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I'm thinking about ice cream and sex right about now. ( ^ _ ^ )

2007-05-08 08:13:51 · 10 answers · asked by Kooties 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

10 answers

I can't wait to hit the gym - Turbo Kick tonight! - and then chill with my friends.

2007-05-08 09:33:26 · answer #1 · answered by YSIC 7 · 1 0

Just had Ice cream...Thinking how much I miss my husband...

2007-05-08 15:19:16 · answer #2 · answered by Dixie 6 · 1 0

I am watching the Wayans Brothers and thinking a little too much about Marlon Wayans...

2007-05-08 16:45:47 · answer #3 · answered by fatbabyceesay 5 · 1 0

About getting me a second slice of sweet potato pie.

2007-05-08 20:41:59 · answer #4 · answered by cswint2000 5 · 0 0

I needs to go get my nails done oookay?

2007-05-08 15:25:34 · answer #5 · answered by chiquita aquanetta dishon 1 · 1 0

i am thinking "would i get those 10 points for answering this?"

2007-05-08 15:19:53 · answer #6 · answered by ARNAV 3 · 0 0

Wondering what to have for supper!@~

2007-05-08 15:17:15 · answer #7 · answered by nswblue 6 · 1 0

im thirsty and it's hot .

2007-05-08 15:17:22 · answer #8 · answered by Brunette Diamond 5 · 1 0

what different positions will we try 2 nite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-05-08 15:36:03 · answer #9 · answered by MS.MOCHA 4 · 1 1

About me: I am Rromani... that is also called "Gypsy" (an incorrect term). I have been spelling it "Romani" recently due to a particular PIA for a few months. Well, why? Hence, I am now using the spelling I prefer... "Rromani".

At the time of this writing, there have been 11 clones of me and 20+ accounts made to harass and stalk me. They are all the same dinlo Puyuria.

If a young Rromani needs help in an aswer or someone knowledgeable is needed, please email me and I shall come answer. Yahoo is not fun for me now so I come to help my people only for as long as this account stays up.

Si khohaimo may pachivalo sar o chachimo.("There are some lies that are more believable than truth.")

Kushti bok si nais tuke to my friends ("good luck and thankyou"). I would say something a bit harsher to my enemies but that would be a bit crude like "Bokh Khul", maybe "Tu Mindj" but I am too polite for that. :)


Opre Rroma.About me: I am Rromani... that is also called "Gypsy" (an incorrect term). I have been spelling it "Romani" recently due to a particular PIA for a few months. Well, why? Hence, I am now using the spelling I prefer... "Rromani".

At the time of this writing, there have been 11 clones of me and 20+ accounts made to harass and stalk me. They are all the same dinlo Puyuria.

If a young Rromani needs help in an aswer or someone knowledgeable is needed, please email me and I shall come answer. Yahoo is not fun for me now so I come to help my people only for as long as this account stays up.

Si khohaimo may pachivalo sar o chachimo.("There are some lies that are more believable than truth.")

Kushti bok si nais tuke to my friends ("good luck and thankyou"). I would say something a bit harsher to my enemies but that would be a bit crude like "Bokh Khul", maybe "Tu Mindj" but I am too polite for that. :)
About me: I am Rromani... that is also called "Gypsy" (an incorrect term). I have been spelling it "Romani" recently due to a particular PIA for a few months. Well, why? Hence, I am now using the spelling I prefer... "Rromani".

At the time of this writing, there have been 11 clones of me and 20+ accounts made to harass and stalk me. They are all the same dinlo Puyuria.

If a young Rromani needs help in an aswer or someone knowledgeable is needed, please email me and I shall come answer. Yahoo is not fun for me now so I come to help my people only for as long as this account stays up.

Si khohaimo may pachivalo sar o chachimo.("There are some lies that are more believable than truth.")

Kushti bok si nais tuke to my friends ("good luck and thankyou"). I would say something a bit harsher to my enemies but that would be a bit crude like "Bokh Khul", maybe "Tu Mindj" but I am too polite for that. :)


Opre Rroma.About me: I am Rromani... that is also called "Gypsy" (an incorrect term). I have been spelling it "Romani" recently due to a particular PIA for a few months. Well, why? Hence, I am now using the spelling I prefer... "Rromani".

At the time of this writing, there have been 11 clones of me and 20+ accounts made to harass and stalk me. They are all the same dinlo Puyuria.

If a young Rromani needs help in an aswer or someone knowledgeable is needed, please email me and I shall come answer. Yahoo is not fun for me now so I come to help my people only for as long as this account stays up.

Si khohaimo may pachivalo sar o chachimo.("There are some lies that are more believable than truth.")

Kushti bok si nais tuke to my friends ("good luck and thankyou"). I would say something a bit harsher to my enemies but that would be a bit crude like "Bokh Khul", maybe "Tu Mindj" but I am too polite for that. :)
About me: I am Rromani... that is also called "Gypsy" (an incorrect term). I have been spelling it "Romani" recently due to a particular PIA for a few months. Well, why? Hence, I am now using the spelling I prefer... "Rromani".

At the time of this writing, there have been 11 clones of me and 20+ accounts made to harass and stalk me. They are all the same dinlo Puyuria.

If a young Rromani needs help in an aswer or someone knowledgeable is needed, please email me and I shall come answer. Yahoo is not fun for me now so I come to help my people only for as long as this account stays up.

Si khohaimo may pachivalo sar o chachimo.("There are some lies that are more believable than truth.")

Kushti bok si nais tuke to my friends ("good luck and thankyou"). I would say something a bit harsher to my enemies but that would be a bit crude like "Bokh Khul", maybe "Tu Mindj" but I am too polite for that. :)

About me: I am Rromani... that is also called "Gypsy" (an incorrect term). I have been spelling it "Romani" recently due to a particular PIA for a few months. Well, why? Hence, I am now using the spelling I prefer... "Rromani".

At the time of this writing, there have been 11 clones of me and 20+ accounts made to harass and stalk me. They are all the same dinlo Puyuria.

If a young Rromani needs help in an aswer or someone knowledgeable is needed, please email me and I shall come answer. Yahoo is not fun for me now so I come to help my people only for as long as this account stays up.

Si khohaimo may pachivalo sar o chachimo.("There are some lies that are more believable than truth.")

Kushti bok si nais tuke to my friends ("good luck and thankyou"). I would say something a bit harsher to my enemies but that would be a bit crude like "Bokh Khul", maybe "Tu Mindj" but I am too polite for that. :)


Opre Rroma.About me: I am Rromani... that is also called "Gypsy" (an incorrect term). I have been spelling it "Romani" recently due to a particular PIA for a few months. Well, why? Hence, I am now using the spelling I prefer... "Rromani".

At the time of this writing, there have been 11 clones of me and 20+ accounts made to harass and stalk me. They are all the same dinlo Puyuria.

If a young Rromani needs help in an aswer or someone knowledgeable is needed, please email me and I shall come answer. Yahoo is not fun for me now so I come to help my people only for as long as this account stays up.

Si khohaimo may pachivalo sar o chachimo.("There are some lies that are more believable than truth.")

Kushti bok si nais tuke to my friends ("good luck and thankyou"). I would say something a bit harsher to my enemies but that would be a bit crude like "Bokh Khul", maybe "Tu Mindj" but I am too polite for that. :)


Opre Rroma.


Opre Rroma.


Opre Rroma.



Opre Rroma.



2007-05-09 11:48:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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