I think women shouldent have gender roles. Men and women are equal.
2007-05-08 14:08:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
More power to them! I think most women should at least know how to do the emergency basics, like a tire change. I didn't learn until I actually needed to put it into practice, though I'd watched several times, and had asked the menfolk in my family to include me and just supervise, so that I'd be sure to do it correctly if the need ever arose. They always insisted on doing it themselves, but I was very thankful that I'd at least seen it done. And women should definitely have a basic understanding of how their car operates, so they know what's a major problem and they need to stop driving, and what they can safely drive to thegas station or even home before having it seen about. As far as women going the extra mile to becoming a mechanic perhaps, I'd say that I'd definitely be just as willing if not more so to go to a female mechanic.
2007-05-08 21:07:01
answer #2
answered by JenV 6
We women are very capable of learning how to maintain our cars. It is just a matter of someone taking the time to show us, after all you can't learn if you don't ask I have learned how to change my oil and I wouldn't have known if I didn't want to learn or get the answers I was looking for. I want to extend a thank you to those of you who were so kind as to help me get started.
2007-05-08 21:08:20
answer #3
answered by setfree 3
they shouldn't get a manicure right before doing it
is that what you mean? cause I don't understand why that's even a question.
2007-05-08 21:05:29
answer #4
answered by Gabrielle 6
as long as they've completed auto mechanics, go for it!
2007-05-08 21:04:19
answer #5
answered by Winter Glory 7
very cool
2007-05-08 21:04:29
answer #6
answered by dali333 7
Excellent go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2007-05-08 21:02:39
answer #7
answered by I love screwdrivers! 5
It's okay by me. Just fix only the things that need fixing, thanks.
2007-05-08 21:15:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous