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2007-05-06 00:28:57 · 15 answers · asked by Brunaldo S 2 in Pets Fish

15 answers

I have answered this question by someone very recently..

There are many problems that would cause your fish to sit on the bottom of your aquarium. I will share with you the most common ones and the cures.

1# - Water Condition:
Good fish care means keeping the water in your fish aquarium perfect. High ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and a low pH will all cause your fish to sit on the bottom of your aquarium. Change about 25% of water.

2#- Parasites:
Use our Prazi-Pro for flukes. Dimlin for anchor worm and fish lice. Plus, a salt level of .3% for the small parasites, will or may also solve your problem.

3#- Strong Water Current:
Fish care means taking that extra step. Here's a problem very few people check. A strong water current in your tank will cause your fish to stay on the bottom of your aquarium. They do not like a strong current, it would be like putting you on a treadmill 24 hours a day!!.

Good fish care means not over treating. The worst thing you can do is start treating your fish with all kinds of medications before you rule out the above causes first.

2007-05-06 01:20:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 5

There can be quite a few reasons for this actually.
1. How long ago did you purchase the fish? If they're fish just purchased from a pet store, some tend to huddle as they aren't used to the open swimming space the home aquarium affords and are used to being bunched. This will pass.
2. Fish that are transferred to a new tank are often afraid and will scope out a corner where nothing can sneak up on it from behind and they have a view of anything approaching them.
3. Fish that are transferred to a new tank are stressed and take a while to acclimate to the tank and their new surroundings.
4. Goldfish are sensitive to light: if you have an aquarium with a lighted hood, make sure there are some floating plants (fake or real) to give them some shaded areas.
5. If there is no decor in the tank, they can't really navigate a new tank (again..if these are new fish to the tank) and will try to find a hiding space.
6. Have you checked the water parameters for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and PH? If any of these are "off", the fish will become stressed...some to the point of illness...some may actually die of poisoning.
7. If they're in the corner and their fins are drooping, not straight, this is a surefire sign of illness.

2007-05-06 08:52:22 · answer #2 · answered by Barb R 5 · 1 6

If it is not that they are new fish, or if you know the water conditions are right for goldfish, are they doing this constantly or only when you come in? If they see people, some fish will come over to one end of the tank (where people are) hoping to get fed. Tank size is important too, Are they in a small or large tank? Goldfish, while shown in bowls, really do better in a larger tank. They can be messy fish and need a lot of tank cleaning.

2007-05-06 02:26:52 · answer #3 · answered by guppy137 4 · 1 6

If your fish are new, they may still be getting adjusted to the new home. How long have you had them?

Do you use a filter or air pump? If they are hanging out at the top of the tank, there may not be enough oxygen for them. A filter will help keep their tank cleaner, and either the filter or an air pump will keep the water circulating so there's enough dissolved oxygen for them.

If these are fancy goldfish, with egg-shaped bodies and a double tail, they don't swim very well and will spend a lot of their time just resting where the current isn't as strong. Maybe if you use a filter, you can turn the flow down so they don't have to work as hard to swim.

This is a very common question on the fish forum. Most people find the cause as being one of the reasons I've listed above, or one from this website:(http://www.goldfishconnection.com/articles/details.php?articleId=145&parentId=12

2007-05-06 08:56:56 · answer #4 · answered by copperhead 7 · 3 6

What do you have them in? Is there a decent filter and enough room for them? Goldfish need at least 10 gallons of water PER FISH. They are extremely large waste producers and will get extremely depressed if their water conditions are bad. You should get your water tested at a local pet store for toxins and treat it accordingly. If you have them in a large tank and they're behaving this way I would still check your water conditions. Normally goldfish are pretty active.. check back here if everything tests normal. Give us more details. Good luck!

2007-05-06 03:26:19 · answer #5 · answered by Jewels 2 · 2 6

If water conditions are ok ,e.g. ph and phosphate levels are good, try pumping some air into the water (get an aquarium pump from pet shop), and do not over stock your tank, to many fish will create a stressful environment, also if you have tropical fish make sure your water is not to cold for them, if it is get an aquarium heater from the same store as the pump

2007-05-06 00:41:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

have you checked the tank conditions? it sounds like a PH problem.

the PH should be 7 - 8 for goldfish.
temperature should be 66F- 72F

you should check nitrites too.

tap water PH changes daily so every time you do a water change or clean the tank out you need to check the PH of the water you are going to add to make sure it is the same as the tank water. PH fluctuations will kill fish.

if tank conditions are normal, then i would treat for a bacterial problem. you can get bacterial medication from your local petshop.


2007-05-06 00:35:07 · answer #7 · answered by raspberryswirrrl 6 · 3 7

How many gallons is your tank? How often do you change the water? Is your water softened or not? How often to you feed them? What kind of filter do you have for the tank? How many fish do you have in the tank?

I could answer your questions if I knew more about your setup.

2007-05-06 00:41:55 · answer #8 · answered by AtOneWithNature 3 · 1 7

Well it depends if you just got them, if you did then they might just be nervous or scared, if you have any decorations in the tank take them out so that they can get used to the tank.
if your fish have been in the tank for a wile and their not new than MAYBE there's something wrong, my guess is that their scared. Like i said earlier if you have any decorations in the tank then maybe you have to many and they just can't move around.
Good luck

2007-05-06 02:11:53 · answer #9 · answered by emi 1 · 1 7

ya it happenwd with my fishes too..well i treid to decorate that place with some plants and colourful gravel..second pt might be they are afraid of light...try replacing the whole water which might liven them up.either of the 3 might be possible ..give it a try

2007-05-06 00:37:52 · answer #10 · answered by pope45918 1 · 0 5

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