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It's raining were I live for the next three days (or so they say). And I feel this is perfect weather for a sci-fi marathon. So, if you please, the best that Sci-fi has to offer.
I'm open to anything.

2007-05-07 08:49:24 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

30 answers

Blade Runner
The Matrix
V for Vendetta
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Invisible Man
2001 A Space Odyssey

Hope this helps! : )

2007-05-07 08:53:52 · answer #1 · answered by anicoleslaw 5 · 4 0

Blade Runner, Solaris, 2001 A Space Odyssee, the (original) Star Wars Triology, Alien, Aliens, Terminator 1, Robocop, 12 Monkeys, Star Trek 1 (lots of people don't like it, but I did). Don't know if this counts, but The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2). Technically it's post-apocalyptic, but I think it fits.

There is some great sci-fi anime out there. Ghost in the Shell, Battle Angel Alita, and Akira are all classics.

(Kudos to the other people answering coming up with some classics that I've forgotten about.)

2007-05-07 08:57:51 · answer #2 · answered by Underground Man 6 · 2 0

The original Star Gate movie with Kurt Russell
Independance Day
The Fifth Element
12 Monkeys
I Robot
The Matrix movies
Star Wars movies
Alien vs. Predator
Time Cop
The X-files movie.
The Lost Room (miniseries)

2007-05-07 08:57:49 · answer #3 · answered by missy 3 · 2 0

Blade Runner
Minority Report
The Fifth Element
12 Monkeys
Dark City
Total Recall

2007-05-07 08:56:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Event Horizon- this is one of the best sci-fi horror flicks ever! it's like a haunted spaceship type thing
Cube 2
Cube 0- the Cube movies are just damn good movies. these people wake up in these cube shaped rooms that have a door in each wall that leads to more identical rooms. they don't know how they got there or how to get out, but along the way they start running into other people, and then everything just goes downhill from there. check them out!


2007-05-07 09:14:17 · answer #5 · answered by SpookyBoy 2 · 2 0

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the remake, with Donald Sutherland)

Logan's Run (good for a laugh, although it's "1970s serious"

Galaxy Quest (good for many many laughs, on purpose)

Enemy Mine (as someone else said--really nice movie)

Starman (romantic sci-fi)

The Last Starfighter (kid-oriented sci-fi, but entertaining)

2007-05-07 09:01:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Brazil, then Star Wars I to III, then Logan's Run.

Why only Sci-Fi?

Hitcock's The Birds is great for hiding under the duvet!

2007-05-07 08:56:53 · answer #7 · answered by Jeeves 3 · 2 0

The Matrix, Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Forbidden planet, The Day the Earth Stood still, are all great scifi flicks. Forbidden Planet and The Day the Earth Stood Still are scifi classics.

2007-05-07 08:55:57 · answer #8 · answered by cireengineering 6 · 3 0

Totally Star Wars!!!

2007-05-08 09:16:43 · answer #9 · answered by tman 1 · 1 0

I am a huge sci-fi fan and here is my recomendations:

The Twilight Zone Series... very popular, in black and white.. and it really makes you think.

Stargate - very popular as well with great visual effects

The Never Ending Story- One of the all-time exciting, visual fantasy.sci-fi visual effects ever with emotional aspects as well (grab a tissue!)



2007-05-07 08:56:08 · answer #10 · answered by Confused but hopeful 2 · 2 0

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