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Anyone else think our kids are 'growing up' too fast? When I visited my elementary school I found most of the kids were disrespectful to authority, were wearing gangster clothes, cussed and the girls were sporting makeup. What do you think about all this? When will parents wake up?

2007-05-08 09:24:10 · 5 answers · asked by You Ask & I Answer!!! 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

I agree with you 110%! When I was in school, I remember learning my ABCs, reading, writing, etc. IN kindergarten. Nowadays, it seems like they're starting kids in pre-calc when they get to the first grade!

It's all computers and video games and TV. Parents are "too busy" to read to/play with their children, so they plop them in front of the TV, or buy them a new computer game or video game. Kids aren't dumb--they pick up on things VERY quickly and they remember them.

2007-05-08 09:59:44 · answer #1 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 0 0

I blame the media and the hype our children are fed to grow up before their time. Fortunately my family lives in a rural community and even though there are more problems than when I was in school it does not appear to be as bad as in an urban setting. My family and I try to teach our children moral values and to be respectful of their elders and themselves. I come from a family that does not have to wake up because we haven't gone to sleep. There are a lot more good kids out there that do not get media attention because they do not make as high a ratings for the network. People would rather shake their head in disgust over the "Bad" kids than watch a show showing all the wonderful volunteer projects that are being done by kids. Parents need to be involved, and listen to their kids.

2007-05-08 16:45:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a parent of a pre teen - I am simply appalled by what you have described! It's everywhere and I can't help but wonder why the parents don't step in, why do they give up? I grew up in a small town and now live in a big city and that was one of the things that shocked me the most about kids these days, I always worried my daughter wouldn't have what I had - like values and respect for her elders, compassion and empathy honesty but she does have what I have because it's with me and I pass it on to her - sadly parents aren't waking up and these children will do the same to their children and so on, I wish I knew what it would take to open their eyes.

2007-05-08 16:42:54 · answer #3 · answered by Kathy T 2 · 1 0

it is scary.also they are maturing much faster.girls and boys are going through puberty at younger and younger ages.the problem is while they are growing up too fast many of their parents havent.their parents still want to get drunk get high and party and sleep around.so many are raised in homes where they dont even know who their daddy is- that it is sad!no role models,no guidance,no religon! that is what is missing from our young peoples lives! i hope that there will be a positive change for our children before its too late!

2007-05-08 16:48:37 · answer #4 · answered by dixie58 7 · 0 0

Grown-ups have been complaining about the youths lack of respect, taste in music and clothes for over 2000 years. This is nothing new.

2007-05-08 16:35:17 · answer #5 · answered by Victoria T 3 · 0 0

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