-Ending South African apartheid
-The fall of the Berlin Wall (11/9 1989)
-Ethnic cleansing in former Yugoslavia
-How the understanding of HIV/AIDs changed from 1980s to the present
-U.S. involvement in Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), and how that affects us today
-The Iran Contra scandal (1986 -- US sold weapons illegally to Iran, then used the money to fund a Nicaraguan terrorist organization called the contras)
2007-05-07 03:57:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Some inventions and innovations of the 1980s that shaped the culture:
1980: Sony Walkman
1981: Compact Disks hit the market
1982: The term 'Internet' is used for the first time. It means a system to connect separate networks of computers - a network of networks.
1982: Video keyhole surgery
1983: TCP/IP becomes the universal language of the Internet
1984: William Gibson coins the term "cyberspace" in his novel "Neuromancer." The number of Internet hosts exceeds 1,000.
1984: The system of “domain names” (such as Indiana.com) is created.
1984: The break up of the nation’s phone company AT&T into seven regional bells for local service.
1984: DNA fingerprinting
1985: First dotcom registered
1986: Laptop Computer
1987: Prozac hits the market
1988: First internet worm, 10% of online computers disabled
1989: Toaster becomes first appliance controlled over the internet
1990: First gene therapy (4-year-old girl with an immune disorder)
2007-05-07 04:00:26
answer #2
answered by Jerry 7
1980 (The year of Dallas)
1981 (The year of the Pac-Man)
1982 (The year of the Thriller)
1983 (The year of the Cabbage Patch doll)
1984 (The year of the Cosby Show)
1985 (The year of the benefit concerts)
1986 (The year of disasters)
1987 (The year of the baby)
1988 (The year of the CD)
1989 (The year of the Fall of the Wall)
Savings and Loan Scandal
Here are some facts on the infamous S&L scandal of the eighties which we are still paying for.
The Savings and Loan scandal is the largest theft in the history of the world.
Deregulation eased restrictions so much that S&L owners could lend themselves money.
The Garn Institute of Finance, named after Senator Jake Garn, co-authored the deregulation of the industry and received $2.2 million from industry executives.
Neil Bush, George Bush's son, never servered time in jail for his part in running an S&L into the ground.
Represenative Fernard St. Germain, who was head of the House of Representatives banking, co-authored the deregulation and was voted out of office after other questionable dealings and was sent back to D.C. as an S&L lobbiest.
Charles Keating, when asked if massive lobbying efforts had influenced the government officials, he replies "I certainly hope so."
The rip-off began in 1980 when the government raised the federal insurance on S&L's from $40,000 to $100,000 even though the typical savings account was only around $6000.
Some of the seized assets were a buffalo sperm bank, a racehorse with syphilis, and a kitty litter mine.
James Fail invested $1000 of his own money to purchase 15 failing S&L's. The government reimbursed him $1.85 billion in federal subsidies.
It sometimes took over 7 years to close failing S&L's by the government.
When S&L owners who stole millions went to jail, their sentances were typically one-fifth that of the average bank robber.
The goverment bail out will cost the taxpayers around $1.4 trillion dollars when it is over.
If the White House had stepped in and bailed out the S&L's in 1986 instead of delaying until after the 1988 elections, the cost might have been only $20 billion.
With the money lost from the S&L scandals, the government could have provided prenatal care for every American child for the next 2,300 years.
With the money lost from the S&L scandals, the government could have purchased 5 million average homes.
The authors of "Inside Job", a book about the S&L scandal, found criminal activity at every S&L they investigated.
Facts were taken from"Inside Job" and "It's a Conspiracy! by the National Insecurity Council.
2007-05-07 04:00:42
answer #3
answered by Lady Trey 3
The Asian Financial Crisis 1997+
The Indonesian Social and Political Crisis that occured during the Asian Financial Crisis and led to the fall of one of the worlds great dictators (President Soeharto).
The rise and fall of Pauline Hanson in Australia and the re-emergence of race politics in Australian political discourse.
The end of 80s pop and the rise of the grunge music in western culture from the early 1990s
Rwanda and Somalia
Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan during the 80s
US intervention in the Iraq invasion of Kuwait
Australian intervention in East Timor 1999
Demise of the Soviet Union
Collapse of the Berlin Wall
2007-05-08 21:39:21
answer #4
answered by roydunsfeld 3
How about the Ronnald Reagan presidential era? Selling arms to Nicaraugua was a good one. Osama Bin Laden was around then too. Oliver North went on trial for that and he went to college at S.u.n.y. Brockport. The Space shuttles were born and Star Wars by R.Reagan ended the reign of communist Soviet Union.
2007-05-07 03:55:24
answer #5
answered by thomas m 5
The Iron Curtain came down in the 80's, The wall separating East and West Germany came down.
2007-05-07 03:51:44
answer #6
answered by Colette B 5
When did the 1980's and 90's become history??? Wow, that makes me feel old and I'm only 25!!!
2007-05-07 03:53:59
answer #7
answered by *Droogie* 5
Ronald Regan's Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1985.
(Regan Amnesty)
2007-05-07 03:55:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
communication tchnology is associating surrealism with realism...and the fact it isnt removes the emotional conflict real communication ensues... my advise is dont read wilkepdia...unless u understand the contxt of vocab..and in brief txt IM LAN MSG TXT MSG EMAIL is all a way of diverting real time communication without havn to worry bout the consequence of action. And although protocol exists to main security...often esp emails and IM are the way to let in unwantd trojans, viruses, cookines etc that can cause the pc corruption, and mis use of data protection have fun x
2016-03-19 00:58:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
between the 1980's and 90's the was a young man who fought all the odds of racism and poverty to become something great .. his story was never told your media sounds like it would be a great place for it to be told. if your interested write to armory7777@yahoo.com. good luck either way. there was also bill clinton.
2007-05-07 03:58:55
answer #10
answered by christian g7 2