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fair enough you want the points but cant you give a proper answer to the question aswell?
yes i know ive just dug myself a hole now! nevermind

2007-05-07 09:51:41 · 43 answers · asked by mowgligurl 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

just like to add that this question has absolutely nothing to do with my last question!
im not having a go at anyone for god sake!
and most of your answers having given me a giggle thank you

2007-05-07 10:04:08 · update #1

funnily enough i was nicknamed pingu at school and i have the highest respect for penguins so of course they were consulted

2007-05-07 10:06:32 · update #2

43 answers

Have you considered the perspective of the penguins on this?

2007-05-07 09:58:13 · answer #1 · answered by KatGuy 7 · 2 0

I don't know. I answer all questions as precisely as I can, and with as much information as I can. I take the questions seriously except when the question is obviously lighthearted, then that's OK. I do have a sense of humour too. But I think that overall I respect people, so I would never give some of the really rude, stupid and facetious replies that other respondents give. Wasn't brought up to it!

2007-05-07 09:59:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

haha. you just basically asked for random point moochers to give you rubbishy answers

i think that if an answer already has the right answer, they think 'well im not going to get best answer anyway, so why bother', and proceed with the quickest method of getting their 2 points which is 'the pig said moo'

i personally dont get the point on being on here for points. its not like anyone i know will care or even understand why there is a point system. i myself dont even know how many points i have. and i think i'm on level three... not that i care. i never did. im only on here to help people and get proper answers from people

if someone wants to leave 'my cats breath smells like cat food' as an answer, then let them. makes me smile anyway

2007-05-07 10:09:01 · answer #3 · answered by maraesa1000 5 · 1 0

lol...i know the feeling but here is an answer that isn't at randomness. I have heard the term trolls. I really don't know what that means. But people here that i have noticed that people are more her for the points than helping other people out. I have noticed this more on this category. i also like to answer ?'s on the pregnancy section. You don't see to many random answers there.

but i enjoy seeing everybody else's smart #ss answers. ; )

2007-05-07 09:58:56 · answer #4 · answered by mamma of 4 : ) 3 · 0 0

Well for me most of the time, I am friends with the person and its a joke between us. and sometime the questions don't deserve any other kind of answer, but then there are some like this that I do answer correctly

Ya gotta learn to laugh and laugh at yourself, do something random.

2007-05-07 09:55:39 · answer #5 · answered by Charisma C 5 · 0 0

Because darlin, life is serious enough as it is and if we cant have a little bit of light hearted humour on occasion then we might as put our heads in the oven. Does that answer your question. Good, Thought so

2007-05-07 09:58:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your going to find sometimes you get the answer you are looking for and sometimes a totally wierd answer. Also i suppose its how you ask or the other person reads you question. Ta Da.

2007-05-07 09:57:31 · answer #7 · answered by scragatag 4 · 0 0

I didn't answer you last question randomly, I answered how I thought best, I still stick with what I said but will add that one man beating another up over what he did to you makes him just as bad in my opinion.

2007-05-07 09:56:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because often times the random answer makes up for the lame question.

2007-05-07 09:57:04 · answer #9 · answered by jack jagger 5 · 0 0

Uhm no? there is not any reason to appeal to close ducks from baobab wood! I propose come on. Have some undemanding courtesy. merely by fact they did little issues,, like slicing your toe nails too short, or no longer offering you with all the substitute, it does not lead them to undesirable ducks! they have a twisted humorousness...

2016-10-04 12:46:29 · answer #10 · answered by heusel 4 · 0 0

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