just be yourself.. being true to yourself is a sign of confidence.. and when you are confident, friends comes over.. dont act like you dont know what to do or else they would get over you.. speak up and just have fun..
2007-05-07 09:49:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
well it really depends on where you live but id say no matter where you go jus make sure to pick GREAT friends who you can talk to about n e thin and who you know will really have your back if you need them cuz the time will come. =] also jus be yourself cuz one you start tryna act like somethin or someone you're not its hard to stop and that can get you into some real trouble. dont give into peer pressue in regards to drug, sex, and similar stuff. you'll find yourself in a bad place and it may be too late until you realize what went wrong. lucky for me i got a wake up call when my friend got pregnant but not everyone gets that call. also just have fun. dont stress too much. have fun but not TOO MUCH fun. its funny that im saying this cuz i still have a year of hs to go but this is what i've learned so far.
2007-05-07 19:21:53
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Just be yourself. If your a nice person and I'm sure you are, other nice people will like you too. Antics are good. They keep life from getting boring. I've been a bit of a hermitt in my life too, so I can relate to your nervousness. Try to relax. You'll get used to being around people again. It won't take long.
2007-05-07 16:50:04
answer #3
answered by Maggie M 2
You are probably not as out of touch with peers and high school culture as you fear. You can proceed quietly for a while and observe, but the single most effective thing you can do is to be the first to turn the joke on yourself. People respond favorably to those who can laugh at themselves.
2007-05-07 16:51:48
answer #4
answered by and_y_knot 6
Im a senior...These 4 years have been the BEST of my life. My best friend always stuck together, were friendly with everyone, even started up conversations with random people, made corny jokes and played pranks on teachers and just had FUN in our own absurd ways. And everyone loved us (or atleast from what they showed) So thats about it. Have fun and meet people who your comfortable with and who motivate you to do well and be a good person...
2007-05-07 17:17:10
answer #5
answered by Satellite Eyes 6
Oh don't worry..... you will blend in perfectly...real high schools are not like the ones you see in TV.... you will find many types of students....there is no real rule...ultimately you want to behave to others in what you feel is the right way...so be nice to everyone..and don't be mean to anybody...or even worse completely ignore the 'non-cool ones'...as you will later will feel bad about it
good luck
2007-05-07 16:51:33
answer #6
answered by Mysterious 1
Just be yourself. What's wrong with being eccentric? If you're nice and friendly to people, they may find they like you in spite of themselves. If you like who you are, their opinions won't matter, and you may have an easier time making friends.
When you are content to be simply yourself
and don't compare or compete,
everybody will respect you.
--Tao Te Ching
2007-05-07 16:49:49
answer #7
answered by KC 7
well it really depends on where you gonna be in skool...maybe the last sentence you said would be kind of wired....email me where u going to skool and i will tell you what i think...but being yourself is the easiest way to go
2007-05-07 16:50:56
answer #8
answered by bkmami4eva1 1
plz you not coming fron another planet !. just be yourself
2007-05-07 16:56:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous