i'd be impressed. 1- it takes a strong willed guy to stay a virgin that long. 2- it takes an even stronger one to admit it.
2007-05-07 09:33:42
answer #1
answered by karissa 2
I would be happy to hear that he trusted me enough to tell me, and glad that his entire life did not revolve around trying to randomly inseminate women. But obviously this kind of thing does make you wonder why the departure from popular culture- was he shy or did he have social problems finding a gf or strong personal value or did he just concentrate on career or is it a religious thing...either way, the reason why is more impt than the fact itself. And there are many commendable reasons why he stayed a virgin. Prostitutes and "easily available partners" are everywhere- if he wanted to lose his virginity he could have, easily...so I just see it as an independent streak (unless it was a psychological timidness that kept him a virgin).
Also a bonus- likely STD free!
2007-05-07 09:39:48
answer #2
answered by ella 2
I don't find it odd.
About half of the guys I dated were virgins. My first husband was a virgin at 23. I think it's fine. I think it's normal. And, I think it is more common than what society wants us to think. Females, also, virgins well into their 30's.
We don't want unplanned pregnancies, std's or Aids. It's a smarter approach to wait until marriage. There are over 15,000 people under 25 who contract Aids per day. Most are in Africa, because it is falsely believed by some cultures that if a man has sex with a virgin, his Aids will be cured. That is one of the reasons that Aids is so rampant in Africa. Its a very sad state of affairs.
050707 3:40
2007-05-07 09:42:14
answer #3
answered by YRofTexas 6
It all depends on what the realtionship was like... If we were casually dating or in a serious relationship. Most of all honesty is key, chances are she will find out rather quickly. I would appreciate the honesty and be flattered that he was chosing to confide in me with as it is a pretty personal thing. I think some women would even find it a turn on. It really wouldn't bother me.
2007-05-08 17:05:10
answer #4
answered by Me, again 6
In this day in time I wouldn't be so sure that I would believe him at first but after I got to know him I would be able to make a better judgement call if he really is a virgin or not.
2007-05-07 09:42:19
answer #5
answered by Lulu 3
Most guys hanging onto their virginity are just scared. I know when I got divorced and was back out there I was petrified of getting a social disease.
It's not a numbers game for volume. It's a numbers game for how long you can keep one good woman.
2007-05-07 09:39:19
answer #6
answered by Your Uncle Dodge! 7
I would talk to him for a while and see if he was planning on staying that way til marriage or what. I wouldn't mind being with a virgin but I always want to make sure that his first time is special.
2007-05-07 09:36:18
answer #7
answered by angelofgothic 6
I'd wonder why, if it was because he was saving himself til he was married I'd run a mile, but if it was because he had'nt met anyone good enough then I'd think good for you. Theres too many bloke & women in this world who sleep with anything that gives them the eye, it would be a refreshing change to meet a man who respected himself as well as women!
2007-05-07 09:35:24
answer #8
answered by ShesElectric 3
Sweetie,actual that doesnt count to me.Sexual companions or the shortcoming there of does not make a guy or woman.there is not something incorrect with it in any respect,and that i wouldnt locate it unattractive in any respect.i could flow on approximately our dating like a mature grownup.A dating shouldnt be consistent with that on my own.Your attraction to a guy or woman,additionally shouldnt be consistent with that on my own.stable luck hun,and have a stable day!!
2016-10-15 00:55:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Just cos hes a virgin it doesnt have to go against him. If he was very handsome and I found him irresistable lets just say if he came to me a virgin...he would leave as a man :D
2007-05-07 09:48:19
answer #10
answered by Marilyn's Sister 3