learning and gaining wisdom through our early adulthood. At 14 we want love like in the movies, or in stories but real love is very different. Mature love between a man and his wife, the kind that lasts forever and carries the couple through life and all its hurdles feels very different than the love we feel at 14 and the love we see in TV, books and movies. This time in your life is best spent deciding who you want to be instead of worrying about who you want to spend life with. You need to know yourself and your goals in order to find a life-partner, a friend, a spouse. Who you are will change, your goals will change and develop, life is more than what you are experiencing right now and you will be a better friend, a better lover, a better wife and a better mother by taking the time to study and think about yourself and who you want to be.
2007-05-09 07:11:17
answer #5
answered by Momofthreeboys 7
Very few adults can stay with the same person forever, a 14 year old doesn't have a chance. Only because you have yet to mature and grow into the person you will become.
2007-05-09 07:08:38
answer #6
answered by smartypants909 7
What type of relationship are you refering to?
And since this is asking what each of us believes, I would have to say that if it's a romantic relationship, no I don't think they can stay with the same person "forever", and I think 14 is to young to be in a romantic relationship.
2007-05-09 07:08:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You are going to grow and change in the next 4-10 years alone!!
You will look back at the age of 16 and realize you have changed so much in the last 2 years, not to mention 10!
Chances are, a relationship began at 14 won't last until you're 80. Sorry.
2007-05-09 07:07:13
answer #8
answered by FaZizzle 7
I think in some cases yes. I knew a couple that were together since she was 14 and he was 16 and they are in their 50's and still together. But these days relationships don't seem to last that long.
2007-05-09 07:06:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ive seen it a couple of times and its why God had it that way
then man put his 2cents in it and messed it all up
As children we thought that this was it and there was nothing more and forever is where this type of thinking took us
Now it's who got the biggest baddest and the most
sincerity and naivete is taken out the matter it was so much better when didn't know so much so early in life (sexually and monetarily)
2007-05-09 07:18:08
answer #10
answered by manoman 4
Yes they can, but probably not happily. There is so much in the world to explore and so many people to meet. 14 is no time to settle down. Come 30 years old the mind may begin to wonder the what ifs in life. The what ifs might be lessened if the 14 learns who they are and explores what the world has to offer.
2007-05-09 07:09:15
answer #11
answered by Anonymous