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4 answers

No, it won't be within America,
but the outside that's looking in.

2007-05-08 15:40:53 · answer #1 · answered by elliebear 7 · 0 0

Am I the only one that finds likening the American Civil Rights movement to a World War a little... racist? One was a political and social change movement fought to a great extent through nonviolent measures, and the other would be a declared war (or several wars) fought on multiple continents, using overwhelming force. I think only a white supremacist framework would make a civil rights struggle analogous to a war.

2007-05-10 09:20:12 · answer #2 · answered by ibtoomuchforyou 1 · 0 0

I wouldn't think so. The last world war was spurred by nationalistic sentiment in places like Japan and Germany. The Civil Rights movement works differently: It is about helping oppressed minority groups obtain recognition under government, instead of conforming to majority dogma about skin color or class. It allows for individual differences.

I don't see how World War 3, a conflict between many nations, could be negatively influenced by the Civil Rights movement.

It's possible that some nations that identify with particular ideologies (democracy vs. sharia; secularism vs. radical islam) could influence it if nuclear weapons are obtained by Iran and backward governments. But I can't see big countries like China getting involved, as they are commercially dependent on U.S. trade. So I think we may have a small-scale conflict in the Middle East, but I don't see a world war anytime soon

2007-05-08 15:35:58 · answer #3 · answered by Dalarus 7 · 0 0

If it happens, World War 3 might be started by a world civil rights movement. (global warming or over-population)

2007-05-08 15:36:12 · answer #4 · answered by Louie O 7 · 0 0

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