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I will leave a link to how actual ethiopians look on my source so click the link just incase you have the whole stereotypical africa in your mind lol.I have an ethiopian friend,helina once she was about to test her teacher told her ethiopians are others not black and made her erase black and put other.Many ethiopians consider themselves others because historically they're mixed with israelian or are the ancient egyptians they have there looks.True,they dont look like any other african not because there people got raped why do people assume this?This land was independent.Anyway please i beg dnt bicker about this saying there just as black as me or w/e cause if your a black american they ARE NOT any where near as black as you no offence but thats just a lie.Not all people in africa have to be called black.I think they should mark others arabs do call them "habesha" which means mixed.whaat do you think?

2007-05-08 12:19:08 · 8 answers · asked by Blondie. 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture


2007-05-08 12:21:34 · update #1


2007-05-08 12:24:15 · update #2

8 answers

They are not black they should mark others historically they are mixed they cant be black out of the blue.I completely disagree with the first response they dont look black at all..I think there is a variety to blacks but ethiopians and eritreans arent the variety,they're diffrent.I'm glad she stopped her from marking black though,smart teacher.Anyway people in life dont consider them black and they dont themselves just other black people fight for it so its all fine in the end!But ethiopians mark others.

2007-05-08 12:31:58 · answer #1 · answered by Kayla 1 · 0 1

Thank you Blondie for "getting it''. There is a severely limited view on Africa as a whole. People assume and they way they speak about it as a country when it's a continent. I feel this is an example where he should move on from the notions of "race" b/c this proves that all people in some extent do not share "physical characteristics" that nationally people share. America is also and example of this because the notion of "white, black, Chinese etc. American" only accounts to nationality not race which is a social construct. It's important and vital that "race" is not a nationality, but a place where people share a common place of their sovereignty. I'm Nigerian but it does not mean anything only that Nigeria is is Africa like England is in Europe. The matter of my "race" does not make me less of more "Nigerian" but I am of "African decent" but it does not mean I am black. It can work when they is a person of suppose "English/ European descent" born in Africa say Ghana; but their loyalties and where they were born is Ghanaian, they come to America, in a sense they are "African-American" if they become a citizen. The point is that her situation means race does not exist but where you are from by means of place of birth and the culture you share is more important to use in identification.

2007-05-08 12:30:08 · answer #2 · answered by cynic 3 · 1 0

I think that what the school actually wanted was whatever was on their immigration/citizenship papers, because of the scholarship opportunities. If your friend is classified as black, then her scholarship opportunities skyrocket. The second she puts herself down as white, non-hispanic, or other, non-hispanic, in her case,then her choices instantly narrow down to the need-based scholarships and the few organisations that help non-white women. That is why the school asked, and why her teacher made her choose other.
Personally, I wish this distinction between scholarships did not exist, and the question was never asked. I also think that it is her choice to put whatever she wants, but she should be careful to pick one choice, and stick with it, instead of switching.

2007-05-08 12:30:37 · answer #3 · answered by Lana 2 · 0 0

They called black even the blond irish,just because where/who they were,even by the swarthiest of english men.
They can clap together as a "fraternal Race" the australians,dravidians or africans as "blacks" because their dark skins,even if their genes and culture are completely different.
Some people are limited of understanding at the time to recognize and learn from other peoples.They are usually monochrome,somewhat lucky if they see beyond their own shadow.

2007-05-08 12:41:10 · answer #4 · answered by Lucy,I'm honry! 4 · 1 0

Ethiopians look black to me.

However, if they want to be thought of as Arab or "other", that's their individual choice.

I think the push, often by whites, to see Northern African as other than Black is racist, denying that Blacks could be responsible for the "Culture Belt" that Northern Africa is part of.

2007-05-08 12:23:35 · answer #5 · answered by MNL_1221 6 · 3 1

writing about me?lol.Lana your completely wrong *i hope you read this* i was in the 7th grade lol,i had no scholorship chance then lmao shows you how low people will go to say "no she meant it the bad way" She told me my people are historically mixed but blondie explained that well.Black people always told me i was an other,uh she said my teacher said that not the school and my school was far from being racist.

2007-05-08 12:49:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have met Ethiopian people before and have eaten dinner in their home. They looked very much like they were African, but did not like African Americans at all.

2007-05-08 12:26:17 · answer #7 · answered by kyeann 5 · 3 1

i agree there should be other options on the test. At my school the test have the basic options but im mixed with 2 races and there isn't an 'other' option

2016-05-18 05:05:41 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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