I like that they are all individual names so the triplets can grow up with their own identity.
I dont like it when people go for the "tracey, stacey, lacey" type group names for twins and triplets.
Why not see if you can get hold of a name book from your local library. Or try one of the websites, they also give the meanings and origins of the names.
babynames.com is quite good.
Happy name hunting (although I think the names that you have already chosen are lovely)
2007-05-07 02:21:51
answer #1
answered by bottomburps 4
Congrats. on the triplets. I like Chloe Naomi and Thea I think they go well together. I also Like Jake, and Luke don't really care for Rory for a both though, how about Reese, Riley, Robert, or Reagan?
2007-05-07 06:00:34
answer #2
answered by Lovemykids 5
Chloe, Thea and Naomi are great names
Luke, Jake, Rory are good names for a boy
Just in case
One girl, two boys
Luke, Jake and Chloe
Two girls and one boy
Chloe, Naomi and Jake
2007-05-07 04:36:32
answer #3
answered by Halo Mom 7
Thea, Jake, and Luke all sounds like nick names, or short for something.
Jake= Jacob
Luke= Lucas
Thea= Latia/ Theresa/ etc
So I would stay away from those.
And Rory not so cute, especially not for a BOY future MAN. It would be more for a girl, if anything/anyone. Please think this over.
Naomi is the only one that is descent. Chloe is ok.
How about:
Naomi Natalia Naveah
Nadaniel Noah Nolan
Chloe Chrysten Chelsea
Christofer Chandon Chase
2007-05-07 09:29:57
answer #4
answered by BE HAPPY! 4
I like Chloe, Jake, Luke, and Rory but not the other ones. What about: Chloe Danielle, Jake Andrew, Rory James or Avery Nicole, Jake Andrew, Chloe Danielle
2007-05-07 07:29:25
answer #5
answered by attheendofmyrope 4
i don't like Rory for a boy... even though it is a boys name it just sounds more feminine to me.
I don't like Thea at all...
all girls:Chloe, Naomi, and Miranda
2 girls 1 boy: Chloe, Naomi, and Luke
2 boys 1 girl: Jake, Luke, and Chloe
all boys: Jake, Luke, and Adam
2007-05-07 05:07:13
answer #6
answered by jessicamichelle 5
Well unlike everyone on the first page I LOVE THE NAME THEA
For the reason i new a beautifull girl named Thea and she was so inspiring and very strong and she would always appreciate her atmosphere and had a deep scence of who she was yeh she had plenty of bad moments like everyone but she was so great and for that reason the name thea sounds wonderfull to me and it is lovely to write in cursave. Unfortunatlly she moved away but she still keeps in touch with me But she was a trooper, a fighter, a daughter, a sister, A incredible and loyall friend and an INCREDIBLE dancer a talent like no other she brought tears to everyones eyes. Good luck im sure whatever you name them they will have all of theese trates so i hope all gos well with youre pregnancy.
Katie xoxox
2007-05-10 01:06:43
answer #7
answered by K.Wilson 1
I think they are all really lovely names. I think you've made some good choices there.
My Sister is called Thea, and I've never met anyone else with that name. It's certainly uninque, but not poncey like so many 'Unique" names.
Of course you could do what a lot of modern parents seem to do these days and just push a few random sounds together to make up a name? Lashon, Fabella, Shaquisha etc
2007-05-08 05:20:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I like all the names you have said, although Chloe seems to be really popular at the moment. I'm a teacher, and have taught lots of girls called Chloe, but not many children with the other names.
There seem to be lots of websites out there about baby names, including tips for naming triplets. I just put it into the google search engine and it came up with loads!
Good luck!
2007-05-07 02:29:25
answer #9
answered by joanne6855 2
They sounds really good. Don't forget you could have a mixture too so make sure that girls and boys names go together well.
Also remember that over the next 20 years you will be filling out hundreds of forms for your children, each one three times so stick to shorter names.
I like the fact you have chosen individual names rather than rhyming ones. I have twins and belong to a multiples club. Some of the mums have given matching names which might sound good but make it difficult for the children to have their own identity and been identified by others.
One mum has three identical girls, all their names are one or two letters different and all begin the same. They are always dressed the same and whilst looking cute no one can ever figure out who is who.
Stick to the names you have chosen, I think they are sound perfect and with the three names you have left over they will be ideal for the next little ones you have..........
Hope all goes well.
2007-05-07 02:25:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Chloe and Rory are cute names.
Girls: Langston, Bree, Aubrey, Brennan, Camden, Leslie, Kyra, Corrine
Boys: Declan, Jaden, Gavin, Liam, Desmond , Dominic, Trey, Logan, Cooper, Jeremy, Hayden, Jesse, Aiden, Reese, Morgan
Good luck and congrats!
2007-05-07 03:28:05
answer #11
answered by Fast boy + sexy boy + doglover 7