2007-05-07 05:00:10
answer #1
answered by ♣4x4 strikes back♠ 5
honestly, house work isnt really that important. as long as your house is clean its all good. dirty is different. Paying bills is different.
im reading this adolescent psyc book and it has a procrastination paragraph.
here is some stuff from it that might make you get up:
procrastionation can take many forms:
ignoring the task with hope that it will go away
underestimating the work involved in the task or overestimating your abilities and resources
spending enless hours on computer games and surfing the internet (hahaha because that is so you right now)
decieving yourself that a mediocre or poor performance is acceptable
substituting a worthy but lower proirity actvity. for example, you might clean your room instead of stydiyng for a test
the list goes on
here are good strategies for reducing or eliminating procrastination
acknowlege that procrastination is a problem- face your problem- think of how to solve ur prob
identify you values and goals
work on time management
divide the task into smaller parts
use behavioral strategies. Identify the diversions that might keep you from fucosing on your tasks and activities (like the internet in your case) note when and where you engage in these diversions. plan to diminish and control thier use. give yourself incentives like a reward if you do what you have to do.
use cognitive strategies- wacth for mental self seductions that can lead to behavioral diversions such as "i'll do it tomorrow". dispute mental diversions. for example, tell your self that if i get this done, i'll be able to better enjoy my time"
remember the internet will always be there when you finish doing what you have to do.
2007-05-07 05:18:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
poke....poke, get up from there!!!
hows that workin for ya?
do what i do and just set a time to get off the computer and start your housework.......for example
i will get off of this terrific computer at exactly 1pm and begin the housework. then at 1:30 i will take myself a little break to see if there are any questions that need my expertise. back to work @ 2pm and so on.
you have to realize house work is work and you my friend deserve a break.
enjoy your day!
2007-05-07 05:08:01
answer #3
answered by That Girl 4
I would poke you, but I need someone to poke me. I have schoolwork and have to go to class but can't seem to get away from the computer.
2007-05-07 04:59:49
answer #4
answered by misssunshine 4
*poke!* Happy days to you. Although housework *shudders* I do not blame you for not looking forward to. Smile. It'll get done.
2007-05-07 05:06:22
answer #5
answered by DanniGirl 2
I think maybe we could poke each other until we drew blood. I have housework to do to, but YA is EVER so much more appealing.
Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke... nothing is happening. Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke... ow...
poke, poke, poke...
2007-05-07 05:02:19
answer #6
answered by comet girl...DUCK! 6
I've just been poked, my Husband wants food so I'm off now. Just get off now with me and you won't feel like you are the only one leaving it may help.
2007-05-07 05:02:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'll poke you if you poke me.
I need to cook a pasta to take in to work tomorrow.
But as usual, I'm wasting my time on here.
2007-05-07 05:03:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no never! enjoy the day. play on the computer and do the housework real fast before your spouse comes home. no spouse? let the dirty dishes sit for a day. who cares.
2007-05-07 05:01:05
answer #9
answered by jezbnme 6
If you find someone to poke you, ask them to poke me too. I need to start housecleaning as well.
2007-05-07 05:01:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
i'll send my daughter over. Shes great at getting people off computers. Whenever I'm on, she comes over and tries to press the keys and move the mouse until I get off.
2007-05-07 05:00:05
answer #11
answered by Amanda 7