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Whenever the slightest little things happens to me, its like I blow up. Someone will do something as simple as honking their horn at me and I totally freak. my heart is pounding so hard like its gonna pop outa my chest and Im breathing so hard and my fingernails are digging into the steering wheel like Im digging them into into their face.

Someone will say the slightest little thing to me and I will cry for hours about it. So hard I can barely even speak.

What do you think is making me act like this? Im clueless?

2007-05-05 12:34:57 · 5 answers · asked by joy 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

Anger is a response to threat -- you're intensely worried about losing something (safety, self-respect, a material gain, power, etc.). When you feel out of control, you absolutely hate that feeling and go ballistic.

Normally, these feelings are most intense in the teen and young adult years but diminish somewhat as we mature and become more self-aware and confident -- that is, if we address anger and manage it instead of letting it manage us. Sounds like you're doing that now by looking at yourself -- a courageous move.

To guess at why your response is so intense would probably mean working through your childhood development. You may have seen anger as the way people dealt with things. Or, ironically, if your parent(s) gave way to angry outbursts, you learned you could get your way by unleashing. Or, you were abused in some way and that increased your anger quotient and made you vow no one will ever do that again.

Understanding the source can give you a bit of a handle on things because you can challenge the underlying mistruth that you've come to believe. (Eg. If someone honks their horn at me, they are destroying me personally and I have to get back and stop them before they do.)

Regardless of the source you can still work at managing anger which can take quite a bit of work. A possible source is listed below (it's on a kidshealth website, but it's very applicable to adults of all ages).

Take care. Remember you're valuable no matter what others do around you.

2007-05-06 08:38:04 · answer #1 · answered by waldguy 4 · 0 0

And your name is Joy? Hehehe. You might have some problems. Or you're even just simply emotional with a short temper. Time of the month? If it continues, I suggest to see a doctor.

2007-05-05 19:41:38 · answer #2 · answered by your wonderwall 5 · 0 0

Social anxiety disorder, perhaps? You may have a chemical imbalance. A psychiatrist would be a good place to go.

2007-05-05 19:40:16 · answer #3 · answered by rabid_scientist 5 · 0 0

I was like that as well until starting on treatment for dysthymia (a form of depression.) That sounds like it right there.

2007-05-05 19:42:14 · answer #4 · answered by Danagasta 6 · 0 0

Hormone imbalance? Clinical depression?
Maybe neither, but please see a physician.

2007-05-05 19:38:22 · answer #5 · answered by nowyouknow 7 · 0 0

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