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Why hit kids? It doesn't teach them anything besides violence. I think people hit their kids just because they are bigger than them and it seems to be easier than actually disciplining them. I'm sorry but it pisses me off so much. People who hit kids are bullies who don't realize they have lost control.

2007-05-07 06:36:35 · 92 answers · asked by Johnny's Girl 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

Most of you are giving me well thought out and honest answers. I appreciate that. Some of you, probably the ones who beat their kids, and I mean beat not spank are in denial.

2007-05-07 06:56:25 · update #1

92 answers

Signs point to yes.

2007-05-07 06:40:23 · answer #1 · answered by bhbghgjbvmnbncvb 4 · 2 4

Hitting is one thing, spanking is another.
I was spanked as a disciplinary action as a child and I turned out just fine. These people who blame their "mental disabilities" or crimes on being spanked as children are nothing but whiny cry-babies looking for an excuse. As a matter of fact, I think more spankings should be given, especially to today's bratty kids. This might be a better place if kids today were shown a little stong discipline every now and then.
However, "hitting" is completely different. When a parent smacks or punches their child in the face (or something equally disturbing), they should be put under the jail.

EDIT: I can't believe some of the answers I've seen! Don't you people realize "the corner" is going to teach your kid absolutely nothing?!? Why do you think kids today are so rambuncious and keep doing things over and over again no matter how many times they're told to stop? They know all they'll have to do is sit in a corner for five measly minutes! When I was a kid and I did something wrong, I got a spanking for it and never did it again! When kids get spankings, they associate the pain with the action.

2007-05-07 06:46:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I believe that some kids need a little swat on the behind. I'm not talking about beating a child, or hitting them with anything other than an open hand.
I discipline my children and very rarely spank, I did spank my 2.5 year old today. I didn't hurt him, it didn't even sting. But the next time I tell him he needs to do something and he doesn't I will threaten a spanking and you better believe he will stop.
My 6 year old was spanked a few times as a 2 and 3 year old, I never have to spank him anymore.
I am complemented on my parenting all the time. People in stores comment all the time how well behaved and polite my children are. People are often shocked when I take my 3 kids to a restaurant by myself and they sit through dinner and act like little gentlemen.
Kids today are rarely disciplined by their parents, they run wild and the parents are afraid to say no because god forbid their kids don't like them.
I would never spank another persons child, but there are a lot of times I would like to.

2007-05-07 06:46:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Depends on the age of the child. Putting age aside for a moment, if the parent hits first then the parent would be arrested for assault. Lying doesn't solve anything and people who deliberately lie to the police can get into trouble as well. It is called uttering forgery. Now back to the problem. If the child is a minor and hits the parent back only the parent will get into trouble. If said minor picks up an object to use as a weapon against the parent then the minor would be in more trouble than the parent. All this depends on the laws in the town and state. Fighting never solves problems in a family unit. Talking out the problems is better.

2016-05-17 10:38:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is so bogus. Teaches violence??, taught me if I were to do something wrong I was getting a consequence,(my butt getting whooped) I think Im a better person for it.

Thats the problem now a days is that parents aren't allowed to discipline the child and the child does what ever they want. Girls gets pregnant all she has to do is go to the state and sent a way with a check, medical and food stamps. Thats a consequence for getting pregnant at an early age?? most of the time the boyfriend runs off or stays with mom but doesnt get a job, cuz mama's got the money.

Guarantee if that girl had more discipline when they were younger they wouldnt be running the street, I don't even want to think of what would of happened to me if I cam home and told my parents I had gotten someone pregnant.

2007-05-07 06:46:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

it sucked of course but at times was effective and a deterrent to bad behavior it did teach me the wrong message at times: motivation through fear instead of understanding why certain behaviors were wrong
if parents don't hit there kids anymore they need to learn some kind of discipline in some way because it seems as though physical discipline is gone but has not be replaced by anything Good Luck To The Parents Out There I Know It Is Easier Said Than Done

2007-05-07 06:48:48 · answer #6 · answered by wLb129 5 · 1 0

There is a difference between spanking a child and "hitting" them.
Prior to the 1960's nearly every child faced the possibility of being spanked when they were disobedient, disrespectful, or being bad. And yet prior to the 1960's there were very few Virginia Tech/Columbine type shootings. There was less gang violence, and society seemed to function just fine.

As for hitting, you are correct, there is no reason to smack a child around. But a good swat on the rear for discipline is just fine.

2007-05-07 06:47:40 · answer #7 · answered by AirborneSaint 5 · 1 1

I was hit by my parents as a child sometimes when I was really naughty.
I don't see it as a sign of them losing control as such, sometimes children need discipline /other/ than a raised voice. If children are told off only by voice..they know they can get away with things.
I love my parents dearly, and feel that it is actually a way to discipline..since it taught me the lesson. I don't feel any remorse towards them or whatever because of it. I don't see myself as a violent person.
However, if the parents hit their children constantly for no reason then it is not necessary at all and I feel that is wrong.
Youths are causing more trouble today than ever before - more gun violence etc..my feelings on this are that it's because parents are being stopped from discipling children this way. Kids know they can get away with it.
It's laughable..they can just agree and say they won't do it again, but continue anyway..

2007-05-07 06:45:45 · answer #8 · answered by Lozza 2 · 2 1

Depends - i was disciplined as a child and i did have the occasion slap and shot across the head. Some parents do go over the edge sometimes. Most are just cuz of frustration and anger and unfortuantly the kids get the bad end of it. In other cases - the parents have a history of violent behavior and those need to seek help.
Thanks to that upbringing- I am the person I am today. I don't think i will be as aggressive with my kids, but it did keep me in line and teach me the value of discipline.

2007-05-07 06:50:08 · answer #9 · answered by Shiloh 5 · 0 0

I got whippins and I turned out fine, and yes I did learn from it... I learned if I do this something bad will happen. That grounding or putting in the corner doesn't really work, especially if you were poor growing up and didn't have much to get taken away or grounded from... and my mom was always at work so grounding was a joke I'd have my friends over until my mom was due home. There is nothing wrong with spanking your kids... but there is a line... so maybe your should specify what kind of hitting you are talking about, a hand to butt or fist to face...

2007-05-07 06:47:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I only got hit once in a blue moon when looking at me didn't work & punishment was not an option for my paticular action. I am a very well balance person. No I do not believe you should go around hitting your child for everything- and there such thing as child abuse. But if you pop their hand to stop them from touching a hot stove, because you have already told the child no, then yes. Spare the rod, spoil the child; and when your child gets to be a teenager & acts up- and learns "violence" from the streets & friends & comes home & takes it out on thier parents we wonder what happened. And what does "all black people should say yes", mean TomJ?

2007-05-07 06:45:31 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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