No, you are perfectly fine.
2007-05-08 09:38:38
answer #1
answered by brillantbrunette 2
The average height for a man is 5ft 9” so I would say yes, you are short for a man.
However, the good news is, for a 15 year old male the average height is 5ft 6” so you are actually above average for your age.
And take it from some one that was one of the smallest guys in their class at 15 and is now 6ft 2” - you probably still have a lot of growing to do!!!
2007-05-08 09:49:01
answer #2
answered by The Maverick 2
You still have plenty of time to grow taller. Men can grow taller up until age 20 - 21. You may get a growth spurt. My nephew was 15 and 5 foot 2 inches. At that time, I went over 8 months without seeing him. He had grown 5 inches in that 8 months. I don't know how much taller he will get but I don't think he has finished growing yet.
Even if you don't grow, it won't be that big of a deal. 5 ft 7 is not really short.
2007-05-08 09:44:59
answer #3
answered by Patti C 7
That's not short at all. Actually it's quite tall for a 15 year old and you will grow even more anyway.
I'm 15 and I have loads of boys in my class that are only like 5 foot 2! Some smaller!
2007-05-08 09:41:10
answer #4
answered by aisling v 2
Well, I'm a month away from 17 and I'm still only 5ft 7. However, I know several adults shorter than me, and even if my friends are taller than me, chances are I'm stronger than them. So if it doesn't look like you're going to grow anymore, I'd say you should weight train. Either way, that's a pretty average height for someone your age. Maybe even a little taller than normal.
2007-05-08 09:49:13
answer #5
answered by rowd149 2
No, you're not short, well at least in my opinion. Five foot seven is actually a pretty good height. Well, I'm five foot 3 and I'm fourteen... you are pretty tall in my opinion. Don't listen to the jerk offs who tell you that... everyone is different. So what if you're 5 foot 7... you can still be a great person. Height and size don't matter. Its the personality that counts.
2007-05-08 09:44:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Boys haven't stopped growing at the age of fifteen. You won't be able to judge your height in comparison to other men until about four years from now. I don't think 5'7" is unreasonably short for a fifteen year old.
How tall you become is largely dependent on how tall your parents are. Don't worry; I assume you'll get to about 6' :)
~ Navtej Kohli
2007-05-08 09:42:43
answer #7
answered by Navtej Kohli 2
Honestly? By today's standard, that's a bit on the short side. But the good news is you still have plenty of time to grow. So don't worry about it. Some people grow a bit later.
2007-05-08 09:42:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No but if your 30 and stil 5 "7" that would fall right on the line of being short.
2007-05-08 09:41:56
answer #9
answered by Lakin J 3
Well you're taller than me ;) I'm a 21 yr old female and I'm 5'3" Everybody is different, just hang in there :) You are only 15 years old. This one boy I remember from high school was literally 5 foot until senior year he sprouted to 6 foot!!
2007-05-08 09:40:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Short...5 ft 7 is average. We all want to be the tallest and best at everything. Your height doesn't make you! You make you! Be positive, be happy, and don't let that crap get you down. 4 ft is short... you're fine
2007-05-08 09:56:09
answer #11
answered by countingjoel 2