I wouldn't give money, I would give food. Some people might take your money and run straight to the liquor store so if food is what they really want, then they shouldn't mind just taking the food instead of money.
2007-05-08 13:12:11
answer #1
answered by Angela F 5
This is a hard question to answer as in my experience now a day there are professional panhandlers that make good money asking for money. It is not that they are in need it is that they are at work. I have traveled the world in the last 30 years and have seen many things of deserving truly poor individuals. They all are asking for help or money to eat. I have one rule to preserve my life in these cases. If I am asked for money I always say no as if giving to one you will need to give to others. This is so true in less fortunate countries of the world. There are usually places to go to get help from the government and ministries like yours. I do donate to them on a regular basis. I can not screen out the true helpless from the professions panhandlers so not giving to anyone on an individual basis may sound hard hearted but in many places in the world it will safe your life. That is how I respond to it in my life. Thank you.
2007-05-08 20:12:22
answer #2
answered by NIck N 5
When I was in Salt Lake City, someone approached my friend and I asking for money and was directed to the bishop's storehouse, where there's plenty of food for anyone with need, Mormon or otherwise. Outside Salt Lake, I carry a folded dollar in my hand to pass quickly, so the person doesn't see that I have any other money on me.
2007-05-08 20:17:06
answer #3
answered by Jess 7
I used to work in a long term residence for men with substance abuse problems and they told me that begging for money for food was the easiest way to get money for drugs or alcohol. Ever since then, I will give someone a bus ticket, or a gift certificate for coffee or McDonalds (I always keep some in my purse because I work in the downtown core and am approached almost daily) but I will not give money.
2007-05-08 20:08:18
answer #4
answered by MissPriss 7
Give 'em a buck or two and let God sort it out. If they are obviously alcoholic, I will either buy them a drink or give them a couple of local casino drink tokes and the location of a really good AA chapter if they ask for real help other than my "throwing them a fish." My mom, an alcoholic, advised me to "always buy a woman a drink just to prevent a murder or rape" and I have never suffered for doing this.
2007-05-08 20:15:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I would tell them that I wouldn't give them money for food but I would buy some food for them to eat. That way I would know that it was going for food. If they refused my offer, then I would assume they wanted the money for something else and not bother with them further.
2007-05-08 20:07:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I have given lots of people money who have asked for it for food, and I've been burnt so many times that I would hesitate to do so in the future.
2007-05-08 20:11:19
answer #7
answered by nora22000 7
Give them some money. Not everyone is as lucky as us and not everyone deserves where they are, contrary to popular belief. You never know, next year you or I could be begging for food because of a circumstance that was beyond our control.
2007-05-08 20:06:38
answer #8
answered by vladimir s 1
i live in san bernardino , ca , so i can sometimes tell when the person is needy . the truth is i usually see them at gas stations and they will ask for some change if they do my windows . well i am very genorous but not stupid . i ask them what happend to get them in this position , if they dont want to tell me i know its not worth it for them to get the money .
2007-05-09 05:12:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i give what i can..for instance if i have 20 dollars ill give the needful person 15 of my twenty to make sure they can get food....i believe in charity and then some....im not a greedy selfish person....my values aren't bound to financial materialities....i seek richer rewards...
2007-05-08 20:09:52
answer #10
answered by o 2