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16 answers

Most of them stem from belief in the Bible, lingering racism, disregard for their fellow man, an uneducated view of the world outside the U.S., and fear of anything that changes the way they live or percieve the world.

Conservatives are conservatives because they don't want change.

Their disregard for science (including evolution, environmental protections, and global warming).

Opposition not only to gay marraige but to any kind of civil unions or civil rights for any gays.

They think everything should be privatized, that the market can solve aaaaall of America's problems.

They are speculative of any immigrant who tries to come into THEIR country.

Most importantly is the disregard for change. The goal of the United States is to always strive for a more perfect union. Instead of progress, many conservatives would rather us go back in time to a country that was much more moral and white (even if that place only exists in their minds).

2007-05-07 15:44:02 · answer #1 · answered by Frank 6 · 2 0

Briefly stated, they want to go back to the way things were before Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, and unfortunately, the world has moved on. What is the Iraq War but an attempt to force 19th century colonialism on a country that has absolutely no intention or reason to allow itself to be subjugated by an exploitive colonial power? And conservatives want to do away with unions and work rules and safety rules and inspection of food and to privatize as much as possible which includes things like public water supplies--very dangerous, stupid ideas that have nothing going for them, no basis in reality at all, just ideology. I was a conservative once. I know it is numbskull anti semitic and racist b.s. If the New Deal had not worked so well people would not now have the surplus time and surplus money needed to support such nonsense.

2007-05-07 22:43:07 · answer #2 · answered by jxt299 7 · 3 0

Neither the Conservatives, nor the Liberals give a damm about the American public. All they care about is getting re-elected. They will say anything to the public to get elected, but they only do what the people with the money say. You know it, as does the rest of the country . It will be impossible to change this unless we do away with the money aspect of elections and run all elections via PBS or Public Service Announcements. Hell, the public owns the airwaves, the government just gives the networks the right to use them for a price. Its so simple, that's why the politicans and money men won't buy it.

2007-05-07 22:50:39 · answer #3 · answered by Frank Haley 1 · 0 1

As a conservative, I would say the conservative philosophy is largely awesome. But I don't like some of the inflexibility conservatives show. If another plan makes sense, go for it. Don't go down with the conservative ship just to toe the party line. The patriotism might be a little too rampant also. I also think that on an international scale, the conservatives are a little too realist in their perspective and should be more willing to give organizations like the UN a chance. Even if the world is going to hell in a handbasket, we should still TRY to pull together, shouldn't we?

2007-05-07 22:42:06 · answer #4 · answered by Mrs. Eric Cartman 6 · 2 2

Conservatives think that they can get someone more conservative than Bush in office, though Bush is relatively "liberal" in his social welfare programs (even if they don't work).

Sadly, they still hold a solid voting block and the Republicans are afraid to lose some of their support base if they endorse candidates with more challenging ideals than religion and big business.

(Ironically the Dem's are still playing the game badly, and still not getting substantial support).

2007-05-07 22:45:45 · answer #5 · answered by Kero 1 · 2 0

We Conservatives are not holding back America. Nothing is holding America back except for conflict. In politics there are two sides to everything, we call on side the thesis which is what already exists, the people that support this thesis are conservatives, and directly opposing what exists is the antithesis supported by the liberals, the meeting of the two ideals is called a synthesis because a compromise is reached. it is the natural law of politics. Instead of just talking about things you see on the news and making an uneducated statement about them try to get informed about some of the more serious problems facing the nation. We are supporting the Sugar Cane growers by upholding the embargo on foreign sugar that has been in effect for years but at the same time letting our other agricultural industries like citrus, beef, and vegetables suffer as they are forced to compete with foreign countries that can produce these crops for much less because they do not pay expenses like workman's compensation and don't have to pay their workers as much money as we do here As far as stem cell research goes I'm not going to tell you what we should or shouldn't do, everyone has their own set of morals, but think about it this way, if we extend life expectancies of humans it will lead to overcrowding, and the United States will end up like China, only being allowed to have one child per family, so what do we want a bunch of 100 year old washed up rich people hanging around the country of for things to continue being perfectly fine the way they have been since the beginning of time. People are born and people die, its natural, we need to face the realization that eventually we will all die. But as far as the statement goes about Conservatives holding back the progress of America that statement is completely biased and untrue. Several people have made some uneducated remarks on here. Such as the Conservatives are trying to mix church and state together, but the country was founded by men of religion. The men who founded the country were members of The Free Masons, the dollar bill is the best example of this. The inscription "E pluribus unum" means one out of many. This was written to describe the emergence of The religion of the free-masons as being the one best religion among the rest and that it will emerge as such in the future. The pyramid with the eye symbolizes the watchful eye of god on top of the most stable geometric structure (the pyramid), which represents the United States. What I'm saying is this country was founded on religious principles and will be guided by such principals for the foreseeable future. As for you so called atheists, who sit upon your intellectual high-horse, you are just as wrong as those who believe in god because just as there is no substantial proof of god's existence there is also no substantial proof that god does not exist. Religion only serves as a moral guideline that influences our decisions. As for separation of church and state, the political leaders that are elected have the responsibility of representing the voters. If they are making decisions based on their religious beliefs they are representing those who elected them, which means they are doing their job, if you don't like it don't vote for them. Gay Marriage only affects one type of person, those who are gay and wish to seek a civil union, so unless you are gay this issue really does not affect you. So rather than whining and being part of the problem, become part of the solution, it is up to us to come up with new ways to better the government, playing the blame game solves nothing.

2007-05-08 00:12:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Which conservatives?

Religious conservatives, or secular Goldwater conservatives?

Define, please.

There's a big difference. To Goldwater conservatives, those called "Neo-Cons", are extreme liberals. So are people who wish to push their religious or pseudo-science beliefs down our throats.

They and their socialist friends are not the ones who built this nation. Real conservatives value the freedom of the individual, and dislike the idea of huge, all-powerful State.

Now excuse me while I figure out what to do with the mercury contamination from this broken Chinese-made CFL...

2007-05-07 22:49:51 · answer #7 · answered by Boomer Wisdom 7 · 2 1

None. Conservatives are not in charge. Bush is no conservative. The last Congress run by Republicans did not have a conservative majority.

Conservatives do not have a way to get our agenda pushed.

2007-05-07 22:41:39 · answer #8 · answered by Chainsaw 6 · 3 2

Republicans are conservatives are the same people who voted for the Repub congress and ****&bush

let's start with curtailing freedoms, defying the constitution, ignoring public opinion, illegal wire taps, illegal invasion of soveriegn countries which makes the world hate us and messing up all the sympathy after 9/11 + not apprehending the terrorists who attacked congress with anthrax after 9/11

2007-05-07 22:40:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Holding America back?

2007-05-07 22:39:07 · answer #10 · answered by Billy 3 · 8 4

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