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Where can I find the national pokedex and where is pal park?? I want to trade pokemon from my Leaf and Ruby version using the DS. HELP!

2007-05-07 13:27:37 · 4 answers · asked by Serena 1 in Consumer Electronics Games & Gear

4 answers

First you have to get the National Pokedex. You do this by first winning the League Championship. After that you will wake up back in Twinleaf Town. After you have battled every trainer, visited all the optional areas, and attempted to catch the three mirage pokemon, then you need to go to Cynthia's grandmother in Celestic Town to earn the final Sinnooh Pokedex entry.

After that, show your completed Pokedex to Prof. Rowan in Sandgem Town. When you do that a visitor in Rowan's lab will upgrade your Sinnoh Pokedex to the National Pokedex.

After you have the National Pokedex the Pal Park at the end of Route 221 will open.

2007-05-10 21:40:21 · answer #1 · answered by mtnflower43 4 · 0 0

In order to get the National Dex, you must see the 150 Pokémon that are part of the Sinnoh Dex. Once you've done that, you go back to Sandgem Town and talk to Rowan in his lab.

Once you get the National Dex from Oak in Rowan's lab - go south to the beach and it'll lead to a water route so surf and head ease and you'll eventually find Pal Park.

2007-05-08 21:16:26 · answer #2 · answered by MattM 7 · 0 0

First off...You have to beat the game and at least SEE all 150 pokemon first(basically battle everyone and explore every optional place >_<) and the Pal Park is off route 221,but you need your national dex first

2007-05-07 21:05:51 · answer #3 · answered by Kiki 1 · 0 0

go to ebay and look for pokey geeks and they will get u a lot of pokeymon games or just waste gas and drive around

2007-05-07 20:37:39 · answer #4 · answered by lacrosse_player33 1 · 0 2

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