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The experience factor keeps coming up at the mention of Senator Barack Obama. In all fairness to Senator Barack Obama: Does he really have any less experience than the other candidates? What really qualifies as experience for the top job in the country? What experience did President George Bush bring to the table before taking the oath of office? Why is our country so divided today? Was it because of experience or inexperience?

2007-05-07 17:03:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Elections

10 answers

It is really quite simple.

All Barack Obama needs to do is convey the fact that he will consult the widest range of professional opinions from within his own political party and from outside of it.

PRUDENT RESTRAINT and GENUINE PROFESSIONAL CURIOSITY are the two main ingredients for a leader to do the right thing.

The Bush/Cheney administration is a deliberately secretive enclave of power that is so full of hubris that even members of the Republican party have been left out in the cold.

As a Democratic president, LBJ made the same political blunder.

Our representative democracy is not designed to operate that way.

You must remember that Dick Cheney is intent to restore the power of the IMPERIAL PRESIDENCY.

The book that John Dean is currently working on deals with this topic.

The attempts to restore the power of the IMPERIAL PRESIDENCY are at the heart of everything the current Bush/Cheney administration is doing.

This is the hidden underlying theme at the root of the political struggle currently taking place within our government.

When Robert S. McNamara was offered the job of Secretary of Defense he claimed he didn't have any experience for the job and President Kennedy replied that " there is no school that you go to to learn how to be President either"

JFK was right.

He was a life-long reader of history and had a healthy curiosity about how everyone felt and thought about everything.

He was always open for input and his ego allowed anyone to completely dispute and challenge any of his own conclusions or opinions.

Barack Obama seems to have the same healthy political instincts and open mindedness that served as leadership assets for JFK.

The decision to go to war must be a SHARED DECISION that must not be a hasty decision like the war in Iraq ended up being.

This was Dick Cheney's last go around in power and he saw a highly maleable figure in Geoorge W. Bush and a golden opportunity to weild power from behind the scenes.

Dick Cheney has already been acknowledged as being the most powerful vice-president in our history.

The rest of the neo-cons won Bush's ear and the subsequent scenario is the horribly inept leadership and historical nightmare we currently see playing themselves out.

Don't expect Barack Obama or most Republican candidates to make these same blunders of hubris.

Read the three most recent books by CHALMERS JOHNSON

2007-05-07 18:14:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

The idea that Obama has no to not enough experience is foolish and just an excuse,he actually has been in politics awhile at least 1996 and has to know more before that.
That is just what we need someone who has not been tainted by the "we like it just how it is boys"
It doen't take long to learn the dirty tricks game and he has the kind of mindset that won't put up with it.
We need to get some of those good ole boys out of there,the ones who have left rearend impressions on their leather chairs,the ones who stuff their pockets with our money,the ones who lie outright to the people,he will do those things.
Of course they the good ole boys will try and stop him,like they did the Clintons,when Hillary was put in charge of getting the nation healthcare,they were stopped cold,now we have 46.7 million people without healthcare,8 million children,and millions more like myself with almost useless stuff,
All these people are doomed to unhealthy early deaths,even the children.
Obama needs to talk to everyone work the hardest,young,old retired,bible belt etc.
We can not take a bright young preson out of colledge anymore and have them run,the good old boys have seen to that by makeing it a muti million dollar deal,so Barack has made it through all that,which shows experiece and inteligence.
Scrub brought nothing to the table and he's leaving with even less.
This country is not even close to being divided as it was during viet nam.
Many people I'm sure do not want to go through seeing pictures of us running for our lives out of nam,filling planes with people who would surely be killed if left behind,many were.
Experience Obama has it,inexperience George Bush is still showing it today.

2007-05-07 18:10:29 · answer #2 · answered by writerfour 3 · 0 1

I suppose Oprah is backing Obama seeing that he is black, and the truth that she concurs with the best way he says he will run the nation is moment. Remember, Oprah would not have whatever to do with Condi Rice, who's probably the most robust girl within the nation and who's black. The cause is seeing that Oprah disagrees with Ms. Rice's affairs of state and seeing that Ms. Rice is larger expert and extra influential on the earth than Oprah is. Oprah might on no account be within the presence of any person whom she is aware of is above her. And I will upload this, I do not suppose Oprah is black anymore. She's an overvalued, overexposed, self-main wealthy girl who was once born and raised in America and grew to be a billionaire within the nation she was once born in, however come what may she thinks that Africa is her dwelling and Nelson Mandela is her relative. Even if I cherished Obama, I would not vote for him seeing that Oprah is endorsing him. No method is Hollywood or tv going to have an impact on how I suppose or act, and I suppose Obama is creating a tremendous mistake by way of campaigning along with her. He's a schmuck.

2016-09-05 11:54:25 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

He doesnt have to convince all voters, just registered democrats in Iowa, New hampsire and where ever else the dems have their caucuses.

That said, if he can beat out Hill and get the democratic nomination, he will be president, no question.

But hillary is like shaq, she is beatable, but she wont go down without a fight. Notice she has already played the woman card. Knowing how scary the dems are they will pick her BECAUSE she is a woman, not because of issues.

2007-05-07 19:19:16 · answer #4 · answered by whatwouldyodado2006 4 · 0 0

Being a Senator, Barack Obama has the experience to show that he could become a President. Experience is not even a qualification under the Constitution to become a President.

VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

2007-05-07 18:09:58 · answer #5 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 2

I don't think you're helping your argument when you compare Obama to Bush. Poor Obama!
Personally I think he has some advantages - like authenticity, intelligence, a kind of home town appeal, his position on the war, his good nature. But he does seem to be a little inexperienced. I would welcome him as V.P. and feel that he might make a very good candidate after 4 or 8 more years.

2007-05-07 17:14:13 · answer #6 · answered by Zelda Hunter 7 · 0 1

its more than experience. if you have ever listened to him speak, you will realize that it is nothing more then a lot of flowery tired cliches. empty headed pie in the sky nothingness. i subscribe to his blog and read it. so far, there is nothing to impress me. all i know for sure is that he is that he is a good speaker and he is for partial birth abortions which in my opinion makes him definitely NOT a man i will choose to represent ME in the white house, among other things.

2007-05-07 17:39:45 · answer #7 · answered by Mustardseed 6 · 0 0

First and foremost, in my mind anyway, he should renounce all socialist tendencies. Then, he should respect the Constitution for what it is, and for what it was intended to be. Then, he should become an Independent. Only then will he become competent in my eyes.

2007-05-07 19:12:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1) Accomplish something.
2) Lead something.

2007-05-07 18:51:52 · answer #9 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

wait serve America and 4/8 yrs try again
sure looser in 08

2007-05-07 17:11:09 · answer #10 · answered by BUILD THE WALL 4 · 0 0

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